Chapter 2: It's Ninja O'Clock!

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"Yes!" Randy shot up from his seat in the middle of class. His sudden outburst made everyone in class stared at him. He chuckled nervously and shrugged visibly. The awkward ordeal didn't last long as the whole class started to instinctively evacuate.

"Alright, students. You know the monster drill," Mrs. Driscoll ushered them out the classroom as she dragged the skeleton of Mr. Driscoll behind her. Then, she opened and closed the jaws of the skeleton and spoke in her 'Jerry's voice', "They should really rename that to robot drill now!" As she continued to do her own thing, Howard and Randy were long gone.

Howard walked alongside Randy with an unusually excited grin, "Man, I haven't skipped class since last week! One robot a week isn't gonna cut it, Cunningham!" He pulled Randy close by his collar and poked him in the shoulder as he spoke, "Tell that robot, to tell McFist, to send out robots to destroy you more often!" He released his best friend with a desperate shout at the last line.

"Already gonna, buddy!" Randy cheered excitedly before dashing to the boy's room and into a stall. Without delay, he pulled the Ninja Mask out from inside his jacket and put it on. Black and red strips of cloth wrapped around his limbs as the transformation created a red glow. After that, he burst out of the stall with the ninja suit on. "It's Ninja O'clock!"

"Smoke bomb!" The Norrisville Ninja made his entrance outside the school building. "Alright, robot! Let's enjoy this dance while it lasts!" He stretched.

*ROAAAAR!* Saliva rained across the parking lot. So did shnasty breath! Ninja pinched his nose and fanned the air in front of him. It was then, he saw the robot he was supposed to fight. Or should I say monster? "What the juice? Bucky!?" Stanked Bucky towered before Ninja and threw a car at him. He leaped upwards, dodging it, and landed on it.

"MY CAR!" Principal Slimovitz cried from a window.

"H-how did you get stanked!? I defeated the Sorcerer!" His mind raced aloud.

An almost inaudible "Ding solo!" came from the beast. He scanned the vicinity for a quick moment and immediately charged at the band geek kids dressed in their blue uniform.

"Guess I'll worry about that later. Let's dance!" Ninja sprinted towards him and kicked him in the face with a "Ninja Kick", diverting his attention to him. Stanked Bucky, registering what was happening, raised his giant fists and tried to crush him. Ninja dodged each attack skillfully with several "Ninja Dodge", getting closer to him. At the last jab, he leaped upwards and swung around an incoming fist, allowing him to land on stanked Bucky's back. In the process, he wrapped his scarf around stanked Bucky's hand that was holding the dinger (A/N: The stick that you hit the triangle with. They called it a dinger in the show. Totally doesn't sound like the D word at all!), the stanked item. "Yee-haw! Giddy up Bucky!" He was riding him like a bull and the crowd cheered. Until stanked Bucky did a front flip and landed on his back.

"Ow..." Ninja was imprinted into the ground. Stanked Bucky then lifted his fists high, ready to pawn him. The crowd gasped but he narrowed his eyes and smirked under his mask. Stanked Bucky thrust his fists down on him. At the very last second, he leaped out of the hole, took out his sword and swung it at the dinger in the stanked beast's hand. It accurately sliced the dinger in half, allowing pink stank to flow out of it and away, destanking Bucky. The victim sat up from the ground and shook his head. "Wha... What happened? Did I get stanked?" His question was greeted by everyone laughing at him. Confused, he looked down at himself. He was naked but fortunately covered by the remains of his torn blue uniform. He immediately ran away panicking, covering his crotch but leaving his butt exposed. All the while, everyone was laughing at the sight. Including Ninja himself.

The hero finished his laughter with a sigh, "Ah, some things never change." He commented before doing a front flip and landed in front of the cheering crowd, his scarf flowing majestically in the wind. Howard walked up to the crowd licking the gravy off his fingers and his lips.

"Huh?" A shine reflecting from an item on the ground caught his eye. He picked it up. "Hey, it's my Hero badge!" He showed the students his golden star badge that says 'Hero of The Day'. But no one seemed to care.

Instead, the band geeks were thanking Ninja for saving them and the students expressed their admiration towards him with cheers and compliments. One girl, in particular, Theresa Fowler, came up to Ninja and said, "That was so bruce, Ninja!" with the most genuine smile. This made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He smiled back even though she couldn't see it, "Owh, pssh! It was nothing!" The world felt like it was at peace. But that feeling was interrupted when he noticed a senior-looking girl at the back of the crowd staring at them with a smirk. Huh? Who's-

His thought was interrupted by a ginger haired girl that he recognized as Heidi Weinerman. "S'up peeps! It's Heidi At School, coming at you live!" She stood next to Ninja, talking into the microphone in her hand. She was looking at someone holding a camcorder, Debbie Kang. Brushing away his previous thought, he waved at the camera, enjoying the attention. Typical Randy.

"So, Ninja. Did we or did we not witnessed you defeat the evil Sorcerer that was living under NHS and causing all the stanked monster attacks?" She pointed the mic towards Ninja.

"Indeed-erito you did!" He bragged proudly.

"Then how can you explain the stanked monster attack that happened just now?"

He jumped. He had no idea! Could it be another case of Dickie? No, if the Sorcerer's gone, then so is his stank, right? He theorized in his mind. Everyone edged closer, anticipating the answer. "Uh... well, you see... I can explain that... It's a... uh..." He stuttered as sweat rolled down his face. "I'll be back with an explanation next time! Smoke bomb!" He finally blurted and smoke bombed away, leaving the crowd to groan in dissatisfaction.

"Smoooooth! One week before the next robot attack. No robot, no Ninja." Randy smirked as he watched over the crowd of students over the edge of the roof. They were all looking around for him with indistinct chatter before dispersing. "That should buy me some time."

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