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jimin's heart stopped beating, that's it he thought he would lose his job and then he could forget working as a teacher ever again!

"taemin i can expl-"

"you didn't tell me you had a cat!!"


"you know how much i love cats and you just didn't tell me." taemin said a little upset, he loved cats and had four himself. kai always made fun of him saying he lived like an old, crazy cat lady.

jimin hadn't even realized that he had stopped to breathe until now, relieve washing over his body. "oh yeah, that's chimmy." jimin introduced his cat. he peeked over taemin's shoulder to muster his bedroom.

jungkook was nowhere to be seen, there was just chimmy laying in his bed, looking at taemin curiously.


where was the younger boy, he was to 100% sure that he had left him in his bedroom.
"aw he's so cute, i'm sure he and my cats could become great friends, just like us." taemin's eyes glowed with joy, just like a child's eyes would glow after he got a new toy.

jimin nodded, smiling because he was so cute.

"uhm taemin i don't want to be rude, but i have to meet up with a family member later..." jimin said, wanting to get the older out of his apartment as soon as possible.

taemin looked at chimmy one last time and then went to the front door, the toilet long forgotten. at the door, something caught taemin's eyes once again "omg you have the new special edition timberlands?! they are sold out for weeks now."

jimin froze, of course, jungkook couldn't have a normal pair of shoes "oh uhm yeah, i got them as a present.."
he then tried to push taemin a little before he could see something new that interested him.

"well i see you on monday then." taemin pulled jimin into a short hug and then went out of the door.
jimin closed the door quickly, sliding down the door, that was close, he couldn't allow something like this to happen again.

what would he have done if taemin had found jungkook. "jungkook you can come out, he is gone." he called with a drained out voice. jimin just woke up but he was so tired already.

the bedroom door opened slowly and the younger boy peeked his head out of the door, as jungkook made sure that his korean teacher really was gone he walked to jimin.

"listen i'm really sorry and i'll be going now, i don't want to cause you anymore trouble."

jimin nodded staying up to let the younger out of the door. it was the best, for now, he couldn't risk anything more to happen.

jungkook waved at jimin one last time and then left the apartment.

the cafe where jimin and jisun had agreed to meet was packed so it wasn't easy for jimin to spot his sister at first,
but then he spotted her at a small table near the windows. she had beautiful long hair and the same full lips jimin had.

"jiminie! it's been so long since i last saw you."  jisun smiled pulling her little brother into a tight hug. jimin took a deep breath, she still smelled like he remembered, like home and safety.

jisun was everything to him, she taught him all the important things in life. "hey jisun, i missed you so much."

jisun had moved to japan a few years ago because of some health issues she never told jimin about. at first, he was angry at his sister for leaving him alone and not even telling him the reason for why she was leaving but he had learned that being angry didn't help anybody.

she was still the same beautiful women that left seoul all these years ago, but even on the most perfect people, you could see age leaving its marks. there were small wrinkles around her mouth and forehead and the childish glow she had in her eyes wasn't there anymore.

they both sat across to each other, jisun placing her hands onto his.

"so tell me, what did i miss the last few years?" jisun asked with a big smile.

and so jimin finally had time to catch up with his sister after years, and he was happy for once forgetting about all his worries at least for a few moments.

"jiminie would it be okay for you, if i stay a few nights at your apartment? the hotel i'm staying at at the moment is awful." jisun asked after they had paid for their drinks at the cafe.

jimin was over the moon "of course jisun! we could visit mom and dad next weekend." he knew his parents would love to see their children and he was happy for being able to spend some more time with his older sister.

in the evening jimin and jisun sat on the couch together drinking some wine, talking about this and that.

the problem was that his sister always had a talent in bringing topics up that jimin didn't want to talk about and so it came that jisun asked him about the one person he wanted to forget for today. "you're still meeting that guy you told me about? what was his name again junghyung?"

"uhm his name was jungkook, but we're not together anymore... it just didn't work out." he didn't want to lie to his sister but he was embarrassed about the fact that he liked a student and was afraid about what his sister could think of him.

"oh, that's too bad.. i really hoped you'd find somebody right for you after everything that happened with jae-"

"can we please not talk about it, about neither of them two. let's just enjoy this evening with just the two of us, okay?" jimin asked his sister with pleading eyes.

"of course jiminie, remember us parks don't need anyone especially some boys to break our hearts." she pulled him close to her side and pressed a kiss to his temple.

merry christmas to everyone who's celebrating🎄

i hope i'm not too late

i hope you all had some awesome holidays

btw i posted a new one shot it's called hanahaki maybe you want to check it out💛

since i have some time now i'll post another update on friday or saturday

check out my profile for other stories!!


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