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"nervous?" taehyung asked with a big grin spread across his face. he had been watching jimin trying to sort his hair out for the past 15 minutes while nervously looking at his phone every minute.

jimin glared at his best friend, "oh i don't know taehyung. why would i be nervous today, it's only that i'll see jungkook again after a whole year, so no big deal at all!"

he then decided to turn his attention back to the task at hand, when suddenly his phone rang. jimin's heart skipped a beat as he saw that jungkook was calling him.

"won't you take the call?" his best friend asked after jimin still hadn't picked up his phone after the fifth ring.

it's not that jungkook and him hadn't had contact for the past year, even though they really tried to, in the beginning, they both just couldn't stand being so far away from each other without even talking on the phone. they had decided that one phone call per month would be okay, they both still had time to sort their feelings out by themselves, but also hadn't had to live the year completely without each other.

the calls would often last up to at least 4 hours, with jimin staying up extra early so they could talk with each other. they would talk about everything, from struggles to achievements and everything in between.

even with all the contact it still was nerve-wracking for jimin to finally see jungkook again after so long, he was afraid that he would fuck it up. he was afraid that maybe jungkook had moved on. he was afraid that they realize that they couldn't work it out as a couple. one thing sounding worse than the other.

jimin really wanted the thing between jungkook and him to work.

one deep breath later, jimin picked up the phone with his heart beating against his rib cage loudly.

"jimin! i was afraid you wouldn't pick up for a second." he heard his favorite, sweet voice exclaim. jimin's nervousness was immediately washed away. jungkook just had this calming effect on him, no matter how stressed out he felt, jungkook always made it better.

jimin had found himself in a lot of stressful situations in his life for the past year, but even just thinking about his jungkook made it all better again.

"i'm sorry jungkookie, i was just in the bathroom when you called. is everything okay? you landed safely right?" jimin asked, worried that maybe something went wrong with the long flight.

he heard jungkook chuckle at the other end of the line, "you worry too much hyung. i'm alright, yoongi and namjoon just picked me up at the airport and we are now driving to your home. i just wanted to check on you, to make sure you are feeling fine."

jimin couldn't stop a big smile spreading across his lips, jungkook just was too perfect. even after having traveled for so long, with the time zones probably taking a toll on him as well, he still made sure to check on jimin.

"i'm fine. don't worry about me, can't wait to finally see you again after so long." he then said, probably sounding like a lovesick, which he was.

10 minutes later jin and hoseok had also arrived at jimin's apartment and now they only had to wait for jungkook and his two best friends.

jimin wasn't as nervous anymore, he was only excited now, the call had reassured jimin a lot. he knew that they could work it out together, jungkook cared about him just as much as jimin cared about jungkook.

taehyung squeezed jimin's hand tightly as jin excitedly exclaimed that namjoon had just texted him that they were now in front of jimin's apartment complex.

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