Optional Chapter 11/12: The Fentons

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(A/N: This is an optional chapter that's not so important to the storyline. But if you're a Danny Phantom fan and curious about what would happen to some of the characters after season 3, then you might like this. ^^ This is just my interpretation though. Feel free to have your own!)

A portal to the Fenton's lab opened and the heroes and the Outsider came through it.

"Thanks for the portal, Joe." Danny thanked.

"It's what I do." Joe's voice replied through Tucker's PDA and the portal closed behind them.

"AH! A D-DRAGON!" Valerie Gray's scream filled the room. She was accompanied by Dani Phantom in her human form.

"A dragon GHOST!? Where!?" Jack Fenton ran down the basement stairs into the room with a giant ghost hunting gun.

"Dad! Wait!" Danny floated between the Outsider who's still in his dragon form and his father.

"It's that ghost boy, Danny Phantom! And he just called me DAD!" Jack exclaimed in confusion.

"Jack, he's our son!" Maddie Fenton came down the stairs and shouted at him.

Jazz Fenton followed, "I get that it's only been two weeks and you need to get used to it, but HOW in the world do you keep forgetting that your own son is the ghost boy who saved the entire world!?"

"And the Ghost Zone," Sam added smugly.

"Whoops! Sorry... Still getting used to it. Been hunting ghosts my whole life you know?" Jack lowered his gun and scratched his head. "But who's the blue dragon? And these kids?"

"These must be the kids from the other dimensions!" Dani cheered.

"Other dimensions? I definitely came to visit at a bad time." Valerie sighed.

"How is meeting the Am Drag, a bad thing? Most magical creatures wish they could meet me!" Jake dragoned up and flexed for a moment, prompting Rose to roll her eyes with a smirk.

"The... Am Drag?" Jazz repeated in confusion of his New York lingo.

"This is the American Dragon, Jake Long. And these are his friends, Trixie and Spud, and his GF, Rose. The dragon is Heck, and the guy on the radio is Joe, they're Outsiders." Danny introduced.

"There's also Randy the Ninja, Howard, and Awesome Kick, another Outsider. They're on another mission right now." Tucker added.

"Woah! This is so cool!" Dani ran up to them with a huge smile.

"Aw, who's this little angel?" Trixie crouched down and petted her head.

"This here is Dani! Dani Fenton!" Jack picked her up and sat her on his shoulder.

"Wait, Fenton? You guys finally adopted her, huh?" Heck stated.

"Oh, of course! As soon as we heard about her from Danny, we just had to!" Maddie held the little girl's hand and smiled.

"Aw, Awesome would fangirl over this. Over," Joe's voice said.

"Hi, welcome to Fenton Works ghost lab. My name's Jazz, Danny's sister, and this is Jack and Maddie, our parents. This young lady here is Valerie Gray, a ghost hunting partner of Fenton Works. So how did your mission in the Dragon Dimension go? Everything's all under control here!" Jazz smiled sheepishly.

"If you think clogging up a ghost-gun while fighting ghosts and exploding it in the kitchen is 'under control', then yeah," Valerie smirked.

"Oh we crushed it, didn't we Jakey? The Dark Dragon's no more and instead we got a Hudson back." Trixie reported.

"And we captured Dan. Now we're hunting down Vlad and a villain from the dragon dimension, Chang." Danny added.

"Yeah, we came to get the BooOOOO-merang!" Spud insinuated the 'Boo' part.

"I have it right here!" Jack pulled it out of a pile of Fenton Works gadgets. "Catch, son!" He threw it to him. It flew into his head.

"Ow! Why does it always hit me in the head?" Danny caught it and rubbed his head.

"Oh, my bad! I calibrated it to do that so it would knock a ghost out. But turns out, ghosts can't be knocked out like humans do!" Jack scratched his chin in a thinking pose.

"As long as it can track a ghost, we're good." Sam shrugged.

"Well, let's go track one right now!" Jake cheered. "It was nice meeting you guys!" His friends nodded in agreement. After that, a portal back to the dragon dimension opened.

"Good luck with this... dimension thing, Danny." Valerie put a hand on her hip.

"Be back home for dinner, honey!" Maddie waved.

"Good luck!" Dani cheered.

"Go and make your old man proud!" Jack added.

"Thanks! I will!" Danny waved before following the others through the portal.

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