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sunday's were jungkook's favorite, he could sleep till lunch and his mom wouldn't scream at him for being lazy.
well usually it would be his lazy day, but of course, some person had to destroy it for him!!
even though he just got together with jimin he couldn't be in a good mood today, he wanted to be happy and jump around seoul because he got together with the most precious person alive, but faith had to trick him.

he went under the shower with a frown on his lips, then dressed in a black t-shirt and black ripped jeans and went downstairs to greet his parents.
as he arrived downstairs his parents immediately knew that something was wrong because first, he wouldn't wake up this early by choice, second namjoon told them that jimin and him got together and well they were sure their son would be happier when he gets together with the person he talks about all the time and third because jungkook muttered, a little too loud, "i hate my fucking life!!!"

"we don't use these words here young man!" his mother warned him with a finger pointing at him.
jungkook just mumbled a short sorry then gave his mother a quick peck on the cheek and then to his father who ruffled his hair affectionately.
jungkook scowled while trying to fix his hair and then sat down at the table.
"how come the infamous jeon jungkook is awake at this hour?" his father joked as he closed his newspaper.
jungkook didn't really want to tell his parents, especially because he didn't even tell it jimin, but he was not in the mood to come up with a lie "i met jisun" he said with his eyes not daring to look up to his parents.

both of them gasped jungkook's mom hurried to her son immediately, she knew how hard it had to be for him to see her it probably reopened old sores jungkook had tried to close so hard. her son was crying now in her arms, just like his parents, they all cried remembering all these hard years they witnessed.
life wasn't easy on them and the reappearance of jisun confirmed it once again.

"she was waiting in the changing room for me..." jungkook was interrupted by his own sobbing and after he calmed down a little he continued "she smiled at me and hugged me, she said it was nice to see me again and that she missed me" jungkook's mom pressed a reassuring kiss on his temple to show him that everything was alright, even though nothing was alright.
"i asked her what she was doing here, that i thought she moved to japan and she said that she is going to explain everything to me on friday, that i should meet her at the cafe at our old house. i tried so hard to act happy for jimin, i just want to protect him..." jungkook looked broken, just like he did all these years ago "hey calm down kook, it's okay to not tell him, to protect him." his father.
"but why does it feel like i'm betraying him...?" jungkook thought.


jimin woke up, being happy again, his breakdown yesterday was almost forgotten and he was relieved for that. today wouldn't be a special day for him, he had to prepare some things for his lessons and also prepare something for the 12th graders, because for them school started a little later than for the other students.
jimin always was little afraid to teach 12th graders because he feared that they wouldn't respect him because he was almost their age and most of them were probably taller than him.

it was around 3 pm when he was finally finished with everything and as he closed his eyes in exhaustion when suddenly his tummy started to grumble. he hadn't even realized how hungry he was and of course, he had nothing at home he could eat and as it was sunday so he couldn't go to a store to buy himself something. he just decided to order something in and invite his friends. then he could also tell them the exciting news about him and jungkook being together.


i ordered pizza!! be there in 20'

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