29 | With You

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After a few weeks of exchanging kisses here and there with Chanyeol, Baekhyun felt there was something still missing, however he didn't exactly know what. Everything should be perfect now, shouldn't it? Him and the giant were together and everything should be fine now, right?

The latter huffed as he leaned back on his chair, getting the taller's attention from the other side of the room. "What's wrong, Baek?"

"I don't know... I'm bored I guess.." Baekhyun turned on his chair, resting his arms on the back of the chair as he gazed at Chanyeol, who was sitting on his bed with a book open on his lap. "You wanna do something?" The smaller tilted his head and threw a small smile at the younger. "Do you have anything in mind?"

"Well..." He cleared his throat and closed his book, setting it aside. "Not exactly. But we can always just drive around and see if we find something interesting to do." Chanyeol suggested.

"S-So like... A date?" The taller smirked and nodded casually. "Sure,"

Baekhyun wondered if this would fill the part of him that felt something was still missing, he should give it a shot, this would be their first date and maybe this would be exactly what was missing. The smaller abruptly got up from the chair, almost knocking it over in the process and rushes over to the bathroom. "So are we going?" Chanyeol called from behind the door and received a 'YES' from the other side. The taller grinned and began to change into other clothes, he actually did have an idea of what they were going to do and he hoped Baekhyun would like it.

Baekhyun looked at himself in the mirror smiled, he didn't look half bad, he thought to himself. He was wearing one of Chanyeol's hoodies that were slightly too big on him and some normal jeans, casual, but not bad. The smaller nodded and swung open the door, his eyes immediately landed on Chanyeol who was checking himself out in the mirror. Baekhyun giggled, "Ready?" When the taller turned around, the latter's heart skipped a beat. He's so beautiful, Baekhyun said to himself. "Yeah, let's get going."

The two drove around in Chanyeol's pink Lamborghini, looking for things to do while blasting music. Baekhyun looked out the window all through out the seemingly short drive, thinking up of something they could do together, but little did he know that Chanyeol had it all planned out already.

When the car stopped all of a sudden the smaller gave the younger a questioning look. "Why are we stopping? Did you run out of gas?" Chanyeol laughed and shook his head, he opened his car door and strolled over to the other side to open Baekhyun's door for him. The older hopped out of the car and scanned the area. The skies were slowly darkening now, they were in an empty parking lot, a building sat not far from their spot, it looked almost ominous and if Chanyeol wasn't there with him, he'd probably be terrified.

The taller grabbed the smaller's hand and led the way inside, he pushed the door open and held it for Baekhyun.


Chanyeol smiled, "I hope you like skating."

They were at an empty ice rink.

"I-I've never ice skated before.." Baekhyun fiddled with his fingers. "I'll be teaching you how to then," Chanyeol ruffled the smaller's hair and strolled over to a set of lockers with the older trailing behind him. "My friend owns this place and it's always empty so I thought we could use it." He pulled out a pair of skates that looked too big for Baekhyun and then another pair that looked much smaller than the other one, he figured he'd be using those. They sat down on a bench and put on the ice skates, well more like Chanyeol put his on and then he helped Baekhyun put his on. He also suggested the smaller should put on equipment just to make sure he wouldn't get hurt if he fell.

The smaller had a hard time just getting to the rink, even tho Chanyeol helped him. The skates were heavier than he expected them to be and it was hard to walk since he had to keep his feet sideways until he reached the rink. However, when he actually got on the ice, it got worse. Not even that far in, Baekhyun tried to let go of Chanyeol and when he thought he was safe, he fell on his ass. The taller tried hard not to laugh and pulled his Baekhyun back up to his feet.

"Let's not do that again, shall we?" Chanyeol whispered from behind him. The taller placed his hands on the smaller's hips and urged the smaller to spread his arms out for balance. They skated slowly along side of the fence carefully to let Baekhyun get used to it. The taller tried letting go one time but Baekhyun kept screaming at at the giant to get him to hold him again. "C-Chanyeol please– I don't want to fall..." Chanyeol's heart melted at the smaller's plead and he complied.

After a few rounds around the rink and a few tries of skating alone and falling, Baekhyun had seemingly gotten the hang of it and whispered to Chanyeol, "I think I'm ready now.." The taller nodded and slowly removed his hands from the smaller's hips and watched Baekhyun slowly skate while looking down at the floor. "Baek! Look up! Stop looking down!" The older snapped his neck up and lost his balance. Chanyeol rushed to the rescue and grabbed Baekhyun before he could fall again, when he was able to grab him, he noticed the latter was shaking furiously.

"Are you cold?"

"N-No, I just d-didn't want to fall again.." Baekhyun smiled shakily, he was shaking so much he actually ended up falling, Chanyeol knew it was a good idea to make the smaller put on equipment, he crouched down and cupped Baekhyun's face. He looked like he was about to cry and that broke Chanyeol's heart. "I can't do it Chanyeol... I-I just can't.."

"Baekhyun, this was your first time skating, of course you were gonna fall. It's not like everyone is perfect at something the first time they do it." He paused, "C'mon, let's give it one more try, I won't let go of you this time. Even if you tell me to, I won't. Never."

Baekhyun sniffed, "Promise?"


Baekhyun smiled up at Chanyeol and nodded, he allowed himself to be pulled up by the taller.

This time around, the taller never once let go of the smaller, as he promised.

Even when Baekhyun was starting to get better, he didn't let go. Even when Baekhyun had asked to try again alone, he didn't let go. Not ever did he let go of him. Ever. Baekhyun was thankful for that.

Chanyeol stopped both of them momentarily in the middle of the rink, both of their hands laced together, he stopped in front of the smaller with their faces inches away. Baekhyun held his breath, looking up at the taller's eyes as they shone along side the moonlight. He closed his eyes when Chanyeol began leaning in slowly, their lips met once again in a passionate yet gentle kiss. They didn't want to, but they slowly pulled away and stared at each other in silence.

I love you.

The words were on tip of his tongue. He wanted to say them, but he was stuck in place. Baekhyun's mouth hung open as if he was going to say something but nothing came out. He desperately wanted to say the small phrase but words left him in that very moment.

Chanyeol just smiled, he knew what Baekhyun wanted to say, he didn't need to say the three words.

"It's getting late, don't you think?"

(thank you for reading, the next chapter should be the last chapter, thank you for each and every single read, vote and comment; i really do appreciate every single one of them. thank you for sticking with me through this story until the end.)

To Be Continued...

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