19 | Rilakkuma

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Baekhyun didn't ride to and from school with Chanyeol today.

Not because he was too flustered to see Chanyeol's face after he almost "kissed" him a few days back, no, he thought he just had something on his face and Chanyeol was being nice by wiping it off.

How could he face Chanyeol without a gift for his birthday?

He passed by a few stores in one of the many busy streets of Seoul looking for something that really screamed "Chanyeol".

At this point, Baekhyun was considering giving the giant a card but he shook the thought off.

It wasn't after a couple 24 stores that he found the perfect gift.

A small Rilakkuma sat on a windowsill of some random store, Baekhyun didn't care enough to read the name of the place all he knew was that he needed that Rilakkuma.

The latter rushed in the store and grabbed the stuffed toy. "It's so cute... I wonder if they have another one... If not then I guess I'll have to keep looking for something for Yeol..."

The store was decorated with other stuffed toys and weird candies but Baekhyun didn't even pay any mind to the other things the store had to offer. He walked up to someone wearing a uniform he could only think belonged to the store and asked, "Excuse me, do you have another one of these?" Baekhyun gestured at the Rilakkuma on his hand before looking back up at the person that worked there.

He blinked a few time, the person just stared at him with a smile.

"Jongin? You work here?" Baekhyun tilted his head dumbfounded.

"Yeah, Kyungsoo does too." Jongin waved at his boyfriend who waved back without even looking up from the money he was counting. "He likes checking if the money is real, that's what he told me anyways."

"Does anyone else from our school work here too?"

"Yeah, I don't think you know them tho." The younger pointed at a girl with light brown hair crouched down while giving a child a piece of candy. "That's Juhyun but we call her Irene." Then he pointed at a black haired male grabbing a stuffed toy from the top shelf for a little girl with a warm smile on his lips. "And that's Jungwoo, he was hired recently and he really fits in. He eats with me and Kyungsoo sometimes at school too!"

Jongin was right, Baekhyun didn't exactly know them, he only saw them every once in a while when he and Chanyeol arrived at school.

"Also, we have more of those over there–" The taller looked down at the Rilakkuma on Baekhyun's hand then pointed at a shelf near the window. "How cute... He's getting matching stuffed animals for him and his boyfriend.." Jongin mumbled to himself as he watched Baekhyun grab another bear from the shelf and shuffle over to Kyungsoo.

"Hey Soo!" Baekhyun cheerfully greeted when Kyungsoo smiled at him.

"Hi, is this all you're getting?" The doe-eyed male asked after he showed Baekhyun the total. The latter nodded. "27,071 won, please." Baekhyun nodded again and payed for the two bears, he quickly slipped them in his bag and walked out of the store. "Bye Kyungsoo! Bye Jongin!" Jungwoo and Irene glanced at Baekhyun as he walked out.

Baekhyun lifted his hand to knock on Chanyeol's front door but changed his mind last second. He looked down at the box he had nicely wrapped the Rilakkuma in and gulped, the latter could hear people talking from behind the door. The male was about to give the door a gentle knock before the door abruptly opened. "I thought I tol–" Chanyeol hadn't noticed Baekhyun's presence, causing him to stumble over him. Chanyeol was now on top of Baekhyun who looked up at him with wide eyes and pink dust across his cheeks.



Beyond the two's view, was Sehun, Jongdae and Junmyeon sticking their head out from the door frame watching the two mere inches away from closing the gap between them.

Baekhyun delicately pushed Chanyeol off him and dusted himself off. Chanyeol cleared his throat and helped the smaller up, pretending nothing happened. "Sorry about that– I didn't see you there..."

"Don't- Don't worry about it... I-I didn't know you were having a party..." The latter whispered softly as he looked inside Chanyeol's house.

"I didn't either." Chanyeol sighed as he massaged his temples. "Kris was setting a cake on the table when I came home– Do you want to come in?"

"Sure, oh! Here!" Baekhyun smiled as he handed the nicely wrapped box to Chanyeol, who smiled brightly and took the box from Baekhyun's hands. "Happy birthday, Yeol! You're getting old!"

"Oh, shut up, you're older than me." The taller rolled his eyes and dragged Baekhyun inside by the wrist. Baekhyun giggled and greeted everyone, everyone minus Jongin, Kyungsoo, Minseok and Luhan. The latter frowned, he figured Jongin and Kyungsoo were still working and Luhan and Minseok were just busy.

Baekhyun grabbed a piece of cake and began walking around Chanyeol's house, watching the maids and servants clean rooms, smiling politely when they passed Baekhyun. The latter's attention was caught by an slightly ajar door, he furrowed his brows and fully opened to door to reveal a small library with a comfortable couch sitting in the middle of the room.

The latter smirked, "Let's see what taste that tall giant has.." He looked through some books for a while, looking at the title, the cover and the back of the book. "Not bad, I guess. My books are better tho~" Baekhyun mumbled to himself as he continued looking through the other's collection of books.

Chanyeol watched the idiots in front of him playing spin the bottle like children, he noticed that Baekhyun was missing, he remembered seeing the guy take a piece of cake and talk to a few people but after that he was gone. "Hey, Chanyeol, why can't i call you 'Yeol' like Baekhyun?" Kris elbowed his friend with a smirk on his face.

"Because only he can use that nickname." Was all he said before leaving his cake and utensils and walking off to look for Baekhyun.

Jongdae and Sehun observed the birthday boy leave the room and decided to follow him, they missed the perfect opportunity of them being on top of each other, they won't let that same mistake happen again.

Chanyeol heard a faint yet familiar hum from the door that led to his private library, he knew Baekhyun was in there. As quietly as possibly, he opened to door and watched Baekhyun struggle to get a book from the top shelf. It was amusing to watch for while but soon, Chanyeol decided to help him.

He quietly walked behind the unsuspecting latter and grabbed the book that Baekhyun was no where close to getting.

Baekhyun froze, he recognized those arms, he felt a strong chest on his back and he turned around to face Chanyeol.

imma be a bitch and leave this like this until saturday. muaHAHAH


but i'm sure baekhyun doese more–

To Be Continued...

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