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"Hey, I know you were there with us. Not only did you get Tao freaked the fuck out but also the lovebirds." Minseok was leaning against a locker behind his friend with arms crossed.

The blonde stiffened and looked back at the shorter.

"I just..." 

"Luhan... Did you follow Baekhyun there?"


"I'm not stupid, you know. You think I didn't notice all those times you skipped class or lunch to see what that kid was doing? You think I don't know about your feelings towards Byun Baekhyun? If you really want him that way then you should stop sitting around and try asking him out."

"I try! But every time I find time to look for him or talk to him, he's with Park!" Minseok's gaze softened as he approached his friend who was in the verge of tears.

"I was going to start talking to him but that giant got to him first!" Luhan brought his hands to his face to keep his salty tears from falling. Minseok softly placed an arm around the other's shoulder, carefully sitting him down on the floor.

"I guess I'll always be too late..." The blonde smiled bitterly, letting his arms fall to his sides.

"You still have a chance with him tho, you know how we like to tease him saying that Chanyeol's his boyfriend–"

"Don't be an idiot. It's so obvious they like each other. It's in their eyes." Luhan hugged his knees, letting out a shaky sigh.

"Even so, why did you follow him there? Did you not see Chanyeol's car parked there?"

"I did. I heard you guys were gonna take Tao and Baekhyun there since they lost in a bet or something and I remembered that a week before that, in the news, they talked about how someone had died there. I was scared something would happen to him and you guys... So I followed him. Well, you guys."

"Okay, and what about those screams?" Luhan looked up at Minseok and blinked in a confused manner

"What screams?"

"There was someone screaming when we were there, was that not you?"

"I stayed in my car the whole time, I waited until Chanyeol and Baekhyun got back to their car before I could leave. I thought it was Tao so I didn't pay it mind..."

"It wasn't. He was with Jongdae, Sehun and I the whole time."

Luhan's eyes widened.

"Are you sure you guys were alone there?"

"Jongdae said we were, I don't know if he was completely sure tho..."

"Fuck, from the looks of it, you weren't."

"Chanyeol, I need to drop something off at the office before I leave, can you wait for me in front of the gates?"

The taller smirked and nodded. "Sure, I'll be waiting."

Baekhyun smiled and got up from his seat, making his way to where Chanyeol could only think was the school's office.

He sighed softly and ventured over to the school's parking lot. He couldn't stop thinking about what happened on the 31st. He had so many questions but he kept them at bay.

He unlocked his car and parked it in front of his school's front gates.

The giant lowered his window slowly, to reveal Baekhyun's shocked face as he exited the school building.

"You have a fucking Lamborghini too?!"

Chanyeol smirked widely. "Don't forget the fact that it's pink."

Baekhyun rolled is eyes and waited for the door to open so he could hop in.

"I didn't know you liked pink."

"Well now you know."

"Did something happen to your old car?"

"No. I like this better."

The ride was quiet after that.

For Chanyeol, it was a comfortable silence.

But for Baekhyun, it was the total opposite. His mind was filled with questions. Questions like: How many other cars does he have? How rich is he? What the fuck are these feelings towards this idiot? Why is it so awkward? and lastly, Who was that person screaming? He wasn't going to get an answer to those questions, or at least, he thought he wouldn't.

He noticed a small paper sticking out from the glove compartment so Baekhyun pulled it out and examined it. It was a tiny calendar. He also noticed there was a date marked in red ink.

November 27.

"Hey, Chanyeol, what's on the 27th?"

The giant gave Baekhyun a quick glance, his eyes fixing on the piece on paper that was on the latter's hand.

"My birthday."

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Why should I?"

Baekhyun gasped in shock. "Why wouldn't you? It's your birthday goddammit! I need time to find you the perfect present!"

"You don't have to–"

"I want to, now tell me what you want for your birthday."

Chanyeol sighed and shook his head. "A simple card will do."

"No! That's too boring!" Baekhyun whined and crossed his arms, pouting. The taller glanced at the short with a grin, his mind screaming 'cute'.

"I'm telling you, anything you get me is fine, really. You don't need to go all out."

Baekhyun frowned but what was he supposed to get him anyways? The guy's rich after all, he probably has everything he wants. The shorter began thinking of potential gifts to give a rich person for the rest of the ride.


No responce.

"Baekhyun we're here."

Still no responce.


"Huh, what?" Baekhyun lifted his chin up and looked to his side. "What is it?"

"We're here." Chanyeol gestured towards Baekhyun's house with an amused look plastered on his face.

"O-Oh– Thanks–"

"What were you thinking of just now?"

Baekhyun looked away as he mumbled, "Of what I should give you..."

"I told you not to worry about it, I'm sure anything you give me is fine. Now you should probably get off... Your mother is looking this way and I don't like the expression she has on–"

The latter looked over to his house, instantly spotting his mother tapping her foot angrily while holding a wooden spoon with her arms crossed. Baekhyun laughed nervously, his mother was still pretty pissed about the fact that he didn't tell her where he went a week ago. He sighed and mumbled his goodbye to Chanyeol who only waved. Baekhyun got out of the car with a groan and made his way toward his mother.

"And just who the hell was that?"

"Just a... A-A friend of mine..."

Why did he stutter? That was all Chanyeol was to him so why was he so nervous?

His mother raised an eyebrow and watched as her son awkwardly climbed the stairs up to his room.

To Be Continue...

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