Chapter 17: Judgement

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In the palace of the Isle of Draco, gathered the four World Dragon Council members, along with Hudson, Lao Shi, Fu Dog, the dragon gang, Clockwork, the ghost gang, and finally, the two male Outsiders.

"They're coming," Clockwork announced calmly.

The dragons dragoned up while Danny went ghost.

"Is that really necessary? She isn't going to hurt anyone," Heck, in human form, asked with his arms crossed. The cartoon characters shared glances.

"We're just taking precautions..." Councilor Kulde answered.

Shortly after, rapid wing flaps can be heard coming from outside. The Infi-Map flew inside, startling everyone but Clockwork. He caught the scroll in his hand. Then, after it came Awesome in dragon form and the ninja gang on her back. She collapsed to the floor from the weight of the four teens.

"Ugh... Guys!" She shot up after the ninja gang got off. "Vlad and Chang released the Sorceress! Now they have the power of both sets of power balls and the Tengu Stone!" She reported. But the others didn't give much of a reaction. In fact, they all stood and stared at her. "Wh... what's going on?"

"Behind you, tomboy," Heck called out to her from behind. She turned around and was shocked by what she saw. Heck had detransformed and Joe was in here too. "They know..." He added.

"Know what?" Ninja glanced between him and the others.

"That Heck is actually a dirty traitor who released evil guys like the Dark Drag on us!" Jake yelled.

"Hey, I actually didn't! Dan was the one who did!" Heck argued back.

"Heck..." Joe called out to him.

"It's true!" Awesome told them. She detransformed and continued, "He was overshadowed by Dan!"

"Oh yeah!?" Bananas B talked back in a cage. "Then how'd you explain what I heard when you's were walking away from my cell? I'm gon' release the Dark Dragon!" He mocked.

"He didn't mean it!" Awesome pleaded.

"Enough," Councilor Andam demanded sternly but not angrily. "Even if he didn't release the Dark Dragon, he still released the Sorceress, Dan Phantom, and Vlad Plasmius. And you, Awesome Kick, have clearly been covering for him. Both of your actions have violated the ancient laws of the council, and will be punishable by compensation of dragon chi and banishment..."

"Or... In this case, compensation of all powers, and banishment from all three dimensions." Councilor Onima added with a frown.

"I am sorry..." Councilor Andam frowned as well.

Awesome was speechless. The silence was broken by Ninja stepping in and saying, "But she had good intentions! And so did Heck! They all do!"

"Because of him, people were hurt!" Danny argued.

"Danny, I'm fine! It's just a flesh wound," Sam grabbed his arm gently with her good hand. Her other one was wrapped in bandages. "And he was overshadowed by Vlad. It's not his fault..."

Danny's angry expression melted. Then he lowered his head and looked away, "I... I know..."

Again, Ninja broke the silence, "Come on, guys! If they are bad, they wouldn't have helped us fight against the enemies. They fought by OUR side!" He waited for the others' responses. Then he took off his mask, detransforming. "Sometimes, rules have to be broken to do the right thing! Banishing them definitely doesn't feel right!" Randy's words made the elders and the two gangs share glances and frowns.

Then the Nomicon in Randy's jacket glowed. He quickly took it out. It flipped open with Finja saying, "I agree. Not as mentor, but as the Nomicon. Our laws may not always bring good results. Which is why we shouldn't always follow them."

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