Chapter 14: Who is the Ninja?

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"I'm not leaving until I have proof that Randy is the Ninja!" Debbie shouted.

"Oh, for honking out loud!" Ninja let out before being tackled by a bunch of Masked Robo-Apes.

"Ninja!" Theresa, Howard, and Randy ran back into the building. Then, metal barriers slid down and blocked the exit and the way to the stairs. Randy was immediately surrounded by two white rings and transformed into Awesome Kick.

"Ugh, Jesus! That's was hard AF to do!" She breathed.

"I was right!" Debbie exclaimed. "Come on, Randy! Why don't you just admit you're the Ninja so they'd let us go!?"

"THAT'S IT!" Howard shouted and stomped his feet on the ground, shocking the girls and the Ninja. "I have had ENOUGH of you, Debbie Kang! You are asking him to sacrifice HIS life to save OURS!? You have NO right to ask for that! AND! Yelling at him and shoobing him is MY job! Who do you think you are? His BEST FRIEND!?" After the last sentence, he covered his mouth.

Debbie was completely taken aback by his sudden outburst. Theresa still had her hands covering her mouth. But she managed to speak, "N-no one... has ever y-yelled at her before..." She said shakily. Howard switched his gaze back to Debbie. She had her head lowered and her hands tightened into fists. Unsettling aura can be felt by those within range.

"Uh oh... I'm not gonna live long, am I?" He took a few frightened steps back.

Countless deadly laser guns came out of the walls of the giant room and the Ninja-destroying robots became active. Then McFist's voice came on through the speakers, "Ooo! What's going on? Did I just hear that one of you knows who the ninja is? If you tell me, I'll let the rest of you go!"

This made Debbie turned around to face the security cameras. "The Ninja's true identity..." She started.

"You're going to tell them!?" Ninja struggled against the pile of Masked Robo-Apes crushing him.

"Debbie, don't do it! Please!" Theresa pleaded.

But Debbie continued, "... is... NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!" She shouted. Her friends' jaws dropped and Howard 'fainted' by falling backward.

"Man, that's wonk! Not even the journalist will tell us! What are we supposed to do now!" McFist complained to his partner in crime.

"Oh gee, I don't know, how about destroying the Ninja since he's here," Viceroy suggested sarcastically.

McFist blinked twice. "Oh yeah." He realized before shouting, "Destroy the Ninja!" Viceroy began working with the control panel. The guns on the walls charged up.

The teens and Outsider rushed to Ninja's rescue by sticking one of Theresa's twirling batons under the Masked Robo-Apes and prying them off. But the pile of metal was too heavy for them. The guns were glowing with laser energy while the Ninja-destroying robots approached them.

"Hey, you girls aren't afraid of ghosts, right?" Awesome asked the girls. They stared at her with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. With that, Awesome went ghost in front of everybody. She conjured up a shield around them. The laser guns finally shot at them. The Outsider almost lost her balance at the impact of the countless lasers hitting her shield. She had to get down to her right knee. The Masked Robo-Apes outside the forcefield were instantly fried into ashes. Howard was examining the laser burning through the forcefield, until one of them actually burned through, surprising him.

"Ahh!! Kick! The deadly lasers!" He shouted before another burned through. Fortunately, it didn't hit anyone.

Awesome saw what was happening. She closed her eyes tightly and gritted her teeth as she concentrated. Her hands glowed brighter. So did her forcefield. Suddenly she opened her eyes revealing her glowing purple eyes. Her shield was set on purple flames on the outside. Then it shot outwards. The blast burned and destroy the laser guns on the wall, and the front few lines of Ninja-destroying robots that were marching towards them. White rings surrounded her and reverted her back to human form. She collapsed on all fours.

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