7 | Little White Lies

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"I didn't quite catch their name, sorry could you please repeat it?"

"Byun Baekhyun."

The lady nodded, scribbling down said name after countless bows and curt string of 'sorrys'.

"I want everything you know about them before the end of the week."

The woman nodded again and quickly yet quietly took her leave.

Chanyeol sighed loudly, flopping down on the leather couch at his house.

Who knew a first day of school could be this tiring–

"What's that about Byun Baekhyun?" Kris, Chanyeol's friend since pre-school, questioned with his brows furrowed.

"What's it to you?" He paused, "If you know anything about him, then spill it." The silver looked up at Kris with a slightly threatening look, tho his body didn't act to it. His muscles were tired from carrying a backpack on his back, something he of all people, hasn't done in a while.

Kris only smirked, clicking his tongue softly. "So you have a crush on innocent little Byun Baekhyun, don't you?" He uttered loud enough for Chanyeol to hear him.

The younger didn't reply so the other took it as a yes.

"Who allowed you in my house anyways?"

"Your mother was kind enough to give her son's handsome childhood friend the password to the front door. Now I can break in any time I want." The tallest laughed bitterly as he crossed his arms, leaning on a wall.

Chanyeol made a mental note to change the password to the goddamn door – again.

Sehun and Baekhyun stepped out of the store, the door closing behind them with the soft ringing of bells from the inside which put a tiny smile on the shorter's lips. The taller of the two, cheerfully walking ahead with a cup of bubble tea in hand.

"Okay, now will you not tell Park Chanyeol about my dream?" The latter pouted while looking up at his friend with soft puppy eye. Getting reminded of what had happened earlier in the library with the three of them; Sehun was in the verge of telling Chanyeol but Baekhyun couldn't allow it so he rapidly covered the younger's mouth with his hand but to no avail, Sehun only licked his hand in a gross manner. Baekhyun had to think of something else, fast. So he smacked the book he was reading against Sehun's head. It worked but now the taller is pissed at him.

"Maybe. If you grow some balls to tell him yourself." Sehun shrugged, speeding his pace a bit more just to leave Baekhyun a bit behind.

That jerk! I'll tell him when it's the right time!

He soon gave up on chasing after his tall friend. He'd like to think that it's because of his long legs that he's so freaking fast when Baekhyun actually just skipped leg day. The latter sighed and decided to sit down on the nearest bench, out of breathe from running after Sehun.

A few moments later, after sulking at his strawberry milkshake, a familiar blonde sat down next to him with a warm smile painted on their face. Baekhyun soon returned the smile, scotching over a bit to give the other more space to sit.

"Hey Baekhyun! What are you doing here all by yourself?"

"Thinking.. What about you, Luhan?"

The new comer shrugged, focusing his sight on a stray rock in the middle of the sidewalk. "Just passing by–" He paused, "Y'know, I was about to head to the café alone.. care to join?" The deer boy asked, invitingly stretching his arm out as if asking the princess for the last dance.

Baekhyun giggled but shock his head softly, he still had to finish his homework, he couldn't exactly focus due to the presence of a certain giant and an annoying Sehun up his ass. "I still have a stack of homework to get started on.. I'd love to join tho!"

"I can help you if you'd like." Luhan offered, taking a quick glance at Baekhyun's bag then back at the shorter.

"Really? Would I not be a burden..?" He trained off, sounding a bit gloomy in the end.

"Of course not! Anything to get away from my hard ass assignments!" They both shared a curt laugh and began heading to said café.

Luhan entered first, holding the door open for Baekhyun and this other lady who was also entering the café behind them. Both, the lady and Baekhyun bowed at a smirking Luhan.

Before sitting down next to the latter to begin his boring homework, he ordered a coffee and one strawberry milkshake for Baekhyun.

"Here's your strawberry milkshake and coffee, Sir. Please enjoy and come again!" The waitress bowed after both males thanked her. and continued studying quietly.

The older was much closer than he'd like to be with the shorter, causing him to flush a bit, but he shock it off and continued explaining the problem to Baekhyun. He tried to help the letter as much as he could with his work which was a good amount of it, they quickly finished and began simply chatting.

"So, Baekhyun, what exactly is Park Chanyeol to you?" Luhan asked with his hand under his chin, gazing upon Baekhyun with half lidded eyes.

At the mention of the unexpected name, the latter choked on his milkshake a bit, thinking of something to say.

"I saw you two leaving the library earlier today at school.." The deer boy mumbled, sliding his finger along the edge of the empty cup of coffee, his lips quickly forming a thin line.

"H-He's just my friend..! Hell, I meet the guy only today!" He stuttered, how does he even know Chanyeol? Do they know each other? A-Are they dating or something?

The blonde hummed with a suspicion written all over his face. "Are you sure about that?"

The younger nodded furiously at the question, managing to put a serious expression on his face. "Y-Yes– Yes! Definitely! A-Absolutely.."

The taller mouthed a soft 'okay', tho inside, he didn't buy it.

The latter swallowed the lump that was stuck in his throat.

Am I really that obvious?

Sehun popped up in his head with that curt 'yes' of his.

He sighed and took a sip of his strawberry milkshake, noticing Luhan's gaze piercing holes in him.

The deer boy shortly stood up, startled, Baekhyun jolted back a bit. The older laughed at his action, making his way to the door. But before he was completely out the door, he stopped and without looking back at the confused latter, "Sorry for leaving unexpectedly like this, but I have business to take care of." He whispered that last part, making it inaudible for Baekhyun.

Assuming Luhan had already payed for their drinks, he sprinted out of the café and hurried on home.

To Be Continued...

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