Chapter 7: Overshadowed

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"Giving your enemy ghost powers? What exactly are you planning, Vlad." Awesome stood her ground.

"Why, it's simple. Revenge. And with such a strong minion. But first, you need to be taught a lesson!" Vlad snapped with his fists glowing with pink ectoplasmic energy as well.

"Thanks for the compliment, but what makes you think I'll listen to you!?" She lifted up her hand and aimed it at him. Purple energy gathering at her palm.

"I'm glad you asked," He smirked and held up his hand which glowed pink. Awesome was going to shoot a ghost ray at him but she felt her body moving on its own. Her arm forcefully lowered itself. Her knees bent so she was kneeling down. She tried to move but couldn't make much difference. The ghost villain came over smirking. "Ah, the satisfaction of superiority." He crouched down to her level and lifted up her chin to face him. "Just try and stop me, girl." He smirked cockily.

"Gladly." She forced her hand to grab his arm and focused. A purple electric shock covered his body as it's his turn to yell in pain. He pulled away shortly after with a scowl. His control faded away for a second but immediately came back.

"There will be consequences!"

"Bring it, mother f*cker!"

He swung his fist back, his fist glowing with pink ecto-energy. Oh sh*t! That's an Energy Strike attack! Awesome struggled to gain control of her limbs. He swung his fist towards her as she braced for impact. But nothing happened. She opened her eyes to see a red tail wrapped around Vlad's arm and pulled him back. "You know you shouldn't hit girls, right?" The tail's owner spoke. It was a red dragon with green spikes, the American Dragon!

Vlad growled, made his arm intangible and pulled away. But the dragon's tail was still wrapped around his arm. "What?" He gasped. Jake flew up and swung his tail away, throwing Vlad against the wall. After that, Vlad got up and into a battle stance. "What is the meaning of this!? Where is the ghost boy!?"

"He's not available right now. So you answer to the American Dragon!" Jake pointed to himself with his thumbs. Vlad responded by charging at him with his fist glowing. He swung at Jake but the Kung Fu trained dragon blocked. He then countered with a roundhouse kick. But Vlad flew backward, dodging the kick. Meanwhile, Awesome gradually gain more and more control of her limbs as the villain concentrated on the battle. Then, Vlad duplicated himself into four, surrounding Jake. Awesome gasped, "I've seen this move!"

The Vlads all aimed their palms at Jake, ecto-energy charging up at their palms. Jake, confused, didn't know which one to attack. By then, Awesome had gained full control of her body and her instincts kicked in. Two white rings surrounded her at waist level and moved horizontally away from each other, changing her form.

 Two white rings surrounded her at waist level and moved horizontally away from each other, changing her form

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Awesome flew up beside Jake and focused, creating an ecto-force field around them. The four pink rays hit the forcefield from all four directions, burning it as they try to penetrate. She struggled to keep her focus. The forcefield started cracking under the pressure, making the Vlads smirk. "Duck!" She suddenly shouted and made the forcefield disappear. They ducked, the four rays shot over their heads, striking the four Vlads with their own rays. Three of them were sucked back into one of them as he rubbed the sore on his head. "Grrrr! That's it! Play time's over!" Vlad then turned invisible. Awesome felt being overshadowed again.

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