5 | Stalker

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There they were, in yet another awkward situation. It felt like they were climbing a never ending flight of stairs, damn all this just to get to a quiet place. Baekhyun glanced quite often at Chanyeol as they headed to their destination. He was stunning, what else was he supposed to do? For a split second, their eyes met, Baekhyun was first to look away but Chanyeol decided he was going to stop dead on his track. The shorter looked back at the other, who was staring at him with his dark eyes, they kept on staring at each other for a while. Chanyeol just stared down at the shorter with his expressionless eyes while Baekhyun tried not to make too much eye contact.

"Is there something wrong?"

That simple question got Baekhyun to lift his head up to look at Chanyeol's deep brown eyes.

"N-No, why would you think that?"

"You wouldn't stop glancing at me every five seconds, I thought you were paranoid that I'd do something–" The latter's heart dropped after hearing the taller's words.

Oh shit he noticed–

He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck out of embarrassment.

What now? Tell him that he thinks he's hot? Talk about that fucking dream? Think brain, think!

"W-Well.. I wanted to start a conversation but I didn't really know what to talk about.." The latter fiddled with his finger, he could sense Chanyeol's deep stare cutting holes in Baekhyun's body.


The taller cleared his throat, adjusting his uniform tie and signaling them to keep walking. Baekhyun nodded, leading the way once again. In no time, they had arrived at their destination, the roof. Baekhyun sat down on a bench while Chanyeol placed his tray next to the latter, leaning on the railing of the roof.

Chanyeol was just taking in the view he got from the roof, his silver locks looked so soft, Baekhyun really wanted to touch his hair. But that would be weird, he thought to himself. The latter wonders if the taller even came here to eat or just to look the school from another view, he didn't touch his food ever since they arrived here. Maybe he wasn't hungry, maybe he could ask if he could have Chanyeol's food? I mean, it didn't look like he was interested in it anyways.

"Are you not going to eat?"

The taller shook his head lightly, not even looking at the latter. After he confirmed it, the shorter quickly scooped some of the taller's rice into his own tray. He didn't want to seem like that kid who is always starving so he didn't take much.

The silver haired male just stood there with his arms crossed, walking around the roof. When he finally got tired of standing, he finally sat down next to the latter with his arm crossed.

"Thank you,"

Baekhyun looked up from his food, tilting his head a bit.

"For what?"

"For taking me here, like I said, it was too crowded back at the cafeteria."

"No problem." Baekhyun smiled softly and nodded, kicking his feet into the air like a child who has just received a piece of candy.

"You said you wanted to start a conversation–" He paused, "What do you wanna talk about?"

"Where are you going?" Minseok was quick to grab Luhan's sleeve before the blonde left the table out of the blue. The deer boy gulped, feeling the older's gentle fingers tugging at his fabric.

"Can I not go to the bathroom?" He immediately made up an excuse, finally watching the other withdrawing his hand from his sleeve, letting him leave the table hesitantly. The deer boy took his chance and stumbled over to the exit, shortly after, Minseok gave Jongin a quick nod.

The blonde sprinted up to the roof, trying to get there as quickly yet quietly as possible. He was finally in front of the doors that led to the roof, he didn't want to make it seem like he was following them (because techinally, he was) so he didn't go any further. He simply stood there, watching them from the tiny window of the roof door. Luhan couldn't hear what they were saying, luckily they didn't speak much. He felt like a dirty stalker, watching them from a safe distance like this. Anyone who happened to pass-by him would think he was a total creep, they wouldn't be wrong.

He glanced at his wrist watch, the bell would ring soon so he hurried back down to the cafeteria.

"What the hell took you so long?" Jongin raised his eyebrow, crossing his arms.

"The uhm.. bathroom was closed so I had to go to the one in the other side of the school.." Luhan flopped down on his seat awkwardly, scratching his neck.

"You're lying, Jongin cheeked both bathrooms while you were gone. Where did you really go?" Minseok muttered softly without looking at his bestfriend's face.

"Why do you wanna know so bad?" The blonde groaned and tapped his feet, clearly annoyed by all the questions.

"We're just worried.." Miseok sighed, giving Luhan a concerned look.

"Well you don't need to worry about me, I'm fine."

The bell soon rang, as predicted by the blonde, signalling all the students to return to their classes. Jongin groaned, he had to go to math while Luhan and Minseok had a free period.

"You two are lucky.. You don't have to see a bunch on numbers.." The younger mumbled as he left the table with a long sigh.

Minseok stuck his tongue out playfully like a child while Luhan, on the other hand, stared at Chanyeol and Baekhyun walking to what he assumed was to their class. Baekhyun was laughing and Chanyeol was laughing with him. The blonde wonders what the two were laughing at, just a second ago they were awkwardly exchanging words at the roof with straight faces.

Moments later they were out of Luhan's sight. He only sighed and looked over at Minseok, the shorter was working on his unfinished homework so he decided to do the same to pass time.

Baekhyun sat down on his seat, turning around with a smile plastered on his face.

"So, Chanyeol, can you finish that story you were telling me about earlier?"

"Oh right, so we were about to–" The taller was interrupted by a new comer. Chanyeol was about to continue but decided not to, he closed his mouth and stared up at the stranger, his smile long gone.

"Baekhyun, can i borrow your math notes?"

"Oh of course! Just give me a second.." The latter turned to his bag, looking for said notes in his folder. Ah, here it is, he said to himself. Baekhyun grabbed the pages and handed them to Yixing, the Chinese exchange student, they became friends when they were chosen to be partners for a science project but accidentally stayed up all night cooking and watching movies together.

"Thank you, let's study together again some time." He only smiled at the shorter and walked back to his seat.

"I'll finish telling you the story later." Chanyeol whispered, pulling his notebook out from under his desk.

"Just hurry up and tell me now!" Baekhyun whined and pouted like a child, puffing his cheeks.

That made Chanyeol's heart clench, the taller shook his head quickly and pointed to the front of the class, where their teacher stood with an angry glare directed at Baekhyun.

The shorter quietly faced front, blushing a bit.

To Be Continued...

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