Chapter 11

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Giano's POV

My brother is gone, my brother is gone, they took him, they took him again. They always took him and brought him back bruised and abused. Its been a week without him and our parents have gone to the police station to check up on him but they said they didn't arrest him.

It's those fuckin drug dogs that came to get him, the police didn't take him. If only he wasn't secretive maybe by now we would know where he was.

I couldn't stop pacing around the house, he is my twin brother, my other half, he is the only one that keeps me together. Without him I'm nothing.

I couldn't concertante on my studies without him mocking me or teasing me. His room was so empty and lifeless and so was the house. I looked at his desk where his car keys were, there was also an address to Lucinda's house. One of his friends brought the car after the incident, and it was parked in the garage ever since.

Mom couldn't take the pain anymore, she constantly kept fighting with dad and always arguing. This was tearing all of us apart . I wonder how Lucinda is coping, what if I go see her. But she will think I'm him and ask too many questions but I need to see her. No I won't.


Next thing I know Lucinda is hugging me with joy. What did I get myself into, how am I gonna answer her questions ?

"Gio, or Coutimoce, what should I call you ? Why'd they take you ? Are you okay , you don't look bruised, I hope you're ready for finals cause we are starting next week. Giovanni talk to me I mean I am your girlfriend after all" she bit her lower lip

She had so many questions and just wants to know how, why, where , when and what.

"Please just hug me and don't ask too many questions, I'm still processing it" I took her hand, I can only imagine what she feels for my brother and I can't take his place. What I'm doing is wrong. She hugged me tightly and then kissed my lips, I had to kiss her back, I couldn't resist. Her mouth was like fireworks an explosion after another. She pulled away but I pulled her back, I need more of her I need all of her.

So here I was kissing my brothers girlfriend at her front door. Couldn't life just get any any better? Note that was sarcasm

Idk how long he is gonna be away and how long this is gonna go on with her but I can't continue doing this.

I pulled away from her hands with the guilt swallowing me up little by little. This means that I have to play as Giovanni till he gets back. He has finals soon and I don't want him to fail , even if that means I'll have to write it for him. I knew it would be like cheating but I have to at least until he gets back cause it would be very suspicious for Lucinda to be seeing me today and then I don't show up for finals. I guess I'll just have to skip some of my accounting classes and get to studying my brothers books.

"Please promise you won't ask any questions about the other night. I'll tell you when I'm ready" I pleaded with her and lucky for me she is understanding, I wouldn't want her to ask questions I had no answers to.

She agreed by nodding her head


Tattoo shop, I read the sign of the shop in front of me. If I have to act like my brother I'll have to look like him as well. So after seeing Lucinda I decided to go and visit tattoo shops and get a nose piercing, I know I'll regret it but I have no choice, I want her to believe I'm my brother.

After the piercing which was painful as f*ck, I headed to the barber shop to get my hair straight , neat and tied up in a bun. I also had to change my way of dressing since I'm more into bright random colours and Giovanni only wears black and a little bit of white. I think I'll just wear his clothes, he really hates his things being touched.

He won't mind, right ?

Oh! What the heck.

I'm doing this for him so I'll wear his clothes. But I'll visit the menswear shops just to have a few of my things in black too. Just in case, I mean you always gotta be prepared am I right or am I scared ?
Don't answer that!

One last problem, what am I gonna do with my glasses since I'm practically blind without them ? This is going to be a horrible idea but hopefully it will work.

I went to some spec store and got myself contacts, now I can see much better than those silver thinned rimmed glasses.

I headed home and started studying my brothers books. His subjects were really a lot but nothing I can't handle. I made sure to lock myself in my room so I wouldn't be disturbed.

"Giano, are you in here ?" My mom yelled with a slight knock on the door.

"Yes, mom" I almost yelled

She was fudging with the door, slamming it continuously.

"Let me in then" she released the door handle.

I walked towards the door and opened up. She was holding a plate of some funny brown things which I'm guessing are cookies.

"I made you some besies," she smiled looking so beautiful. Even thou she is not my real mother I learned to love her like one. She took care of us when our mother abandoned us and ran of to God knows where.

But I don't blame her, maybe she had a reason for abandoning us, maybe she is suffering from not raising her kids. Its hard but I forgive her because I don't know the circumstances she was under to have of left us.

"Sweetie" my mom brought me back to reality.

"Sorry mom, its all the studying" I took the plate of what she calls besies and what I call burned cookies.
I was about to close the door when she stopped it with her foot.

"Studying for what ? Last time I remember your tests or exams haven't started yet" she kept staring at me with that look that yelled 'you better not be lying'.

I sighed heavily and assured her to come in. I told her everything about Lucinda and Giovanni. How I fell in love with her how I went to see her and how I want to take my brothers place in the finals examinations. She looked very shocked and unsure, knowing Giovanni's attitude, who wouldn't, but she seemed to understand that I was doing it for him, but she warned me about loving my brothers girlfriend.

I pray that Gio never finds out.

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