13 | Plans

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Baekhyun shivered, it was a bit too cold for his liking, that was probably because he forgot to get his jacket on his way out. Him and Jongdae were walking for almost 40 minutes now (due to the fact Jongdae had his car taken away after not showing up at home for almost 6 days for unknown reasons). Baekhyun had no idea where the younger was taking him and for some reason he kept following behind like an obedient puppy.

"Are we there yet?"

Jongdae simply shook his head and pick up his pace. "You'll like it," He paused, "Probably."

Baekhyun groaned outwardly but inside, he truly was excited to see what his loud friend has planned.

The latter looked up at the abandoned building and gulped, he was well aware of the date and he cursed himself for not having second thoughts about following his friend to an unknown location.

"We're meeting here after 11, you can bring Sehun and your little boyfriend to protect you if you want." Baekhyun frowned and crossed his arms.

"First off, Chanyeol is not my boyfriend-" Jongdae raised a finger and interrupted the older in a slightly louder tone.

"I don't remember mentioning anyone's name, Baek, you were quick to assume that I was talking about Park." He had a winning smirk plastered on his face which was pissing the hell out of Baekhyun.

"Secondly, what if I don't show up?"

"Oh? Did you forget our game? Either you confess to you-know-who or you join me, Minseok and Tao in our little adventure."

The latter groaned, how could he forget.

But suddenly, something struck his curiosity.

"Why's Tao coming? Doesn't he hate this kind of thing?"

"Let's just say he lost in a bet." Jongdae gave him an evil grin which was quick to shut the latter up.

It took him a while to respond but he did. And boy does he regret it. "Okay, fine. But you'll have to pick me up, I won't remember my way back here."


"Hey Sehun!" Baekhyun waved excited as he approached the other's front door. "What do you want?" Sehun muttered with his arms crossed in front of the door, blocking it.

"So Jongdae invited me to go to this.. uhm... Place later today, do you wanna come?"

"Where exactly and when?"

"After 11PM.. The location is... You'll see when you get there."

The other raised a suspicious brow, glaring down at his best friend. "Why do I have the feeling you're gonna kidnap me and take me to this really weird place to torture me?" Baekhyun scoffed at the younger's response.

"Relax, will you? Long story short, I was dared and I don't want to go alone-"

"Then why don't you take your boy-" Sehun said that a little too loudly for Baekhyun's taste.

"Shut up! And he's not my fucking boyfriend, brat! Go with me or else I will kidnap you at night, you hear me?!"

A few passer-byres gave the two weird looks but continued with their daily commute after Baekhyun threw a few death glares at their direction.

"Whatever floats your boat." The taller of them whispered with his infamous poker face.

Baekhyun was about to smile at him before he opened his mouth to utter something else out.

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