Chapter 8: The Hall of Dragons

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The portal led Awesome into a torch-lit chamber. The walls were made of stone bricks and there were a few furniture around. One side of the wall was made of iron bars. "What an unpleasant surprise." An old woman's voice spoke from the shadows. She stepped out of the shadow, revealing herself to be the former member of the World Dragon Council, Chang. Awesome quickly got into a fighting stance.

"While it would be satisfactory to be the first to strike down an Outsider, but unfortunately my dragon chi was taken from me." She walked past the Outsider as she spoke.

"Oh, that's smart of them." Awesome loosened but still aware that Bad Guy could be around.

"Bangers! You call that smart? Cruel is more like it! It takes away the chances of breaking out!" A monkey with a British accent wearing yellow hip hop clothes swung onto the bars of the prison. It was Bananas B.

"Well, yeah, that's the point."

"What's more cruel is that this intolerable baboon is my cellmate!" Chang growled.

"Charming duo." Bad Guy suddenly appeared beside Awesome, startling her. She quickly jabbed him with an elbow. "Ow, chill, woman! Truce! We're both 'Outsiders'!"

She narrowed her eyes at him and withdrew her fist. As soon as Bad Guy loosened, she kicked him in the guts. "That's for not helping when Vlad almost killed me!"

He groaned and hugged his stomach tightly, "Oow, god, should've known you'd do that..."

"Do you two lovebirds mind taking this elsewhere!?" Chang rudely interrupted.

"No problem..." Bad Guy groaned, went intangible and walked past the prison bars. Then he detransformed, his hand rubbing his sore. Awesome followed his actions and walked up beside him.

"Geez. Did I kick you that hard? Sorry..." She apologized like a tsundere. "I mean, they don't call me Awesome KICK for nothing. But I'm pretty sure the Ghost Stinger move hurts more than a kick to the guts." She crossed her arms and glared at him.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I mean... we don't actually die, right? So it's like a video game. I was trying to stealth it, you know? I got the Dairy King to help too."

"Dairy King? He was talking about you!? But you're the Bad Guy! You released Vlad!"

"Yeah, but the ghosts know sh*t. They know we Outsiders like our entertainment. So he kinda forgave me as long as I fix things. I mean, I ain't complaining!" He shrugged with a smirk.

"Ok...? But... That remote you used, isn't that Joe's?"

"Hold on, you know Joe?"

"Well yeah! I'm his friend! I was helping him test out his prototype until I had to clean up your mess! How'd you get in here!? Did you sneak past him or something!?" Awesome questioned.

"Oh, busted..." He chuckled nervously. "Ok ok, here's the deal. We're friends from the same uni. He told me about his invention but he said to wait 'till tomorrow. I got curious about what's he doing with it today, so I followed him back here..."


"Noooo! It was... a surprise! I was gonna surprise him... you know?" He avoided making eye contact with Awesome as he chuckled more. "Look, you can't expect me to resist the experience that would be SO MUCH BETTER than VR! Think of the anime girls I can actually-" He suddenly stopped when he saw the stare Awesome was giving him. Not. Amused.

"Uh... be friends with! You know?" He looked everywhere else but Awesome once again.

"I see you are a man of culture..." She scoffed.

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