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trigger warning: mentions of mental illnesses and death

jimin cried as he exited the hotel as fast as he could, hot tears streaming down his face making his vision blurry. he remembered, he remembered everything.

19 years ago

"mom, why is noona crying like that? is she hurt?" 5-year-old jimin asked his mom while hiding behind her back, not daring to look at his screaming sister sitting on her bed.

tears were streaming down the girls face as she threw her hands into the air and let out an awfully loud scream. jimin's mom sighed and silently closed jisun's room door so she would be out of view for jimin.

"listen min, your sister is going through a hard time at the moment, especially now we need to stay together as a family, okay?"

2 years later

jimin was about to visit the jeon family that recently got a baby when he passed his kitchen, inside he heard his mom and dad talking with another man.

jimin being the curious kid he was, opened the kitchen door a little so he would be able to see and hear them better, there was his mom sitting with her head hanging low as his dad rubbed her back reassuringly. the other person inside the room was somebody jimin had seen before a few times, it was a man that had visited his big sister jisun a few times.

"i'm really sorry mrs park, i don't see any other way in which we could help your daughter."

jimin didn't understand what they were talking about, he got that it was probably about jisun, but why would she need help. was it because she sometimes got bad math grades?

"she is only 12 years old, is there really nothing else we can do? we're willing to do anything." his dad sounds as defeated as his mother looks at this moment and jimin was about to rush into the kitchen to comfort his parents when the man started talking again.

"this really is the only way, the other option would be to take jisun to a psychiatric institution. we can only avoid that with jisun taking these pills twice a day. a doctor will regularly check her to make sure the pills cause no damage to her body."

a choked out sob left mrs park's mouth, hearing the one thing she had always been afraid of hearing, the possibility of someone taking her daughter away from her.

jimin didn't know what a psychiatric institution was but based on his parent's reactions it couldn't be something good.

jimin knew that if he didn't want to get caught he had to leave now, so he made his way to the jeons, trying to forget the previous incident.

9 years later

"jungkookie, are you ready to go on our trip?" jimin called for the now 11-year-old boy, as he knocked on his room door. the younger was sitting on the floor, playing with some toys, but he immediately stopped as he heard jimin's voice.

jimin laughed as jungkook jumped up into his arms, "yes! i packed my luggage all by myself." he said proudly. jimin smiled and ruffled jungkook's dark brown locks.

the older stiffened as he heard jungkook's older brother junghyun entering the room. the latter never made it unclear that he couldn't stand jimin because of his sexuality and only accepted him because he was dating jimin's other sister jia.

jia was older than him by 2 years, but they never really were that close, jia first preferring to spend her time with jisun, and later with her boyfriend junghyun.

jimin never complained, preferring to spend his time with the little boy in his arms anyway. his sister had laughed at him because of that more than once, but jimin didn't care, jungkook was a sweet and funny boy even though they had an age difference of 6 years.

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