23 | The Truth

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Baekhyun didn't go to school the day after.

He didn't show up the day after that either.

His mother had left the house hours ago and didn't bother to come back. The latter was all alone in his room. Sehun stopped by to hand him his homework and try to convince the smaller to go back to school but after his attempts went in vein, he would leave. He told the younger he'd think about it but inside he knew very well the answer would still be a 'no'. He didn't want to see Chanyeol's face, or as a matter of fact, anyone's. He didn't want to face the person who used him for his own pleasure or even sexual fantasies.

The worse part was that he still liked him after all this mess. Of course he'd never admit it tho. The feelings were still there every time he thought of that idiot giant. And every time he thought of him, he found himself with tears in his eyes. The latter looked down at the Rilakkuma he was currently hugging, it reminded his of Chanyeol, it reminded him of that stupid kiss they shared on that idiot's birthday. Baekhyun wanted to throw the bear away but he didn't have the courage to.

He tried tossing it away in the trash, leaving it under his bed to be forgotten, he even went as far to throw the little stuffed toy out the window. But he'd always go back for it and keep it with him, he couldn't just let go of it.

He had to admit, those two days were lonely and deathly slow, he could feel the hours slowly ticking by as he watched the clock go from left to right.

Baekhyun felt a wave of anxiety wash over him when he heard the doorbell ring. He knew it couldn't be Sehun since he had a spare key so who could it be? The latter gulped and walked down the stairs slowly. He gripped the doorknob and carefully pulled the door open to reveal Luhan who was standing with his arms crossed.

"Why aren't you at school?"

"I should be asking you the same question." Baekhyun snorted as he gave the kitchen's clock a glance. 2:47PM. Luhan sighed and shook his head.

"Look, if you don't want him near you, just ask to change seats."

The latter stayed silent and stared at the floor. He didn't want to do that, he knew it would be much easier to get away from Chanyeol this way but he just didn't want to do it. Baekhyun shook his head curtly while fiddling with his fingers.

"Don't tell me you still like him–"

"I don't like him!"

"Then change seats!"


Luhan groaned, they weren't getting anywhere anytime soon with the subject.

"Whatever... Can you at least come to school tomorrow? I can come pick you up–"

"No, no you don't have to. I have legs, might as well use them." He paused and mumbled to himself, "Just because I have them, doesn't mean I'll use them to get to school." Baekhyun chuckled and let Luhan enter his house.

"Is your mother not home?" The blonde deer boy looked around the house but he found no trace of Ms.Byun anywhere.

"She left a while ago..."

"Good, that way I can help you do your homework in peace–"

Another knock came from the other side of the front door. Baekhyun moved to open it but got shoved away by Luhan.

"I'll get it, you can wait for me upstairs." The latter shrugged and made his way up the stairs. Once Luhan was sure Baekhyun had entered his room, he checked who it was through the magic-eye.

Chanyeol was behind the door.

Luhan frowned and swung the door open, setting his hand on the door frame to block Chanyeol's entrance.

"You aren't Baekhyun."

"And you aren't the mailman. What are you doing here, Park?" Chanyeol blinked a few times then shook his head.

"I came to speak to Baekhyun."

"He doesn't want to see you."

"How are you so sure?"

"Go home–"

"Luhan, who's at the–" Chanyeol and Luhan both looked back at Baekhyun who stared at Chanyeol, frozen in place.

The tallest tugged at Luhan's sleeve for him to let him pass but he wasn't budging at all. "Move, I wanna talk to Baekhyun, not you." Before they both knew it, Baekhyun had already ran back up to his room and slammed the door behind him.

"See? Now go home." Chanyeol stared at the spot Baekhyun was standing for a few seconds before sending a glare at Luhan's direction.

"What did you tell him?"

"The truth." Luhan muttered as he shut the door on Chanyeol's face.

"Open this damn door and tell me what the fuck you meant by the fucking truth!"

The deer boy opened the door and found Chanyeol frowning down at him, he chuckled and crossed his arms. "I told him about your true intentions, why you wanted to get close to him."

"My true– That doesn't explain shit!" Chanyeol growled as he tried to once again get past the smaller. "Move you bitch–"

"I'll move when you get the hell out of here! You got your explanation now scram dammit!"

That was the second time he got a door shut to his face and he wasn't too pleased about it. He mumbled a string of curses as he made his way to his car and drove off, beyond pissed.

Baekhyun watched Chanyeol drive off from his bedroom window. He wished the giant would just go away for a while so it'd be easier for the latter to forget him but he knew he couldn't magically do that.

"What did he want?" Baekhyun asked Luhan as soon as the blonde walked in his room.

"He wanted to talk to you, I told him you didn't want to speak to him."

"That's it?"


Baekhyun wasn't convinced, it wouldn't have taken so long to just do that but he figured he'd just drop the subject since he was trying to forget him.

Chanyeol swung his front door open and kicked his bedroom's door open. A few maids tried to get him to open up but they just got shoved away by the giant. He threw himself on his bed and tried to fall asleep. He twisted and turned but he couldn't settle down. He groaned and looked around his room for anything that could entertain him and his eyes landed on the box that was neatly resting on his desk, then he remembered he didn't have the chance to open the gift Baekhyun gave him. He didn't hesitate, he got off his bed and opened the present, inside the box rested a Rilakkuma bear.

He cracked a smiled and carefully picked the bear up and brought it to his bed. Chanyeol hugged the stuffed toy and not long after, drifted off to sleep, imagining he was hugging Baekhyun instead of a toy.

To Be Continued...

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