Chapter 12: Enemy of My Enemy

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The Fenton Booo-merang sliced through the sky of New York City. It was followed by a ghost, two dragons, and the Fenton Specter Speeder. While mid-flight, the landscape below them flickered and transitioned into the settings of a marketplace.

"Woah, where are we?" Sam peered out the speeder's window.

"Magus Bazaar. A marketplace for the magical community." Jake answered.

"Sure is a hotspot for villainous activities!" Trixie commented.

"But it's full of interesting fun things! Like, this American Dragon action figure!" Spud showed off his action figure.

"Woah! Wait a minute! You have your own action figure!?" Danny phased into the speeder and examined the figure in Spud's hands.

"Oh don't worry dude, as the youngest mayor of Amity Park, I've already proposed a bunch of Danny Phantom merchandise to be produced. One of them being action figures," Tucker stated from the driver's seat.

"Oh yes! You are the best, Tucker!"

"Ugh... Boys..." Sam muttered. Trixie and Rose nodded in agreement.

"Hey, guys! Target acquired!" Heck interrupted. The teens looked out the windshield to find various kinds of magical creatures running and flying away. An adult ghost was trashing the tents and shops in his path.

Danny phased out of the speeder to confront him, "Vlad Plasmius!"

Vlad's ghost sense was triggered. He turned around and caught the incoming Booo-merang in his hand. "Daniel! I was wondering when you'll show up!" He smirked and crushed the device in his grip.

Danny entered a battle stance in the air, "Oh, I showed up alright! And now I'm gonna finish what I came to do!" He charged towards him with a fist. The adult ghost caught it in his palm. Then he swung him back towards the others. Heck and Jake flew aside and dodged the incoming ghost boy, but Tucker didn't see him in time. Danny slammed face first into the windshield.

Now it's Jake's turn to attack, "You chose the wrong neighborhood to mess in, ghost!" He slashed the rope hanging up a crate. The crate crashed onto the ghost, but he phased above it effortlessly.

"Oh so predictable!" He smirked and charged up ghost rays.

Danny and Jake charged towards him once again, this time, together. Suddenly, Chang in her dragon form, with Bananas B on her back, flew in and fired a net made of pink ray from her staff, surprising them. They braced for impact. Luckily, Heck flew in and breathed ice at it, freezing it into a chunk of ice. It dropped down and broke into pieces on the stone pavement.

"Looks like they're not the only ones!" Heck retorted.

"Excuse me?" Danny blurted.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Jake joined in.

"Less talk, more fight! Chang's mine!" Heck responded smugly and charged towards Chang. She quickly summoned a forcefield around her with her staff. Heck slashed it with his claws but only made claw marks on it. Jake came and slashed it from another angle too, but he managed to break it. Then he body slammed her into a nearby building. "What the hell? What did I just say!" Heck snapped. "And he gets it but I don't? I thought Outsiders are supposed to be stronger?" He pouted.

"Karma, bro. Over," Joe's smug voice came from Spud's device.

"Com'on, dragon guy! We gotta help Jakey!" Trixie, Spud, and Rose ran into the building. Out-strengthened and salty, Heck flew in the opening of the building.

Meanwhile, the ghost gang battled Vlad outside. Sam equipped the Fenton Ghost Peeler suit and exited the speeder in midair with a superhero landing. She and Danny charged toward the ghost. Vlad sent out a huge wave of ghost ray at them. But Tucker landed the speeder behind them and activated a ghost shield around them. The wave collided with it but didn't break through.

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