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day of the contest

jungkook was nervous, as he waited at the train station for jimin, he hadn't slept all night, just practicing his performance over and over again.
he wanted to make jimin, his parents and friends proud and also his brother, wherever he might be right now.

he was lost in his thoughts, thinking about what could go wrong this evening until he felt somebody tap his back, as he turned around he saw a girl with black short hair and red cheeks. jungkook knew what was about to happen and he hated to disappoint the girl, but jungkook just wasn't interested in girls at all.

"uhm hey, my name is mina." she introduced herself, not looking into jungkook's eyes.

jungkook was about to explain that he wasn't really interested when he heard jimin's voice behind him. "there you are baby." the older greeted jungkook and hugged him from behind, leaving jungkook frozen.

the girls eyes widened and her cheeks grew even hotter, slowly processing the situation in front of her, she was quick to excuse herself and then quickly ran away.

as soon as mina was out of sight, jimin immediately let go of jungkook, just now realizing what he had done. "oh my god, i'm so sorry. i don't know what came over me. please forgive me." jimin rambled, with burning cheeks, making him look even more adorable, jungkook feeling the urge to just pull the smaller to him and hug the fuck out of him.

jungkook tried to act as calm as he could, ignoring his fast beating heart, so jimin would calm down. had jimin been jealous of the girl? or did he just want to save jungkook from the awkward situation?

he had no time to think about it because just at that moment their train was announced to leave in 10 minutes and they still had to walk to the platform.

"no worries mr park, you just wanted to save me from an awkward situation, right?" jungkook smiled and took his luggage so that they could walk to the train.

"yeah, that's right.." jimin mumbled more to himself than to jungkook, hurriedly walking in front of jungkook so the younger couldn't see his still red cheeks.

jungkook couldn't help but be happy, about the older's reaction, so jimin still did care. as jimin walked in front of him he mustered the smaller, his hair was as fluffy as always and was now dyed dark blonde. jimin's tight, blue jeans hugged his muscular legs perfectly and he was so lost in taking jimin's appearance in that he hadn't realized that he collided with a body in front of him.

out of reflex, jungkook grabbed the body so the person wouldn't fall and pressed them onto his chest. he immediately recognized jimin's strawberry shampoo and the way the other felt in his arms.

they were both frozen for a few seconds, not knowing what to do, until jimin woke up out of his daze and quickly brought a few meters distance between them.

"oh uhm i'm sorry, i was lost in my thoughts.." jungkook excused himself for walking into the other. jimin tried to brush it off saying it was nothing and pointed at the train that was waiting in front of them.

jungkook had been staring at jimin the whole time and hadn't realized that they had already arrived at the platform.

"oh yeah, let's get inside and find our seats." jungkook suggested awkwardly, to what jimin agreed. it was weird, they both had thought that they had overcome the awkwardness while they had been training together, but just one little incident could make them start all over again.

a few minutes later, they both found their seats, to jungkook's dismay they sadly didn't sit next to each other, but maybe it was for the best so jungkook could concentrate better for later and prepare himself better.

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