Chapter 13

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Giovanni's POV

"The Messiah said we must let you go" Raphael told me.

I looked up at him. After kidnapping me for more than two weeks they decide to let me go.

My arm was handcuffed to a chair that I was seated on and a table in front of me, I was in a very small room with no windows, it felt like prison again.

These guys kidnapped me from the ball, hit me hard on the head and I was out for two days, they fed me little food.

The reason they came for me was because they want me to lead the Dog's.

By them I mean the Messiah, the drug lord, the one who owns most of the cartels here and in Mexico. He is called the Messiah, giving himself that name because he thinks his as powerful as the real Messiah.

Its actually like this , after juvenile I left the gang known as the Dogs which is this gang that kidnapped me. Back then It wasn't a really strong gang so you could walk in and out how as you please. It seemed that I was one of their best dealers and now they want me to start dealing for them again. They have been trying to convince me to come back through the time that I have been here, that's why I wasn't tortured because they know if they torture me my answer will be a No.

Its not that I want to go back, I really don't want that life but if I go back I'll have a chance to find my mother, I know they will help me and I'll also have a chance to get rid of the Messiah once and for all. I've always wanted him gone because he took away my childhood, he introduced me to this hell of a life, I want him dead and I want to be the one to kill him.

I accepted their offer on a condition that they wouldn't hurt my loved ones, and that they make sure I don't get caught. I'm the new Leader of the Dogs, meaning I'm right under the Messiah he trusts me and that's good, because he won't see what's coming.

After handcuffing me the only person I could think off was Lucinda, what was going through her head, not having me around, I didn't write my finals and graduation is over.

I have to see her, I miss her, I need her. I planned to go straight to her but I look horrible and dirty still in my tux but now its dirty and the blazer is gone, my white shirt undone and the bowtie loosely around my neck.

"I want to take a shower and get some new clothes", I demanded

" By who's order ?" One of the guys behind me said, I don't know him so I'm guessing he is new.

I turned around and faced him, he looked very dangerous with his sleek black hair and dark eyes.

"By my order, Coutimoce, your new leader", I spat the words in his face, he looked at me with what I think is envy and wiped his cheek, he kept starring at me, I could see the veins in his face form.

Being their leader meant that they need to respect me and I will demand for respect and if they can't provide that respect they will deal with me personally.

Raphael came through us and pushed him away, hand signaling him to go.

"I see you're already demanding for respect" he gave me a wide grin, his hair flickering.

"I thought you knew me better, I don't take a single piece of shit from anyone", I looked at him straight in the eyes, he had to respect me too.

" I see, well shower's this way", he walked in front of me, I followed behind, I'm guessing this is The Messiah's house. It was very big with simple things of glass, this is his house where his drugs are made and tested.

Raphael showed me a room, it was at normal size with a blue wall and a bed and closet full of clothes, there was a bathroom attached to it. I immediately took off my clothes and went to the shower, it was a long shower but I had to be clean.

I finished showering and looked for a black shirt in the closet, I found it and put it on with some shorts and vans.

I headed out of the room, closing the door behind me. I heard a woman's voice commanding and arguing. I walked down the stairs to get a closer look.

My eyes were locked on her, she was very beautiful and she looked bossy like she knew what she was doing, she looked like a middle aged woman, if I'm not mistaken this must be the Messiah's wife.

I've only heard of her but never saw her, they say she is a heartless woman who only loves money. Many say that she has killed more people than her husband has.

She runs most of her husband's businesses, she looks very dangerous and venomous, I wouldn't want her for a mother.

"And you are?" She faced me, her eyes were so cold, she folded her arms and lifted her chin, she was wearing a black leather cat suit. She looked at me waiting for a response.

I didn't say anything, I looked away and kept walking, there is nothing I would discuss with such a heartless woman, she gave me bad vibes.

I headed to the door, looking at the cars parked in front of the house, there were all kinds of cars, like A Mercedes S class , a black Hummer, two Wranglers a Bugatti Veron and a red Lamborghini Gallardo.

This was car heaven for me, I was starring at all the cars, I'd prefer them in black.

"Need a ride ?" Raphael pat my back.

"Yeah", I followed him to the Hummer, I wonder why he is nice to me all of the sudden, is it because I'm their leader and now he is kissing my ass, not gonna work.

I told him to drop me a few blocks from Lucinda's house and footed to her house.

I rang the door bell but no one answered I decide to knock on the door and that's when the door opened by my light knock.

I entered but it seemed like no one was home but they wouldn't leave the house open. I looked at the graduation robe on the sofa in the living room. That means she is here. I headed to her room, I heard the shower in bathroom, I knew I wasn't supposed to go in but I couldn't help it. I opened the door and then suddenly the shower turned off.

I could see her beautiful figure through the steamed glass of the shower, a hand came out of the shower to grab a white towel.

She stepped out and looked shocked.

" Baby what are you doing here, I thought-" I cut her short with a kiss.

Sup guys, Omnivert here, so please don't get confused I hope I didn't confuse you, this chapter is talking about Giovanni when he was kidnapped and the scene where he goes to Lucinda is the same scene in chapter 12, I just wanted you guys to know where Gio came from.

I hope you enjoy, much more to come, thanks for the reads and the support and the messages. Please vote.

Much love

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