27 | Revelations

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Chanyeol fell silent.

Baekhyun had retreated his hand, he stared at Chanyeol quietly taking all of that in. The taller was staring down at the floor, he wasn't crying tho.

He was just... Staring... Probably thinking.

"So, for all this time, you were looking at another person... You were looking through me?" The smaller could feel his tears building up in his eyes again. Chanyeol finally looked up, the first thing he noticed were the older's glassy eyes which made his heart shatter further.

"In the beginning, yes. Along the middle tho, your differences became clearer and clearer."

Baekhyun inhaled sharply and looked over to the window.

"Well, who do you see now?"

"You. And only you."

The smalled chuckled darkly and met eyes with Chanyeol again. "And just how am I supposed to believe you?"

The taller gazed down at Baekhyun. The afternoon sun was in such position that the smaller's features were lit up ever so perfectly, making them somehow even more beautiful. His little details, they were the ones that differentiated him from any other person outside that door, outside that room. The latter's little details were what made him absolutely stunning in Chanyeol's eyes. He wanted to prove it. He needed to prove it. He just had to prove it to the older. Whatever it takes.

Chanyeol placed a hand on the desk that separated them and settled his other hand on Baekhyun's wet cheek. The other held his breathe and watched as the taller leaned in further, ever so slowly.

To Baekhyun's surprise, he stopped just when their lips were about to met for the second time in a while. "... Can I..?"

The smaller smirked, and tilted his head. "I don't know, can you?" Chanyeol rolled his eyes and corrected himself, "May I?" Baekhyun couldn't help but break into a smile, he nodded curtly and closed his eyes.

But nothing happened.

The smaller opened his eyes and frowned, Chanyeol face was centimeters away and he was just staring at him, he looked like he was somewhere far away. Actually, staring isn't the right word... Studying, studying his features carefully, memorizing them.

"Are you gonna do it or not?"

"Do what?"

Baekhyun scowled, he grabbed Chanyeol's cheeks and leaned in. The smaller had closed his eyes and Chanyeol was taken aback a bit by his action, he soon contributed tho. The kiss lasted about 10 second to both of their disappointment. The older gave Chanyeol a look, "Yeol.. The–"

"Don't worry, it's locked. No one should bother us again." He wagged his eyebrows up and down which made Baekhyun's face grow pink, while the taller was laughing at the other's reaction, the latter did the job of moving to the chair next to him.

Baekhyun puffed out his cheeks and pinched the giant's arm. "The fuck–" His words got cut off by Baekhyun crashing their lips together again for a more passionate kiss, Chanyeol didn't object, he kissed back almost immediately. The smaller slid his way on the younger's lap for more comfort and to make it easier on both of their necks. The latter carefully laced his arms around Chanyeol's neck as the younger slides his tongue inside Baekhyun's mouth, set to explore the smaller mouth. The taller slowly licked the roof of Baekhyun's mouth, causing him to moan softly, Chanyeol smirked and carefully nibbled on the smaller's soft pink lips.

The giant felt blood rush down south as Baekhyun made little noises through out their long and slow make-out session, the smaller couldn't sit still, he'd move a little every second. It didn't help the boner growing inside Chanyeol's pants at all, the taller grabbed hold of the older's waist in hopes to get him to settle down or else a lot more than just this would go on in that very room.

Baekhyun pulled away for some air, he rested his cheek on Chanyeol's collar, breathing heavily. The taller wrapped his arms around the smaller body that was on him and leaned close to the latter's ear, he whispered, "Was that proof enough?"

The older looked up at the giant and smirked, "Nope, you should try again."

"As much as I'd love to take you right here, right now, I'm afraid we don't have lube."

A shade of pink dust found itself on Baekhyun's cheeks again and he crossed his arms over his chest. "N-Nevermind, idiot.. You should take care of.. That.. Before we leave here..."

"Funny how you were supposed to be the one taking care of that," He chuckled, "Next time princess.. Next time for sure." Chanyeol smirked and placed a kiss on Baekhyun's nose before patting his thigh, signalling him to get off him.

The smaller carefully got off the giant's lap and dusted himself, he waited for Chanyeol to get ready to leave. "Hey Baek, you're a good kisser."

Now, where has he heard that before?

"Shit." Baekhyun muttered to himself. The dream.

Chanyeol came clean so he figured he should too, his topic wasn't as important, but he figured he should still tell him about it. He has the right to know, even if its a little weird.



Baekhyun pushed him back to a sitting position and sat down next to him. "I need to tell you something."

"Go ahead,"

"W-Well... So like one day before you enrolled here, right? Well... I kinda had this dream and–"

"Are you telling me you had a wet dream about me?"

"No! Listen you big bitch! I wasn't done..." Baekhyun hissed, slapping Chanyeol's leg gently who was smirking down at him. "Fine, just tell me."

"B-Before we met, I had this dream... This weird dream where you gave me a rose and kissed me... I didn't know who you were when I had it and then the next day you just... Appeared." Chanyeol raised a brow then after a few seconds he laughed, "Must be a sign."

"A sign? A sign of what exactly?"

"That we're meant to be." Chanyeol smiled, "Can you give me the details about the dream?"

"Later– I can't talk to you with a straight face knowing your dick is hard."

"Soften it then."

"You said next time!"

"It's your fault it's hard tho–"

They had another, shorter, make-out session before actually getting ready to leave the room. 

What they didn't noticed however, was that from behind the abandoned classroom doors, was a certain someone who heard everything.

To Be Continued...

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