Chapter 8

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Lucinda's POV

I swear I'm not going to talk to Giovanni today, not at all, after what he did at the park, no ways. I mean who in their right mind throws someone with sand and expects it to be sexy.

That's what I told myself until I saw him with scars in his face and felt sorry for him. I tried to keep myself away from him but I really wanted to know what happened. I care about him.

Well its non of my business so I won't ask. And that's when I saw myself facing Giovanni. Way to go Lucinda, that's a good plan go to the person you're tryna ignore.

I slapped my forehead so hard I think I made it an eighthead.

"What are you doing " how dare he ask me that from what he did at the park. Not even an apology.

"What?...I " was all that could come out of my mouth, I was confused and wanted to slap him and add a few more scars on his gorgeous face.

So I raised my hand to slap him but I actually just ended up touching his scars sympathetically.

Darn my good heart. I'll rip it out in biology class.

"That hurts", his face was emotionless, he was like stone and didn't really seem like someone in pain.

"Oh sorry, just yeah" I moved my hand immediately, I don't know why I'm so nervous.

"It's okay, how are you Lucinda? " he gave a weak smile, awwwww he is so cute.

Snap out of it Luci, you're supposed to be angry at him.

"I'm fine, but what happened to you ?" Wow I'm so mad at him, so angry at him that I want to know what happened. I mentally slapped myself like 50 mental times.

"Nothing really. I fell, can we not talk about this, I'm not in the mood, yeah...? How was your weekend, what did you do?" He looked at me with a straight and emotionless face. Like he wasn't the one that threw sand in my face.

I gave him a ' you threw sand in my face ' kind of look. I don't think he clicked cos he was laughing at what I'm guessing the kid that just fell cos it can't be me.

"You're funny. What kind of a face are you making ?" Nope I stand corrected he is laughing at me.

Oh, well I'll just leave that there don't want him to think I'm having some sort of face concussion.

"Uhm..never mind, so what was the important question ?" I still didn't forget about that.

"Oh yeah didn't I ask you already ?" He asked adjusting his nosering.

"No." You avoided it and threw sand in my face, I wanted to add but that would make us start over with the argument and I wanted to avoid that.

"Well, will you go to prom with me ?" Oh holy shiiiiiit, he did it, he asked me. Okay well its not like I've been waiting or anything but I've been Frickin waiting. Now he just has to ask me out.

"Yeah sure Yuuup." I tried to say in my most calm and soft I don't care voice, but it went wrong it actually came out sounding like a squill of excitement so I had to fake cough and PLAY IT COOL.

"Great, I'll get back to you with that." He rubbed his nosering again.

"Ehy... Do you ever like take that off, your nosering I mean do you ever take it off?" It was killing me and I just want him to lie to me and say he doesn't.

"No, never." And he just lied

I was so disappointed to continue so I jumped to something else.

"Oh. Anyways, Steez signed us up for senhor and Senhora Lisboa, and I couldn't convince him not to, so I think we need to campaign". I pouted my lips and started rolling my eyes like it was awkward .

" Ugh really, I hate that funny stuff, do we really have to, I mean its too much work and I'm not up for it. Besides I lay low, I bet you're the only girl, nono, the only person that knows I exist in this school". I wanted to believe him until a group of girls passed by with a flyer on his face and tags saying 'VOTE GIOVANNI FOR SENHOR LISBOA' my jaw dropped open as they passed by us and gret Giovanni.

"Oh, well Idk about that considering what I just said", he looked at the girls and waved.

I was furious and punched him hard on his chest. That moron. I hate him.

I dramatically walked away stamping my feet on the ground angrily while he was groaning in pain calling after me. He deserves it and much worse.

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