12 | Love Expert

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The more time that slipped by, the more Baekhyun's feelings towards Chanyeol grew.

But of course he wasn't going to admit that, that's absurd!

And the more time that slipped by, the more Baekhyun began to worry on what these stupid fucking feelings actually were.

Sure, Sehun tried to convince the brunet that he was in love –several times actually– but Baekhyun denied it each and every time, telling the younger to stop spurring nonsense. But even so, ever since Chanyeol had suddenly appeared out of basically thin air, the latter had been getting that same dream every now and then. And every night, the dream was clearer and clearer in his head. It was starting to scare him a little–

Baekhyun ran a hand through his hair while staring at the ceiling.

What the fuck.

He glanced at the clock on his bedside table. 1:14AM.

For some reason, at such an ungodly hour, Baekhyun thought it was a good idea to ring up Sehun. Knowing the younger, he would get pissed and probably not even answer. But much to his surprise, someone answered after the second ring.


Hushed whispers could be heard from the other line but it soon went silent. He heard an unfamiliar groan from the other line then Sehun finally spoke.

"Who the fuck is it?"

"It's me, Baek– Are you with someone right now?" Baekhyun noticed the other didn't sound the least bit sleepy but he payed it no mind.

It took a while for the younger to respond.

"No. Don't change the topic. What do you want?"

"I didn't–" Baekhyun sighed, massaging his temples delicately. "It happened again, the dream."

"You better not be fucking with me right now just to disturb my sleep or I swear–"

"I'm not! Why would I?!" The latter's grip to the rectangular object tightened as a scowl began to form on his lips, which he knew Sehun couldn't see.

"Okay so are you going to accept you're in love with him?"

"Sehun, that's silly and you know it so stop saying that!"

"Then why did you call? If you didn't just call me when I was... Sleeping... To tell me you finally figured it out then I don't want to hear it." He hung up after that.


"Fucking dick..." He muttered, slamming his phone harshly on his mattress, which bounced off his bed onto the cold hard floor.


Hesitantly, he picked the device up from the ground to find a very visible crack on the screen. Baekhyun mumbled, "I'm so sorry, I'll never do that again to you– Ah I'm so so so sorry! Please forgive me Mr.Phone!" He hugged his phone close to his chest before calling someone else, paying no mind to the time.

After about 7 rings, he was about to hang up but then someone picked up.



"Ahhh, why are you calling me right now– This better be fucking important like you're dying or something or god so help me I'll–" The other's whining got interrupted by an annoyed Baekhyun.

"Quit rambling and listen. Sehun didn't listen so you're pretty much my last hope." The other line was silent for once in forever and Baekhyun was actually worried Jongdae had hung up on him.

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