Chapter 10: The Battle of The Isle of Draco

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Awesome Kick suddenly went ghost and flew in front of Danny. The dark dragon chi was absorbed into her back as she shielded him. She immediately dragoned up. The transformation sent out a burst of purple aura that cleared the clouds surrounding them. With his cover blown, Heck flew in and kicked Dan in his guts, making him release Danny. At the corner of his eye, he saw Awesome's dragon form falling from the sky. "Oh sh*t!" He swiftly dived towards her.

Danny followed too, but a ghost ray shot at him, knocking him back. Dan flew in to throw a punch at him. His punch was blocked by Danny grabbing his fist with both hands. Danny then released an ice ray that froze Dan's arm and knocked him back. The weight of the ice pulled him down all the way to the ground. Then he did the same to Chang's wing, making her and the monkey on her back fall as well. He dived toward the Outsiders.

Heck managed to grab Awesome's arm and glide them safely onto the ground. "Hey! Tomboy! Don't make Joe kill me, man!"

"Awesome, are you-" Danny started as soon as he landed but was startled by Awesome suddenly slamming her claws down onto the grass. She lifted her wings up to fly.

"Where are you going?" Heck held her back by her arm. Suddenly, she turned around and breathed fire at them. But it wasn't any fire. The flame was dark purple. And it seemed stronger than normal fire, because Heck, who wrapped his wings around Danny and himself, was knocked back a few feet. His back dug into the ground, leaving skid marks in the grass.

Awesome's reptile pupils widen into her normal pupils. She gasped. "Heck! Danny! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

"Ugh... You owe me one, Danny..." He groaned, unwrapping his wings from Danny.

BOOM! The ground shook. The Dark Dragon landed in front of them. Chang, with Bananas B on her back, and Dan landed behind them, recovered from their icy problems. But Dan looked like he could barely stand. The heroes got into a defensive stance.

"Even with my evil future self out of the way, we still can't take them like this. We need the others." Danny suggested.

Heck glanced behind them, "Luckily, we don't have to."

A huge ghost ray came from behind and almost struck Chang. The Fenton Spectre Speeder, armed with a giant ghost ray gun, landed and dropped off Sam, Trixie, Spud and Howard. This time, Sam equipped the Fenton Ghost Peeler suit. Not only that, behind them followed Randy on Jake's back and the whole army of dragons. The enemies tensed up when they saw how outnumbered they were. Dan started flying away but Sam fired some sort of chain shot from her suit. The shot wrapped around and electrocuted him, making him drop to the ground. Finally, Dan was completely exhausted. "One down, three more to go." Sam withdrew her arm with a smirk.

Meanwhile, Ninja pulled out one of those ninja balls from his suit. He threw it at Chang and Bananas B and yelled, "Ninja Sphinx Hair Net Ball!". The ball turned into a net made of sphinx hair, the weakness of dragons.

"Really? You make this too easy!" Chang breathed fire at the net, incinerating it in mid-air. Then she flew to the Dark Dragon's side.

"Aw, man!" Jake said his signature quote. "Do you HAVE TO announce your moves!?"

"If I don't, people won't know what I'm gonna do!" He responded.

"EXACTLY!" The dragon gang, ghost gang, Howard, Heck and even Awesome yelled at him.

"Enough of this nonsense!" The Dark Dragon roared as Shade Demons emerged from the shadows of the setting sun. "It shall soon be night time, and when it is, I will destroy all humanity and rule over all magical creatures! Those of you who oppose me will be destroyed! Especially you, American Dragon!" He summoned lighting from the storm clouds above and the earth shook. A rugged, dark purple dragon, Councilor Andam, flew up into the sky, took a huge breath and breathed lightning at the storm cloud lightning, stopping them from electrocuting the heroes and dragons. Then, the dragons shouted their battle cries and charged towards the villains, attacking them.

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