17 | Past Interrogation

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*cough* say the name–

okay i'm sorry i'll get on with the story–

"Chanyeol, I–"

The sound of papers falling to the ground filled the room as Kris barged into Chanyeol's office. The younger groaned and watched one of this many maids pick all the scattered pages off the floor. He ignored Kris' presence until the young blonde maid carefully placed a picture of Baekhyun back on Chanyeol's desk.

"Ever heard of knocking, dipshit?" The younger scowled at Kris, who was still standing at the door with his hands in his pockets.

"Well sorry but I wanted to tell you something." He watched as Chanyeol shuffled around the papers that were once on the ground with an irritated expression plastered on his face.

"Spilled it before I get one of my guards to kick you the fuck out for the fifth time."

"That kid, Byun, he randomly called at like 1AM a few days back, I was dealing with the confessing calls or whatever it's called–"

"Wait, what does Baekhyun have to do with it? And secondly, I didn't know you were interested in that kind of stuff, giving advise to people or whatever it is the dorks do with that stupid love expert line..." Chanyeol rose an amused brow at the sudden news, mentally telling the other to continue.

"I only work with them to use the information as blackmail if I need to later on, but that's not what I'm here for,"

"Hurry up, I've got better things to do than to listen to cheesy love stories–"

Kris cut in, "Well like I said, before you interrupted me," Chanyeol rolled his eyes at that. "Byun called so I asked him some questions about the person he had these supposed feelings for."

"And how does his crush have anything to do with me?" The younger's eyes followed the older as he walked –well, more like circled–  around his office explaining what had happened.

"You have quite a knack for interrupting people don't you? Also, what the hell do you mean? It has everything to fucking do with you. The way he described this person, which just so happen to be a he, seemed to be describing you or your relationship. And after I hung up, one of Byun's friends, the loud one that looks like a cat–"

"Kim Jongdae."

"Yeah that one, he called and confirmed my assumption. Byun was thinking about you at 1 in the morning and he supposedly has feelings for no one other than you." He stopped moving around and gestured a finger toward Chanyeol who stared back at him, frozen in place. After a few seconds, he shook his head and responded,

"Congratulations Sherlock! You've discovered Byun Baekhyun has..." He paused for a while, "... Has a crush on.. Me.." He coughed rather loudly then continued, "How long have you known about this?"

Kris crossed his arms and stared at Chanyeol for a few seconds before responding. "For a couple of weeks actually, now that I think about it–"

His thoughts were interrupted by a stack of papers being slammed down harshly on the desk in front of him, knocking over a picture frame from said desk with a loud crack, making him jump. Kris was about to step forward and pick it up when Chanyeol interrupted him once again, he swore the younger's voice sounded an octave lower than normal which made the hairs on the back of his neck stand.

"Don't touch that." Kris stepped back and observed the younger pick up the frame and toss it in the garbage. Chanyeol kicked the bin to the other side of the room out of anger, making the older gulp.

A couple of maids quickly picked up the rubbish and quietly left with the frame.

Chanyeol sighed loudly, turning away from Kris while being seated on his swivel-chair. "Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" He muttered through gritted teeth before turning back around to face the other. He acted like nothing had just happened.

"I didn't know how you'd react and I was still too shocked to tell you." He hesitated but continued, "By the way, why didn't you want me to touch that picture frame?"

It took a while, but he eventually got a response from the younger.

"It sounded like it shattered to pieces, the glass I mean, wouldn't want your fifthly blood all over my floor if you cut your hand while picking up the shards."

He wasn't buying it.

It was pretty obvious when Chanyeol was lying.

He wasn't one to care about something so insignificant as the floor getting dirty, the maids and servants would clean it up anyways.

Kris stared at Chanyeol's face for a while, searching for any hint of false information.

Chanyeol refused to meet the older's eyes, instead he looked around the room, anywhere but the wall that was standing in front of him.

"Is there anything else I should know, Kris?"

"You specifically? No." He figured that if Chanyeol wouldn't tell him why he wasn't allowed to touch the stupid frame, then the younger didn't need to know the rest.

"Get out of my office then, you've made me waste enough time already goddammit." Chanyeol shooed the older while looking down at the papers on his desk with an unreadable expression.

Kris grunted but nevertheless, shuffled out of Chanyeol's office, slamming the door on his way out.

Chanyeol muttered a string of curses directed at the taller, glaring at the door as if Kris was till standing there with that smug smirk of him.

He glanced out the window and thought to himself, Baekhyun has a crush on me... How cute. Maybe I'll tease him about it later at school...

Just then it dawned on him.

Baekhyun wasn't aware he knew this.

He figured his reaction wouldn't be too pleasant if he simply brought it up out of the blue like that so he didn't mention it, pretending he didn't even know about it but still keeping it in the back of his mind at all times.

"Hello this is–"


"... Who's this?"

"Jongdae, did Baekhyun call you just now?"

"Byun? Yeah... I just ended the call."

"The person he called about, the one he has feelings for, it's Park Chanyeol... Hey, isn't that giant your friend or something?"

"I don't think friend is the right term but, yeah, sure. Wait– Byun has feelings for Chanyeol?!"

"That's what I just said."

Kris stayed silent for a second, letting the information sink in.

He... Loves Chanyeol... I wonder how Chanyeol feels about him...

"Are you there?"

"Uh yeah, how do you know this anyways?"

"I thought everyone knew, it's so freaking obvious after all– Anyways, I wanted to know if you know what Chanyeol's feelings are towards Baekhyun, the guys and I were thinking to maybe try to get them to fall in love or something. I mean, if they aren't going to realise it themselves then it won't hurt to give them a push, right?"

"Yeah, I'll call you back once I figure it out."

i don't wanna drag this for too long so I'll stop with the stupid fillers that somewhat matter to the story–

To Be Continued...

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