Chapter 4: Kang and The Stank

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At NHS, there was another stanked attack. This time, Debbie Kang got stanked and she was trashing the library.

"Smoke bomb!" The Ninja made an entrance. "Debbie, I don't know what made you vulnerable but it can't be good. I mean, you're Debbie! You only get upset about Mexican Death Bears!"

The stanked hedgehog monster roared and threw a bookshelf at him. Ninja dodged it by wall running on some nearby bookshelves. Stanked Debbie threw more obstacles and debris at him. He dodged and sliced the incoming projectiles with his trusty sword.

"Maybe she failed another exam. That's what happened last time," Awesome suggested from the sidelines, leaning on the doorway with her arms crossed.

"Why aren't you helping?"

"I don't have a ninja mask," She whisper-shouted. "Besides, this isn't a boss fight, it's Debbie Kang. 'Uncle Randal can handle the scandal' remember?" She smirked.

The ninja glared at her, "You know too much about me."

"Whatever you guys, I'm grabbing myself more gravy fries at the caf'. With Cunningham's money." Howard waved some cash in his hand.

"Hey! That's mine- I mean, that boy's money!" Ninja complained but he already ran off.

"Yup, that's Howard alright," Awesome commented.

Ninja sighed, then yelled, "Ninja Search for Debbie's Bag!" Ninja sprinted across the library, doing exactly what he announced while dodging the monster's attacks. Finally, on a chair, he found her bag and started rummaging through it. "Phone, homework, book about Mexican Death Bears... Failed test paper!" He announced, holding it high. Just then, an old desktop screen flew and knocked him off the table, making him drop the stanked item. Ninja quickly recovered but to his disappointment, the test paper had blended in with a whole floor of papers. "Oh, are you honking kidding me!?" He took out his sword and started stabbing the papers one by one as Stanked Debbie charged at him. That moment appeared to be going slow motion. Sweat rolled down Ninja's forehead. Footsteps boomed louder and louder as the hedgehog monster approached.

"The fu?" Awesome mumbled. She could see anime lines insinuating the speed of the monster's movement. "Anime lines? GASP! I have doodle vision like Randy does! Except they are more like sketches..." She looked up and saw sketches of arrows forming around the sprinklers on the ceiling, pointing to it. Then she turned her attention to the wall beside the door. There was a fire alarm switch. Sketches circled it and drew exclamation marks over it.

The fire alarm sounded and the sprinklers activated in the library. The water wetting the papers on the floor, causing them to tear. Water flowed onto the floor as Debbie decreased in size and destanked. After that, the fire alarm suddenly turned off, from somewhere else, by someone else. Suspicious, Awesome hid between bookshelves. Pink stank swirled away from the torn remains of a piece of paper. "Pink stank! That's it! After it-" The Ninja was suddenly cut off by a mic in his face. "Ho boy..." He backed off.

"Ninja! You're back! Now, will you tell us your answer to the question?" Heidi was quick to ask. The cameraman, Debbie, already got up, started rolling and a small audience gathered. Awesome's suspicions were correct, "Looks like this was a setup to lure the Ninja out. These two must be desperate!"

"Haha... What question? I don't know what you're talking about! Haha... Listen, I gotta go-" He stuttered with his eyes darting around. He stopped when he saw Awesome sneaking out of the library. She gave him a wave and pointed to herself.

"The question from this morning! The one about how there are still-"

Heidi was abruptly interrupted by the Ninja. "Oh! That question! Riiiiiight!" He put his elbow on Heidi's shoulder and did an 'ok' sign with his other hand while nodding profusely.

"Real smooth, Randy," Awesome muttered before wasting no time running after the stank. She chased it through the hallways and out the window. It swirled through the holes on the sewers lid. "The sewers, of course it has to be the sewers," She sighed, pried open the lid and jumped in. She continued through the sewers. Then, it started slowing down and turned into a corner. Quietly, she hid around the corner, observing the stank. I feel so Assassin's Creed right now. She thought to herself.

Then, a feminine roar of frustration came from around the corner. "Curse you, Ninja!" The Sorceress! Now we know where she's hiding and we can take her down!

Splash... A quiet splashy footstep came from the corner behind the Outsider.

There was utter silence for a moment. Suddenly, a huge cloud of stank burst out of the corner in front of her and it began to fill the sewers' hallways. Awesome ran, towards the sound that gave away her presence. She turned the corner and caught Debbie hiding behind it. "Debbie!? Ugh, should've known cartoon logic doesn't work on you." She whispered the last sentence. "What are you doing here!?"

"I was gonna ask you the same question! Unless... YOU are the Ninja!" She pointed at Awesome.

"Ugh! Journalists!" She facepalmed herself. Suddenly, a blast of stank hit her from behind, knocking her onto Debbie. "Ow... That hurt more than it seemed on screen..." She tried to get off of Debbie but a giant hand made of stank grabbed them and held them in mid-air, facing them towards... the Sorceress. Awesome's arms are free but she's still in her grasp. She struggled as hard as she can while Debbie had the look of shock and terror etched on her face.

"Where is the Ninja!" The Sorceress growled at them.

"Behind you." Awesome answered. She immediately looked behind her but there was nothing there. Awesome took the opportunity to grab the camera hanging from Debbie's neck and pointed it towards the Sorceress. "And the Stupid and Ugly Award goes to-" She announced, prompting the foe to turn back around. "The Sorcer-*ss!" The camera flashed at her before she could even blink. The villain shrieked and covered her eyes, dropping the two girls. They ran back the way they came.

"That felt good!" Awesome chuckled as she ran. Debbie gave her a panicked, skeptical face in response. The good feeling soon faded as the stank followed them and was gaining on them.

"What are you waiting for!? Ninja up or something!" Debbie shouted at her.

"I'm not the Ninja! Why would you even think I'm the Ninja!? He's clearly a guy and a freshman! I'm not even in school anymore!"

"But you're-"

"Let's focus on not getting stanked for now!" Awesome interrupted her. The stank was right behind them. But they were also almost at the ladder that led out of the sewers. "You first! Climb!" The young adult instructed. Debbie didn't hesitate. Awesome climbed after her. But she felt her leg getting pulled down. With a gasp, she clung to the ladder and looked down. It was the stank. It was swirling up her body. She tried to pull away as it traveled further up and engulfed her entirely.

"Ninja Air Fist!" A gust of wind blew from the hole on the ceiling, blowing the stank away. Awesome felt the grip on her leg disappeared so she quickly continued climbing. She was finally out. "Holy balls, that was close!" But it wasn't over yet. Stank shot out the hole and landed on the ground in front of them. It cleared, revealing the Sorcer-*ss. "Hey uh, I sort of triggered her with some insults but you'll be fine!" Awesome whispered to Ninja.

"Wait what?!"

"Now or never, Ninja!" She shouted as she dragged Debbie away to safety.

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