Chapter 37

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Lucinda's POV

I was seated at the cold metal chair starring at the white clear tiles of the hospital, they were so clean not only could you see your reflection in then but can probably even eat from it.

I was so anxious, I had come early to the hospital to come and collect the DNA results. Its been three weeks since the test was taken, I don't know why they took so long, and I couldn't wait so long, I had come so early because the curiosity is killing me.

I began to tap my foot in unbalanced rhythm.

I saw three figures headed my way through the clear white tiles. I didn't look up and kept facing down when I noticed them taking their seats next to me.

A familiar pair of hands encircled me into a hug.

"Everything is gonna be okay " Stefano said softly and planted a kiss to the side of my head.

I closed my eyes and felt another hand touch my hand.

I opened to look at Giovanni giving me that yearning and nervous look, I think for the first time in my life I saw fear in his eyes. Our eyes were locked together as I heard my name

I immediately stood up looking at the female doctor headed our way, she had blonde hair and dazzling Hazel eyes. She had a smile plastered on her face and documents in her hands.

"Please follow me " she turned her back on me and I saw Stefano grab my hand bag and came towards me, I saw the twins get up and we all followed the doctor.

Uhm are we all gonna go in her office together ?

Apparently yes when I saw Giano lock the door as we entered her office. I knew it was Giano because I told them to wear name tags so I could identify them better.

I know, smart right ?

Okay not the time.

I took a seat on the leather chair as Stefano sat beside me and the twins stood behind us.

The doctor looked at the twins then at me, she gave me a glossy smile then placed her hands on the table.

"Good morning" she said firmly

No one answered her, I just nodded, I don't know about the rest.

I mean now is not the time for greetings, just get it over with already. I could feel my heart beating faster as she opened a big brown envelope.

"We are very sorry the test took long, its because the two possible fathers are twins and have same material, and same blood so we had to separate it and also had some technical difficulties" she smiled again

Last time I'm ever coming to this hospital

"Who's the father ?" Rude much ? I heard Giano say from behind Stefano

The doctor kept her eyes locked on him.  Am I the only one finding this weird.


I released a breath while she kept fiddling with the papers.

Dr. D.P Amaro

It read at a big picture of her on her wall, hmm she studied in Russia, that's nice, I heard most medical students study there. Just wonder what an accountant such as Giano is doing there.

"The father is Giano Martinez" she smiled and I swear it was fake

When I heard Giano's name I felt Giovanni's hand land softly on my shoulder, I planted my hand on his and a tear slid down my cheek.

Giano just smiled as I wiped the tear off my face. I heard the door slam and I swear I know who just left.

Stefano swallowed hard and faced me, giving me that I'm sorry look. He knows better than anyone that I prayed for Voye to be Giovanni's child but I guess fait had other plans.

I got up and saw Giano who looked quite happy, I just nodded at him and couldn't help the anger inside of me.

Why , why him, he played me and betrayed his brother and God couldn't give my child to Giovanni but to him.

"Geez, I knew it was daughter" he placed a hand behind his neck

He knew huh ?

I walked out and Stefano walked behind me.

He caught my arm and I froze.

"Why ?" I punched his chest and he hugged me tightly

"I'm sorry " his hand rubbed my back as my sobs became louder and echoed in the empty hospital.

I watched as my tears fell to the clean tiles. I hope Giano slips on my tears and breaks a leg.

I'm so angry right now. I wonder how Giovanni feels, and where did he run off to ?


I opened the house door and saw Voye running towards me.

"Mama" she scram and hugged me, her hug made my heart feel a bit lighter.

I closed the house door as I watched Stefano walking in.

"Uncle Mendez" she ran to Stefano

"Hi mini Lucinda" Stefano hugged her with so much emotion and let her go.

I can only imagine the pain he is feeling after finding out that his wife Regina is sterile and they can't have kids.

I gave him the option of adoption but he said he wants to see his features and his wife's features in their child. I wish there was something I could do to remove this empty sadness from his heart.

It really broke him finding out that the woman he loves ever since high school can't give him the biggest joy of his life.

Now me who van have kids can't have the man I love or at least him being the father of my child. Why is life so unfair, sometimes I feel like I'm cursed or something.

My whole life has been horrible, I fell in love with a twin who's brother happened to fall in love with me then I fell pregnant at 18, my mother died a few years after falling pregnant and to top it all of, the icing on the cake, I've never had a father figure in my life.

I sat down on the sofa as Voye and Stefano followed suit. I gave out a loud sigh, I just wanna drown myself in a bath tub, just drain the little bits of life I have left in me.

I can't live like this, why isn't he the father, why that fool Giano.

I shrieked a little when Voye's little hand touched mine. I looked into her dazzling green eyes as she gave me a smile. I gave her a sad one of my own.

How will I tell her, what am I gonna say, how will I explain everything to her. ? I can't lie to her at all, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, what am I doing with my life.

I saw Stefano coming from the kitchen with two cups of coffee, he gave me one and I took a long sip.

"So" he sighed as he sat down

"Yeah" I faced him

"Wanna trash Giano's car " he laughed

He is such an idiot, but that would definitely make me feel better, although I don't think he has a car.

"I'm pretty sure he is using Gio's car" I laughed placing my mug on the table as I watched Voye stand to face us.

"You two are very bad people " she lifted her tiny finger and pointed at us while looking at us back and forth.

"Oh really ? Wanna see his bad we really are ?" Stefano smirked at her then got up and scooped her into his arms and began throwing her in the air.

Her laughter filled the whole room as I got up and tickled her in Stefano's arms. She couldn't take it no more, her face was turning red from laughter. She is so adorable, the laughter suddenly died when the doorbell rang.

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