4 | Alone

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Sehun glared at the latter but nevertheless, he chose to ignore him. Baekhyun mouthed a soft fuck when he watched as the younger simply get back to whatever it was he was doing in his notebook. The latter glanced at Chanyeol before getting up from his seat, as quietly as possible, heading straight to Sehun'd desk. The teacher was distracted explaining something to some girl anyways, so he wouldn't notice. The shorter quietly dragged Sehun out of the classroom.

"Can you explain to me what the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Yelled Sehun, as soon as they entered the gym. It was empty. At least Baekhyun thought it was anyways. 

"It was him.." The shorter mumbled repeatedly to himself, pacing back and forth in front of the other.

Sehun grabbed the latter by the shoulders, stopping his annoying loop. "Who?"

"Park, the new student. It was him, he was the one in my dream."

The taller stared down at his best friend for a few seconds, processing the information he had just revived, before laughing hysterically at his face. It took about 3 minutes and 1 second for him to regain his senses and find the right words to spit out. "S-So what you're saying.. Is that Park Chanyeol, the new student, that YOU have never seen in your life, is the guy you saw in your dream? You've gotta be kidding."

"I'm serious! Why the hell would I joke about this?!"

"Right, right.. How are you so sure anyways?"

"I remember.. His face, his voice.. I'm sure it was him. What should I do..?" Baekhyun looked up at his friend, his face actually had a serious expression on. Okay maybe he wasn't kidding–

"First of all, don't tell him about the dream or else he'll think you're crazy. Also, try to become his friend or something, invite him to eat are our table.  He's new, he probably doesn't know anyone."

"That's if every single girl isn't trying to get into his pants when I get the chance to even talk to him. You saw how they were all staring at him when he introduced himself, they were basically drooling all over him!" Baekhyun hissed, thinking back to that moment, which wasn't that long ago actually.

"What, are you falling for him too?" Sehun smirked teasingly at the latter, who gave him an angry glare, he was blushing too.

Sigh. He's too obvious–

"N-No! I just meet the guy!" He paused, "The thing is.. That when he was walking to his desk, he.. He winked at me.."

"Winked at you? You?" The taller chuckled quietly, "You're probably seeing things. I mean, who would wink at you." The taller rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. The older replied to that with a strong punch in the other's arm, the younger massaged the area he had received the strike from, hissing at Baekhyun.

"Let's go, this period is almost over.. We need to get back into class before our next teacher arrives.." And with that, they leave the gym.

But what they didn't know, was that someone was listening into their conversation.

The bell finally rang, they were finally free.. Baekhyun was starving, he was running late this morning and forgot to have breakfast. Every time his stomach growled in class, he prayed no one had heard it, especially not Chanyeol.

The latter cleared his throat before turning around on his seat.

"H-Hey Park Chanyeol, do you want to sit with me for lunch? Y-You don't have to if you don't want to–" He was cut-off by the taller.


Baekhyun didn't fail to notice that almost everyone was sending him evil glares as he asked that. He ignored them tho, the latter quickly packed his things and waited for the taller to do the same.

On their way to the cafeteria, everyone that passed by gave them judgemental looks, not only that, but whispers could also be heard. Baekhyun would be lying if he said he wasn't embarrassed, they were walking side-by-side, at the same pace and everything. While on the other hand, Chanyeol didn't seem to really care, he probably didn't even notice all the people they were passing. It was like he was in his own little world, looking around and glancing down at Baekhyun at times.

When they finally made it to their destination, the shorter let out a sigh of relief, he felt like he couldn't take another judging stare. They quickly entered the line to get their tray, it was quite long, unfortunately. To top it off, they hadn't spoken a word since they left the classroom. Baekhyun wanted to say something to end this awkward silence, but what he supposed to say? All he could think of was that damn dream he had. He got so lost in his thoughts that he was holding up the line, he only got back to his senses when Chanyeol tapped his shoulder gently with his rather large hand.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Chanyeol mumbled, slightly annoyed from the lack of response he was getting from the shorter.

"N-No, sorry.. I got distracted.." The latter scratched the back of his neck out of embarrassment. This has got to be the worst day ever, right? Well kinda.. He meet the guy in his dream so..

They were out of the line in no-time, tray in hand searching the cafeteria for a place to sit. Baekhyun quickly spotted his table but as he was about to walk over there, the giant interrupted him, again.

"Hey, is there anywhere else we can eat?" Baekhyun noticed the taller's eye twitch as he said that.

"What do you mean?" The latter blinked, confusion written all over his face.

"It's too crowded here."

He thought to himself for a bit, mapping out the school in his head, when suddenly he remembered somewhere the other might prefer.

"Well, there's the roof.. I normally eat there when I want to be by myself or just have some peace and quiet for once."

Chanyeol nodded and they left the cafeteria, Baekhyun leading them out.

A certain pair of eyes watched the two as they left the area.

"I'll be right back. Don't let anyone take my seat while I'm gone."

To Be Continued...

(Please tell me if you find any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes, English isn't exactly my first language so there may be some mistakes here and there^^;)

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