Chapter 44

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Lucinda's POV

My eyes fluttered open as I smelled the fresh air around the room, I saw a shirtless Giovanni drooling in his sleep, he looked so peaceful and portrayed everything I'd ever want in life.

Its already been a month and a couple of weeks have past by, and our wedding is approaching it's in two weeks and I'm so excited but nervous at the same time.

These past weeks have been better after Raphael's burial and all, everything past by softly and slowly now I believe the saying that time heals all wounds. Giovanni has recovered from Raphael's death and hopefully so has his sister. I heard that all of Raphael's assets went straight to her and she deserves it.

As for my family, we are living in perfect harmony, my daughter and my husband just like it should be, nothing to disturb our lives or our peace.

I even quit my job at the firm, I'm no longer an architect but just an ordinary restaurant owner, I don't want to be an architect anymore so my last blue print was Giovanni's gallery, its almost done being build and his gonna showcase it soon. Probably after our honeymoon.

Honeymoon, sounds so magical already.

My life finally started going straight, I've opened up branches for my restaurant so far in neighbouring countries and all is well.

Giovanni spends most of the time downstairs in the basement painting new portraits to fill his gallery with.

Our wedding preparations are going great, I just wish my mom was here, I knew she would of been excited to arrange it. God knows how much I miss her.

I placed my head on Giovanni's chest hearing his heartbeat rhythmically, he placed a hand on my bare back and I looked up to find his gaze down on me.

"Morning " he whispered and kissed the side of my head

"Morning " I smiled at him

"What are you thinking about ?" He asked me while rubbing my head

"My mom " I really miss her

"And your dad ?" His question hit me like a dagger to the heart

"I'm a murderer" I sniffed, ever since the day I had shot him, I never opened up to Giovanni about it and he never asked, probably because he understood but I can't keep it in any longer.

"You're a hero " he faced the ceiling

"Do you know how I felt shooting him ?" I questioned with depression

"No I can only imagine, how did you feel ?" His gaze fell on me and I sat up right next to him

"I took his life and just not anybody's life but my father's life, I had resented him but not to the point of killing him, after hearing him say his name then his last name and then his confession I had to choose between you and him " I arched my back on the headboard of the bed and released a loud breath

"You chose me over your father " his eyes were soft and held back a few tears

I nodded lightly and laughed a little.

"It was either you or him " I told him as his hands travelled to my waist and he pulled me onto his stomach, my legs tangled onto his body more than the comforter, I straddled my self comfortably on him as my hands started outlining his chest.

His hands rubbing my bare back softly upwards and downwards as we kept starring at each other.

I leaned down and grabbed his mouth with mine, our tongues hungrily wrestled each other as our saliva dwelled a mixture of passion, his soft lips touching mine like little explosives in my mouth, he tastes so  good and tender.

A soft moan escaped from his throat as his hands grabbed my waist even tighter, he broke our kiss and began trailing kisses down my neck slowly to my collarbone straight to my chest then on my throbbing hard nipples.

He created sensations of erotic pleasure within me as he kept sucking gently on my nipple. My body began to ride against his gently as his hands cup my ass and take possession of it, I felt a hardening by my thigh and a huge grin spreads on my face. Everyday  with him feels like a dream.

"Make love me to me " I told him while I was out of breath from all the sensations he created within me

He kept starring at me as if searching for something in my eyes.

"Not until you do something " his response scared me a bit, what does he want me to do ? Twerk, or strip, Nah I'm horrible at that shit. Might even break a leg or worse, break his leg.

"What's that ?" I asked while looking around, this is kinda awkward

"Make me a new man " he responds and I don't understand what he meant with his statement

"How ?" I questioned him as I saw him reach for the drawer on his right and pull out a pair of scissors.

Oh no, he wants me to cut his dick off ? Wait what ?!

"Cut my hair " he handed the pair of scissors to me

Oh phew at least I'm not cutting his dick off but why his hair, his hair is what makes him, him, why does he wanna let go of it.

"Why " I grabbed the pair of scissors tightly in my hands

"Because my hair only reminds me of my old self, my old life, my wrong deeds, I want to start a new life beside my family, and new hair must grow as my new life begins " those were the most meaningful and sweetest words I have ever heard

He sat upright and I took a handful of his hair all together and I heard the scissor snap and his hair loosely form in my hands, I looked at the dark curly strands of hair in my hand and showed it to him.

He smiled and took it into his hands and dropped it to the floor. He looked so different with short hair, I'm not much of a barber but he looks fine for now at least.

"Don't worry I'll visit the barber shop later today, I won't go to our wedding like this " he chuckled lightly

"You better " I poked his chest with my index finger

"Now where were we " he gave me a devilish grin

"Right here " I licked his cheek and watched him look at me with a shocked expression

I nibbled on my lower lip as I tried to hold back my laughter.

"That's hot " he laughed then twisted me on my back and now he was lying on top of me, the comforter fell to the floor joining our clothes roughly spread on the white furry mat like tortured souls and we didn't mind, the cold breeze hit our bodies lightly as the birds outside chirped along with my moans.

His finger ran down my back as I arched it upwards and he opened his mouth, his breathing lightly panting on my cheek.

"I love you " he said it like the first day he broke my hymen.

I'm happy.

************* THE END ************

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