22 | Lie After Lie

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The latter began to wonder, why was he avoiding Chanyeol like this?

He missed talking to the giant and he realised he was running away for no reason.

The short male pushed the doors to the library open sat himself on his usual spot. Chanyeol would always come in after him to study so he figured he would apologise and explain as soon as he arrived.

A few minutes later the doors to the library opened again, the latter looked up from his book– expecting Chanyeol– but was slightly disappointed when it was Luhan.

The blonde deer boy spotted Baekhyun instantly and began making his way to the smaller's table.

"Hey Baek, you want some help studying?" The taller greeted with a smile as he sat himself down next to the latter.

"Hi. Oh! No, I think I got it."

Luhan shrugged and pulled out his own books. "Okay then."

The smaller frowned. Chanyeol hadn't arrived yet and it had already passed 10 minutes.

He must've gotten held back by someone or something. Goddammit you giant! Get here already so I can explain myself!

What was he supposed to say anyways? He didn't exactly have a good reason to run away from him and he didn't want to lie to Chanyeol so what in the world was he supposed to say?

Baekhyun gripped the pen he had in hand and copied a few notes needed for an assignment, he was too lost in thought to fully understand the work he was assigned.

Luhan took notice of this and gently poked the latter sitting across from him.

"Is something on your mind?"

Baekhyun hesitated, he has lied to everyone that has asked him that up to this point, so was he about to cover it up or actually open up? He, however, didn't get to decide for himself as he unconsciously nodded at the question, keeping his eyes on the notebook in front of him.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" The deer boy offered a warm smile and placed his hand over Baekhyun's, who's grip to the writing tool instantly loosened.

I shouldn't keep this bottled inside for much longer, Luhan might give me some advise and tell me what he would do in this situation!

Baekhyun started with a small voice, slightly muffled by the scarf he was wearing. "You know.. Chanyeol right?"

Luhan blinked a couple of times but nodded curtly. "Park Chanyeol, yeah I know him, he's been a pain in my ass for a while now..." The older muttered that last part to himself.

"Well... Do you remember that day you ran into me on the bus?" Baekhyun finally looked up from his notebook to met Luhan's gaze.

"Yeah... On Park's birthday, you mean?"

The latter doesn't remember ever mentioning when Chanyeol's birthday was to Luhan so they must be close, Baekhyun thought to himself. Then he's the perfect person for me to be talking to right now..!

"Things kinda got out of hand that day... I was just reaching for a book on the top shelf then he was suddenly inside the room with me, he helped me grab the book but then he suddenly kissed me– Well someone pushed him and then he kissed me but still... And I don't remember why but I kissed him back and I just–"

Baekhyun continued the story but Luhan was no longer listening. The latter had lost him when he mentioned how he kissed him back.

The blonde deer boy swallowed the urge to cry right then and there. He couldn't cry, not in front of Baekhyun.

He continued listening to the story anyways, even if it hurt to get the love of his life taken from him like that–

"Then I pushed him away and–"

"Wait what?" Luhan's eyes widened, he thought he had heard wrong but when Baekhyun repeated his sentence, he was proven wrong.

"I realised what I was doing and I just ran off... I didn't know how to deal with the situation so I just... Ran away... Like a coward..." Baekhyun trailed off with his head hung down.

"You said... He helped you get the book before all that, correct?" Baekhyun slowly nodded in response.

"And then he kissed you?" The latter nodded again.

"He snuck behind me to help me reach the book but then I turned around... And that's when it all happened..." The younger mumbled as he recalled the memory, it was like it was still fresh, like it just happened when it has actually been at least four weeks ago. Four whole weeks of running away from Chanyeol and these feelings that held him hostage.

"So what you've described, is that Park Chanyeol took advantage of you." There was a long pause. "You we're trapped between his arms and he used the situation to his favour. You talked about how someone pushed him on you? He could've stepped back. But he didn't. He could've apologised and said that wasn't supposed to happen. But he didn't."

Baekhyun stayed silent.

Would Chanyeol really do that?

It seems Luhan knows Chanyeol better than me.

"Would... He really do that...?" Baekhyun spoke in a broken voice.

"You never know with that guy..." Luhan's tone had changed. This wasn't the normal happy and cheerful Luhan he knew since middle school. His words were laced with bitterness, anger and a light hint of sadness. "This all could've been a plan," Luhan paused and looked up and down at Baekhyun. "To get into your pants. Maybe he thought that if you started having feelings for him he would get want he wanted. Maybe him hanging out with you was to learn your weaknesses, to fully take advantage of you. To break your heart. You were lucky you ran away when you did."

Baekhyun's hands were shaking, he could feel the tears starting to form in his eyes, his mouth hanged slightly open as he fully processed what was suddenly put on the table. A single tear ran down Baekhyun's warm cheek, followed by another one and then another.

The deer boy was quick to get up from his seat and hug Baekhyun, letting his tears stain his uniform jacket.

"It's okay Baekhyun..."

The blonde male whispered soothingly in Baekhyun's ear as he drew patterns on his back. Luhan sighed, he could hear the smaller's soft muffled cries.

"C'mon, let's go get some water..." The blonde deer boy gently grabbed Baekhyun's hand and squeezed it. Luhan quickly fixed the smaller's stuff back on his bag and swung it over his shoulder. "Let's go." Baekhyun reluctantly nodded and let the older male guide him out of the library.

They stopped by a vending machine and Luhan bought Baekhyun a bottle of water, softly holding the smaller's hand as he drank the water silently.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Luhan whispered. Baekhyun nodded and they slowly walked to the older's car.

"Yeah, I'll do that when I get home... Goodbye, Father." The taller hung up and slipped his phone inside his pocket. Chanyeol pushed the library doors open and sat down on the only free table. He noticed Baekhyun's notebook was lying there but it's owner was nowhere to be found.

"He must have forgotten it."

To Be Continued...

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