Chapter 28

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Giovanni's POV

"What, what are you doing here ? How'd you find me ?" She stood up from her chair.

"Is that how you treat your guests?" I grabbed a chair and sat down.

I fixed myself thoroughly and folded my hands

"How'd you find me ?" She asked angrily

As a drug trafficker I know how to handle situations and act upon them that is why I'm so calm but deep down I want to cut all this sarcasm and hit her where it hurts.

Not physically hit

"Actually sweetheart, you found me" I smiled at her

I saw her face turn red, I could see she was getting annoyed and damn I won't stop till she explodes.

"Get out" she pointed a finger to the door

"Damn Luci, you bold" I have to give it up to her, she seems quite strong now like a woman of steel, wonder what happened in her life to make her so cold

"I won't repeat myself Giovanni Martinez, fuck out " she placed both her hands on the table and leaned close to give me a threatening look.

"You're still so beautiful" I saw her move away, my words caught her of guard

"What do you want ?" She sighed

"My child" my face became emotionless

"She is not yours" she became so defensive

Wait she?

"Its a girl ? I have a daughter ?" I could feel the joy inside of me build up

"She is mine, and mine alone " her eyes fummed

"You and I know very well that child is mine as well " I would fight for me daughter no matter what it takes

"She could be your brothers child as well" she just had to bring it up

"Over my dead body" I responded firmly " I want to see her"

"Over my dead body" she emphasized on the MY

Anger washed over me, was she really going to deny me custody of my child, did she think I would just give up easily.

If so then you're wrong Lucinda

"I'll take you to court "

"You can't do that because you might not be the father"

"I'm the father damn it" I banged the table

She shrieked with fear

"How do you know ?" She asked with confusion

"Because I made love to you first and first come first serve, or in this case, first cum first serve" my words shocked her

She remained silent, didn't say anything. I starred at her furious face, why is she being so hardheaded why is she so stubborn, can't she believe it like I do ?

Doesn't she love me anymore.

Where is the positive thinking open minded girl I used to know and love, where is the understand girl I dated.

What happened to her.

The office was silent

"Why?" I finally broke the silence

"Why what ?" She furred her brows

"Why'd you leave without telling me, why'd you leave me behind, why did you decide to hurt me so much, why didn't you let us work something out? Why Lucinda Perez why?" The pain filled up inside of me

She stayed silent

"Answer me woman" I demanded angrily and walked towards her.

She looked so scared and sad at the same time, her eyes were pleading, I could see the tears she was holding back.

She started shaking her head and backed away from me but I was too fast for her, I grabbed her by her waist and brought her up close to me.

She didn't even struggle or try to free herself but instead breathed heavily. Her hands on my chest and her face downwards.

I lifted her face up to me

"Do you know the pain you caused me ?" I starred at her as my hands got the feel of her body

Her face was so close to me I wanted to kiss her but no, that will only make me seem week.

I watches her blink but she didn't open her mouth to say a word.

So its the silent treatment now huh ?

I released her from my hold and took a few steps back.

"I'll give you 48 hours to bring my daughter to me" I took a piece of paper and pen and wrote down my address "or else I'll see you in court"

"You have no right" she finally spoke

"Tssk  tsk woman, why do you have to make this so hard, we can either do this the hard way or the easy way, its your choice baby" I tapped her chin lightly and winked at her

I started moving away until I reached the door then turned around to look at her one last time.

"Good afternoon Mrs Perez" I smiled and nodded my head

She was emotionless just stood there quietly starring at me

I looked away and made my out

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