Chapter 11: Dragon History

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It was the next morning of the epic boss fight. Everyone was asked to meet in the common area for a special celebration. The heroes went back to their home dimensions for the night and were gathered here again. The common area of the Isle of Draco was buzzing with talk and gossip about what happened last night. But most of all, it was about this new person named Hudson.

"Jake Long!" An Australian boy approached Jake as he and his heroic crew walked in. The other fellow dragon kids joined in too.

"Fred Nerk! Whad'up?" He greeted back.

"Hey, how'd you know to give the Dark Dragon some of your chi instead of just ending it all? That's what I would've done." Fred crossed his arms and smirked, his Australian accent apparent.

"Well... it's a long story. But short version, Heck's idea he used on Awesome actually gave me an idea."

"It did?" Awesome exclaimed behind him with her arms behind her head. Heck, still in dragon form, was also surprised by the praise.

"Yeah. I figured, Ninja's healing magic is giving you good chi. And if the Dark Dragon was corrupted by dark chi like you were, he can be saved the same way, with good chi. I wasn't really sure about it at first, but when I heard that I was the only one who is destined to defeat the Dark Dragon, I knew what I had to do."

Awesome gave his response some claps and was joined by Heck, the trio gangs and finally the whole common area. Rose then gave him a kiss on his cheek, which made him blush.

Then, more claps came from behind them. Everyone turned to see all four World Dragon Council members, Lao Shi, Fu Dog and Hudson walking in. Councilor Andam raised his arms for a moment to give a speech. Everyone silenced.

"Dragons, humans, animal guardians, and heroes of other dimensions, yesterday marked a day of momentous occasions! It marked the day the American Dragon fulfilled his destiny. It marked the day of the Dark Dragon's defeat!"

Lao Shi stepped up with Hudson by his side, "But most of all, It marked the day of our dear friend, Hudson's return!"

Indistinct chatter came from the crowd for a short while before he continued, "Many of you may not know of him. For he was before the Dark Dragon. Centuries ago. At the time, we were all young dragons in training to become World Dragons. Hudson was to become the first American Dragon."

The crowd gasped at the news.

"So I wasn't going to be the first American Dragon?" Jake asked.

Councilor Kulde answered, "Correct, but unfortunately, Hudson was unable to be announced the said role, because he was missing the night before."

"Where'd you went? Didn't wanna become the Am Drag?" Fred asked the elder man.

"Forgive me, my memories are vague... But I remember Chang... She asked me to meet her alone and confronted me. Then there was darkness. That was my last memory." He answered.

Lao Shi added to his answer, "It is not until years later, when Chang tricked me into the Dark Dragon's trap, did I find out that my best friend... had turned into the world's biggest threat." The tone of the elder's voice lowered.

The crowd shared glances and whispers.

"But that does not excuse me for the horrible things I've done as the Dark Dragon..." Hudson frowned and lowered his head in shame. Then he looked up with determination, "After discussing with the other council members, I decided to resign my dragon chi."

The whispers of the crowds grew louder as the Council members and Lao Shi gathered and put their hands together. Their hands emitted a blue energy that shot towards Hudson. Then, a ball of chi in the shape of a dragon flowed out of his torso. They finished by putting the chi inside a glass display. After that, Hudson put his hand on his chest with a pensive frown.

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