1 | Did we have homework?

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After an exhausting day of school, Baekhyun couldn't wait to finally lay down on his bed and sleep for eternity. He honestly had no idea how his legs were managing to carry him home till this point. Maybe he should've agreed to let Minseok drive him home after all. A loud sigh rolled off the latter's lips, gaining Sehun's attention. "You might have to carry me home.. My legs might not make it till there.." Baekhyun threw his arm over his face to give it a slightly dramatic effect while leaning against Sehun to make it even more dramatic. Sehun rolled his eyes in response and quickly shoved the shorter off his shoulder harshly. With that, the shorter almost fell face first on the floor, mouthing a soft shit as he quickly regained his balance.

"Didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders goddammit?!"

"They did, But if you want to be respected you should act like it."

Sehun smiled victoriously as he kept walking, leaving Baekhyun eating his dust behind him.


They soon shared their bye's and made their separate ways to their respective homes. They lived across each other which was quite convenient for them. They've been neighbors for longer than Baekhyun could remember, which also made them friends since they were small. So basically, a long time, too long if you ask Baekhyun.

The male twisted the knob to his front door, being greeted with his rather small house. His parents were still at work and his sister was out with her boyfriend so he was home-alone, for now anyways. He sighed as he kicked off his shoes and dropped all his belongings, leaving them them at the front door. Baekhyun could only think of one thing at the moment and that was his bed. He gave the clock a quick glance before dragging himself up the long flight of stairs. It was 6:24. If he slept now, he wouldn't sleep at night, he knew that. But he couldn't care less at the moment. It's like the words sleep and bed were on repeat in his head.

Sleep. Bed. Sleep. Bed...

The petite male pushed his bedroom door open and stumbled over to his bed like a sleepy puppy. He flopped on his bed and stayed there for a while. Well, to be exact, untill his parents got home and called him down to probably lecture him about leaving his stuff at the front door. He groaned in misery as he slowly got up from his comfy bed and made his way downstairs.

"How many times do I have to tell you to bring you're stuff up to your room when you get home? This isn't some kind of museum for you to show off your stuff at the front door."

"Ah, I'm sorry.. I was just tired and forgot..! This won't be happening again."

"I sure hope it doesn't."

His mom tapped her foot angrily, watching Baekhyun pick up his stuff and carrying them up to his room. The latter remembered he also had unfinished homework to complete before he went to sleep, he wasn't the type to not do his assignment so he didn't really have a choice here. He sighed loudly as he sat down on his chair, already pulling his unfinished papers out of his backpack. As he was about to start working, he felt a vibration coming from his back pocket, so he pulled out his phone to see what was stopping him from finishing this damned paper.

It was Jongin.

He let it ring a few times before sliding to answer the call and bringing the devise up to his ear.


[Did we have homework?]

Loud shuffling could be heard from the other end, Baekhyun assumed it was Jongin looking for his assignment inside his bag full of forgotten papers and candy wrappers.

[Yes. But I believe you were sleeping when the teacher handed it out.]


Jongin hung up.

Baekhyun felt a bit bad for the guy but he couldn't really do anything to help him either, so he put his phone down and finally began working on his unfinshed homework. He had more homework than he thought he did, which made him even more tired. It was now 7:35. The latter quickly put his work away and prepared his bag for tomorrow morning.

He was basically done with everything that needed to be finished and could finally have his much needed rest.

The male, finally, laid back down on his comfy bed. He closed his eye, found the perfect position, everything. But he couldn't fall asleep. Since his sleepiness had left him, he decided it was a good idea to call one of his friends.

His finger hovered over the name Sehun, which had Baekhyun turning his head to the window. The lights at Sehun's house were all on. He instantly pressed the call button after making sure he wasn't going to wake his friend up, he learned recently that Sehun gets cranky if woken up from his slumber.

[What is it, Baekhyun?]

[I can't sleep.]

[Seriously? You called me just to say that?]



And with that, Sehun hung up on Baekhyun's face. Frowning, the latter mumbled a string of curses directed at the younger, thinking of ways to get him back the next day.

After a good 30 minutes of staring at a wall, he finally fell asleep.

To Be Continued..

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