Chapter 33

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Giovanni's POV

It's been a couple of weeks since the day Luci ran out of my house furious at what she had found out. Damn that Rose, she just couldn't stay far could she, and everything she said really hit a nerve in Lucinda.

I feel so useless for not doing anything, she didn't want me to explain but what would say 'hey I'm a drug trafficker now and I'm just using Rose to kill someone my boss ordered me to kill' wow she'll definitely believe that one, note the sarcasm.

Maybe I should go to her house and apologize and just see how she is doing and my daughter is beautiful isn't she? Goodness she is a real angel but when will she know that I'm her father, when will Lucinda tell her. I hope she understands her mother and I, I want my child to own everything of mine, she is the soul heir of this place and everything of mine. I'll do everything I missed out doing with her, I'll take her to school and teach her how to ride a bike, she will call me daddy and with her mother by my side my life is complete. I'd do anything for my child, I'd even leave this life of drugs for my daughter just for her so she can be happy. Maybe I should drop by at their house and see her, but what if they are not there. You know what I'll just go.

I went to my garage looking at the different cars in my garage not sure which one to take. I was indecisive when it came to my cars. I looked at my green beast the Mercedes GTr then to my Aston martin, no maybe the black Hummer, Goodness just pick a car Gio, okay I kept looking until my eyes landed on my sweet ride of a Jeep wrangler, my high school car, I'll definitely take that.

I knew Lucinda was living at her mothers house, I can't wait to see her mom, she probably got old but she is such a sweet Lady, I really like her.

I stopped at the red light observing cars driving by me, the light turned green and I drove, it was a half an hour drive from my house to hers. When I got there I parked my car at the other side of the road. I crossed the street and walked towards the house that's when I heard laughter from the parking, I looked at the black Mercedes parked and my daughter and Lucinda and a man carrying some bags of grocery.

What's a man doing with her, who is he and he sure is making her laugh, they didn't see me so I hid behind the nearest tree. I kept glancing at them as my daughter kept hopping playfully to the house. She opened the house door and I saw a woman hugging her, it didn't look like Lucinda's mother in fact it was a younger woman in a maid uniform , okay that question is answered. The door was left open as I saw the two of them disappear into the house. I looked back at Lucinda and the man she was with, they looked so happy, he was carrying a few of the grocery bags in one hand and his other hand was clasped together with Lucinda's hands.

I couldn't explain the amount of jealously I felt, my blood began to boil, as they came closer  I walked from the tree I was behind. I looked at them back and forth. My hands formed into fists and anger and jealousy were my best friends that time. I wanted to hit this guy, he can't take my place in Lucinda's life not while I'm still alive he can't.

Lucinda's POV

I was laughing nonstop, Juano is funny, he was telling all about how his grandma used to scold him and how much of a troublemaker he was.
Goodness, he is really something, we just came from grocery shopping and arrived home. Voye had already ran into the house and she was probably already playing with Ximena the household help I got. I got a new one since the other one was so nosy, she couldn't mind her damn business I mean the other time when I was busy with Juano in the car she came to knock at the car window just to ask if I was coming inside. Goodness I hate a person that can't mind their own business so I let her go and got Ximena, a sweet innocent young girl, they get along so well with Voye.

I kept starring at Juano, he is so handsome and loving, he treats me so well and after that day in his apartment him and I started going out and got into a relationship, no he is no longer my driver, my car had been sent from Africa last week so i didn't need a driver no more, but he picked me up once in awhile.

Juano is a great guy so amazing he showed what I've been missing out on, I mean just dwelling on a guy who is dating my high school enemy was a waste of time while there were guys like Juano who looked for people like me. Juano is different, sometimes I just asked myself, how did the devil have a way of putting something so bad together and making it seem so good ?

You know, I mean, he bit into my forbidden fruit and it was great. I enjoy it. As for Giovanni I hadn't heard from him ever since that day.

We walked to the house until we saw a figure come from behind the tree.

It was Giovanni, what does he want ?

"What do you want ?" I asked him

"Who is he ?" Giovanni pointed a finger to Juano

"What's that got to do with you ?" I let go of Juano's hand

"Everything" he came closer sending Juano death glares

"Please leave I'm not in the mood for any of this" I sighed

"The person that needs to leave is him " he looked at Juano

"Please do as the lady asked" I heard Juano say

"Or else what ?" Giovanni came closer

"Or you'll deal with me" Juano stepped in front of me, with his back in my face

He was standing up for me awwww how cute is that

It was then when I noticed Giovanni plunge his fist into Juano's face, he stumbled back into me but neither of us fell I was so shocked I couldn't talk.

Juano went back to Gio and tried to punch him but it was unsuccessful as Gio blocked his fist. Giovanni pushed Juano until he fell onto the ground and kicked him and followed him to the ground to continue punching him.

I yelled for him to stop but he didn't, he kept attempting to break Juano's face.

I saq Gio pick Juano up and kept him locked in his bloody hands, I got the courage to stand between them, Gio looked at me then at Juano.

I could see the anger in his eyes as I kept starring at him pleading for him to let Juano go. His lip twitched and he loosened his hold. He took a few steps back and left.

I watched him walk to his car and heard Juano coughing behind me. I immediately attended to him and helped him into the house.

Why is Gio so violent. Does he always have to result to fighting, I placed Juano on the couch. I saw Ximena run towards me with a worried look on her face.

"I heard some yelling, what happened ma'am?" She looked at Juano

"Please get a cloth with some lukewarm water okay ?" I said to her

"Yes ma'am" she left

As soon as she went I saw Voye looking at Juano's bloody face with teary eyes.

"Mama why does he look like that ?' Voye asked as a tear rolled down her cheek

Oh God this is what I avoided, for her to be exposed to harsh environments, now what, my angel is crying.

" No, baby he just fell" I went to her and pulled her into a hug

"You're lying mama he was fighting, I saw them with that man we visited weeks ago, they were fighting" tears kept rolling down her cheeks

"I'm sorry" I lifted her up and took her to her room

Its about time I start being straight with her, she is becoming older and smarter, I can't lie to her at all, that's why she needs to know the truth, I need to know is the truth

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