9 | Thinking About You

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Baekhyun grabbed his tray of food and began searching for a table to sit at. He sighed when he was sure that all the tables were full. Damn, do people reserve their seats or something? Why wasn't I notified about this? He thought to himself with a frown as he exited the lunch room.

The latter was almost at the exit when, all of a sudden, he felt an unexpected leg get in his way to trip him (purposely of course). He didn't try to stop himself from falling out of sudden shock, he simply accepted it and let himself go with eye fully shut.

A certain deer boy stood up from his seat and was quick run towards the happening, unfortunately tho, he was too late.

Chanyeol was quicker to grab the shorter's wrist to stop the fall. The giant looked down at the culprit with a glare that could kill. The person shivered and mumbled thousands of apologies.

"Are you okay, Baekhyun?" The taller asked as he turned the shorter around to face him.

Baekhyun blinked cutely like a confused puppy, still trying to fully understand what exactly had just happened.

Luhan was split between jealousy and slight anger as he sat back down. I should've been faster..


Chanyeol looked back at the culprit, prepared to spit at his food in a second. But before he could, small, nimble fingers ever so gently tugged at his shirt. The taller turned his attention back at Baekhyun with softer eyes and a slightly worried expression.

"W-What happened..?" Baekhyun flushed at the proximity of their faces, mere inches if Baekhyun had calculated correctly. Inches.

"This fucking piece of shit was going to trip you in front of everyone here..." Chanyeol looked down at his arm and noticed he was still holding on to Baekhyun's wrist, quickly letting go of it the second he noticed.

"Oh... It's okay now tho," The latter said in a soothing voice to try to comfort the giant.

Baekhyun soon drifted to the mess he had made on the ground and sighed. I wasn't that hungry anyways...

The shorter noticed it had become a costume for him to wait for Chanyeol to take him home. I mean, he was fully capable of walking home like he always did. But he every single day, waited for a certain giant to arrive for them to go home together. Chanyeol never said he was uncomfortable with it, in fact, he actually didn't seem to care at all!

He also came to the realization that he still had never told Chanyeol where he lived but he chose to put that at the back of his mind.

Baekhun and Chanyeol had gotten very close in the span of a month. Every time they'd hang out or have a small interaction with each other, Baekhyun's heart would flutter. The latter didn't exactly know why tho. He never noticed this but, every time he'd be around the giant, he always seems to be smiling.

"Why are you smiling like that? It's starting to creep me the fuck out-" His thoughts were interrupted by said giant. The latter tilted his head to look at Chanyeol, who was driving both of them home, his smile growing even bigger than it already was. (if possible) "Sorry, I was just thinking.."

"What were thinking about?"

There's a long, long, very long pause.

Baekhyun hesitantly parts his lips to respond.

"... About you.."

The car suddenly jolts forward due to Chanyeol stepping on the brake petal with much force. The shorter was quick to grab passenger assist handle to stop himself from jolting forward with the car. A few cars began honking behind them and cursing at them to move but Chanyeol didn't seem to care one bit.

"... What..?" His tone was low, husky even, sending shivers down Baekhyun's spine. Baekhyun gulps, thinking he said or did something wrong. He didn't fail to notice the taller's grip in the steering wheel tighten and his shoulders visibly stiffen.

"I was thinking... about earlier today, I never properly got to thank you for saving me."

Chanyeol sighed loudly, relieved, his shoulders dropping as he began to drive again.

What was that all about?

It took a while for Chanyeol to respond, it was hard for Baekhyun to read his expression since there was no expression to be read. He was simply staring ahead at the road with a blank appearance.

"No need to thank me."

With that Baekhyun turned to the window and they were silent for the rest of the ride.

Also, what the fuck, it felt like it was taking ages to get to Baekhyun's house-

They normally don't have enough time to say everything they want but in this situation, it was just extremely awkward. Like if they dare utter a single word, everything would fall apart in an instant. Baekhyun was scared of that, for all this to go into nothing. He doesn't want that to happen. He won't let it happen.

They soon arrived at Baekhyun's house. The moment the car had come to stop, the shorter was out the door.


The latter stiffened as he turned hesitantly to see what the other wanted.

Chanyeol was about to say something but as soon as both of their eyes met, he shut his mouth.

"See you tomorrow."

At that, Baekhyun nodded and watched as the car took off.

The next day, Baekhyun lazily got ready for school, like he normally did.

"Bye mom!"

He closed the door to his front door and was greeted with a familiar car that sits in front of his house.

"See you tomorrow."

He actually meant first thing in the morning?!

The smaller stumbled over to said car, blushing.

"H-How long did you wait here for me?"

"I got here a few minute ago, now get in if you don't want to be late." Baekhyun nodded and carefully entered the car.

He didn't expect to see the giant this early in the morning, or else he would've prepared himself.

He car reeked of Chanyeol's deodorant, he only got a glimpse of how the giant was dressed but he noticed his hair was slicked back and that his uniform tie was slightly undone. So, the shorter did the job of fixing his tie, the taller of them sending him a deep stare as he did said action. After Baekhyun retreated his hands from Chanyeol's collar, the taller mouthed a soft 'thanks' which the shorter nodded as a response.

They gazed at each other for about 30 seconds before Chanyeol broke eye contact and began driving to school.

To Be Continued...

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