11 | Growing Suspicion

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Different shades of coloured leaves scattered the ground. Baekhyun looked out the window of the library, watching the dead leaves from the trees fall out of boredom. He sighed. The latter didn't feel like listening to Sehun rant about some guy stealing his food right now. He sighed again.

"Hey are you even listening?" Sehun frowned and flicked at the shorter's forehead.

"You fucker– I was!" Baekhyun gently massaged the area the younger had flicked at and stuck his tongue out like a child.

"Like I believe that..." Sehun rolled his eyes and smirked triumphantly as he watched his best friend act in such a childish manner.

"Meanie." The latter crossed his arms and looked away with hurt pride.

Sehun shut his mouth after that, that same smirk still glued on his face. They stayed in silence for such a long time that Baekhyun almost jumped when the younger suddenly piped up. Almost.

"So, how are you and Chanyeol doing?" The latter's heat fluttered for some reason as said name was mentioned out of the blue. He was starting to get worried of what these feelings he had for the giant actually were. But at the same time, he didn't want to know. What could this feeling be? And when will it go away? He thought himself.

"W-What do you mean by that...?" The older crooked his neck to look at an annoyed Sehun.

"What do you think? How far have you two gone in the relationship?"

"We aren't in a relationship! I d-don't even like him!" The latter cursed at himself for stuttering.

"Then why did you stutter just now~?" Sehun leaned closer to the other's face with a wide smirk, yet again, plastered on his face. Baekhyun was tempted to spit at the younger's face but decided to put it off, instead, he pushed him away.

"I-Its cold... Let's hurry and go home before it starts raining.." He quickly began packing his things up and jolted up from his seat. "Sure." The taller shrugged and followed suit.

The shorter fished out for his phone in his pocket. He pulled it out and hovered over 'Park Chanyeol'. He knew he'd feel bad if he left Chanyeol waiting up on him so he quickly typed something out and stuffed his device back into his pocket.

baekhyun: hey, i'm walking home with sehun today so don't wait for me

Baekhyun stared back at the parking lot Chanyeol had parked his Ferrari at as both of them exited the school building.

"You're acting very suspicious, Baek. You never go home with me anymore and you're hanging out with him more and more...!" Sehun pouted, looking down at his feet as he walked, trying to make the other feel bad but he wasn't buying it. Baekhyun simply rolled his eyes and scoffed. "So? Can't I hang out with new people?"

"'People' as in Park Chanyeol?"

"No!" Baekhyun flushed, his cheeks a light shade of pink as he looked away out of embarrassment.

"Oh c'mon, just admit it, you like him. It's so obvious, anyone could tell from a mile away."

Do I actually like him? Is this what this lingering feeling is?

No! That's ridiculous! Stop being such a fool Baekhyun! You don't like him, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!

Sehun's rarely wrong tho and he knows me more than I do myself...

Use your brain you idiot! You are you and you don't like Park Chanyeol!

The latter's inner monologue was cut short by Sehun, who was pinching his arm.

"Ow! The fuck?!" The older roared and glared up at Sehun as he slapped his hand away from him. He rubbed the area that was pinched using his other arm, sending a death glare towards the younger.

"That's what you get for ignoring me–"

They continued walking when a drop of rain landed on the older's nose, making him stop dead on his track.

"You better have brought an umbrella or I swear–"

"I didn't think it would rain today." Sehun cut him off with his famous poker face gazing up at the sky as several drops landed on his face.


The rain was getting stronger by the minute and they were still pretty far from their destination. Baekhyun groaned, they were both completely soaked.

Just when all hope was lost, the two boys saw an unfamiliar black Maserati GranTurismo park next to them on the sidewalk. The window of the expensive car rolled down to reveal a familiar face.

Luhan's face.

The blonde deer boy offered a warm smile up at the two soaked boys. Baekhyun, who returned it with an even warmer smile and Sehun, who had a bright shade of pink dust covering his cheeks and nose.

"Why are you two walking around on the rain? Do you want to catch a cold? Get in!"

Baekhyun was about to open the door to the front seat when Sehun suddenly shoved him to the side, flush still visible on his features.

"I'll give you anything, just let me sit in the front–"

"Yeah, yeah. You get 'em~" The latter gave him a quick thumbs up and hopped on the back seat of the expensive Maserati.

The car took off as soon as both males entered.

"Thanks for picking us up Luhan! We still had a long way to go..." The latter trailed off, letting out a long sigh of relief.

"It's no problem, I was... going home anyways so it's my pleasure." The oldest smiled at the rear-view mirror to somewhat look Baekhyun in the eyes.

"I-I didn't know you had such a fancy car– It's really nice..." Sehun mumbled, looking away. Baekhyun tried very hard not to laugh at how this best friend was acting all embarrassed in front of his year-old crush.

"Thanks! I got it recently," Luhan smiled brightly at the youngest as the other looked away.

And he tells me I'm the obvious one.

The rest of the ride was pretty awkward but thankfully, it wasn't too long. They arrived at Baekhyun's house a few minutes later.

"Thanks again for the ride!" The latter began exiting the car when it suddenly hit him that he hadn't told Luhan his address. "L-Luhan... How did you know where I lived?"

The blonde visible stiffened on his seat.

"You told it to me before... Your address, I mean, I have a very good memory you know!" Luhan sounded stern but Baekhyun could sense a tone of light unease, worry and hesitation.

Baekhyun shrugged it off, he probably did after all.

(sorry for the boring filer chapter– i promise i'll try to make the next one interesting! i've been getting more busier with school so updates will be a bit slower for this month,, it should go back to normal next month tho so don't worry! ...that is if anyone is even reading this–)

To Be Continued...

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