Chapter 23

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Lucinda's POV

The malls were so huge, bigger than the last time I was here, the architecture was really greatly done on these malls.

Okay I think just because I'm an architect I have to observe all of this, I mean that's what makes me the best am I right?

Voye tugged my hand pointing at a stuffed animal shop. I looked back at the driver who was now looking like a bodyguard/husband and pulled him with me.

We got into the shop and a Lady came to meet us at the door.

"Welcome to Highly buggly bear" she smiled widely

Geez what a horrible name

"You can get the bears for couples this side and for your daughter there" she smiled again showing her hands in two different directions.

"Oh uhm we're not-" that bustard cut me off

"Let's go the couples section honey" he gave a loving smile which made me melt inside.

What did he just say, did he call me honey and wait what.

My jaw dropped open when he took my hand and Voye's hand as well.

"Oh, lovely" said the lady in front of us, I read the tag on her shirt that spelled Twilika, I'm guessing that's her name.

I nodded and she walked away.

I followed Juano till the couples section, it felt a bit awkward when he didn't release my hand.

He turned around and faced me, took my other hand and now both my hands were clasped together with his.

He filled the gap between us and opened his mouth.

For a minute I thought he was gonna kiss me he leaned in and I closed my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine.

After like five seconds I opened one eye wondering why he didn't kiss me yet, I met his gaze on me then opened my other eye.

He burst out laughing.

Oh my, I just humiliated myself.

"Were you waiting for me to kiss you ?" He chuckled even more

I felt a little crushed so I did the first thing that came to my mind.

I slapped him

"You're fired" I added after his hand landed on his cheek to smoothen the pain.

"What ? Senhora you're crazy" he laughed a bit more.

"I'm not crazy, I'm mad" I spat the words in his face.

I turned to go but he gripped my arm tightly and pulled me closer to him, his other arm snaking around my back.

"I like mad" I felt his breath on my lips which sent a chill down my spine.

We stared at each other my face looking serious while his plastered with a smile, his gaze dropping to my lips.

"Is everything okay" said a female voice.

He released but still kept his gaze on me. I fixed my shirt rubbing my hands on it nervously and faced the direction where the voice came from.

It was Twilika, the lady we meet in the shop earlier.

"Uhm, all is well thank m-ma'am" I was shaking.

"Have you made a decision on which bear you'd like " Twilika smiled once more and faced Juano


Pause everything

Where's Voye ????

I looked around the shop

"Voye" I called out softly

"I'm here mama" she ran towards with a big brown bear that was bigger than her whole entire body, it covered most of her body.

"Is this the one you want ?" I smiled at her

She nodded the bears head and I laughed a little.

"Let's go pay" I placed my hand on her back.

"Wait, I still haven't chosen a bear for you" Juano spoke pointed at the bears and looking between Twilika and I.

"No thank you, its not necessary" I gave out a weak smile

"Please, I insist" he gave me a charming smile

He walked towards a blue big beard with prickly eyes and a white stomach, it looked like it was staring at me.

He took it and walked to the teller while holding Voye's hand, they looked so cute from my view.

For a second I thought of how Voye feels not knowing her father , maybe just like me when my father abandoned us.

I swear wherever that man is, I hope he is suffering.

I don't want my daughter to suffer like how I suffered without a father but I don't know who her father is, how will I be able to explain to her that I don't know who her father is, or explain why I don't know how her father is.

How will I explain to my angel that I fell pregnant at a young age. I don't want her to make the same mistakes as I did but what if she judges me for the wrong decisions I took in life.

God please help me

I'm so scared to tell her the truth and I know soon she will ask about her roots and her father and probably her grandfather.

"Mama let's go" she shouted for me and I shook myself out of my thoughts.

"Coming" I headed towards them

We left the mall and I indicated the driver where to go, I wanted to see if the restaurant was still there.

We got into the turn and I saw it still standing with its big poster, Mass Grande

Wow after all these years it was still standing. I immediately got out of the car when it stopped.

I headed to the door, it still looked the same, something caught my eye, it was empty and there was a notice of shutting it down


I immediately opened the door, I saw Mrs Mendez coming out of the the kitchen with a nan behind her.

"Mrs Mendez" I ran towards her with and pulled her in a hug.

"Oh little Luci, miha, you're so big look at you, how , when, what are you doing her?" Question was in her voice

"I'll explain later, what's going on why is it being shut down ?" I looked at the man the back to Mrs Mendez

"Oh miha, I don't have enough money to keep it going, your mother always used to send but now that she passed on, may she rest in peace, the money stopped, I can only afford the one in Porto" she sighed and faced down "I guess it just has to be shut down" she added

"No no, over my dead body, I'll pay for everything as long as its still running" I said and I saw her face lighten up

"Really Miha that will be great" she clasped her hands with mine.

This place belonged to my mother, I won't let anything or anyone kill it.

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