2 | Roses

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"Alright let's play a game."

"What game?"

Baekhyun could faintly hear what the two were talking about. Their voices seemed so familiar-

Oh what the hell?! Everyone's voices sound familiar for you, Baekhyun!

Baekhyun slowly opened his eyes to see a plain white wall, or better, a plain white ceiling. The latter quickly got up from the floor, dusting himself off. He was in an empty room, aside from a king sided bed at the corner, the room was empty. He looked down at the people sitting on the floor, they were in a circle, discussing what game they were gonna play.

"We should play truth or dare!"

"NO. We always play that.. It's starting to get boring..!"

The people Baekhyun mostly talked to were in this circle, Minseok, Luhan, Kris, Junmyeon, Yixing, Jongdae, Kyungsoo, Jongin and Sehun. There were two other guys, a tall one and a slightly shorter one, both taller than Baekhyun himself. Never has he ever seen the two... Or maybe he has? He has lost track of all the people he knows.

"I have an idea~"

All eyes land on Luhan, the owner of the voice, as he pulled a bag out from behind him. He delicately tossed the bag in the middle of the circle.

"Everyone gets one and ONLY one." He glared at Jongin, who was peeking at what was inside the bag, slapping his forehead gently. The deer boy leisurely unzipped the bag and pulled out a beautiful red rose. Everyone was staring at the blonde with confused eyes.

"The hell is that for?"

"For the game, dumbass. Each one of you take a rose and give it to the person you want to kiss~"

Everyone's jaws dropped open.

They didn't protest to Luhan's idea tho, besides it was better than plain old truth or dare.

Each one of them got up individually to get a rose to begin the game. Baekhyun was the last one to get up, while Jongin was first.

Baekhyun gulped as he stepped up to take his rose from Luhan's fingers. As he did, the deer boy flashed him a bright smile and a wink, throwing Baekhyun off a bit.

The latter was fast to sit back down at his original spot.

"Alright, let's start."

Everyone got up suddenly, striding towards the person they were interested in. Baekhyun noticed Luhan hadn't taken his eyes off of him since he sat back down. Was he watching him? He threw nervous smiles at the blonde but all he did was stare at him with a smirk plastered across his face.

The shorter shook his head a bit, watching as everyone was gave each other roses.

Baekhyun hasn't moved a muscle, firmly holding his rose, he wasn't planning on giving it to anyone anyways.

Instead, he watched all the couples get together, happily exchanging roses.

His eyes darted to Sehun, who was strolling towards Luhan. Sehun has always had a crush on Luhan, since they were in primary school. He never had the guts to confess to him tho. Psssh, what a pussy! He watched as Sehun shyly handed his rose to Luhan, the blonde stared back at him with surprised eye and a small smile. He accepted the rose with a nod, softly pulling Sehun's chin up. Sehun was a bit startled, Luhan took that chance to give the younger a quick kiss. After the older pulled away, Sehun stepped back, his whole face tinted red.

Baekhyun looked to the left to find Minseok handing his rose to Jongdae. The shorter was smiling while holding the rose up on Jongdae's face. Baekhyun giggled. Jongdae took the rose, looking away, tugging on the older's sleeve softly so he'd look down. He was handing Minseok his rose. Baekhyun almost melted just watching this scene unravel in front of him. The older happily accepted the rose, scooching to where Jongdae was looking. Jongdae was dumbfound to the older's sudden action, he kissed him. Passionately too;

Then Baekhyun looked to the right and saw Kyungsoo taking Jongin's rose, hesitantly. Jongin pouted when the shorter took his rose and walked away, so he did the first thing that came up on his mind, and that was to run after Kyungsoo. So he did. And when Jongin finally caught up to the older, he gave him a warm bear hug from behind. Kyungsoo protesting at first but after a few seconds, he gave in to the warmness.

Baekhyun's little soft session was interrupted by Yixing.

"Are you not gonna give that to anyone?" He asked, pointing down at the rose Baekhyun was clutching.

"I don't plan on it, no." The shorter shook his head a bit, giving the rose a quick glance.

"Oh okay. I gave mine to Junmyeon just now." Yixing smiles softly, pointing at Junmyeon who was staring down at his rose, blushing.

"Yes, I saw. Junmyeon's reaction was so adorable~ .. Say, you wouldn't know who he is, would you?" He asked, sounding higher than he normally did while pointing at a tall stranger.

"Oh that's Tao, he's my friend. He's really cute."

They watched as Tao poked Kris's arm gently, giving him his rose while blushing a bit. Kris smiled, handing Tao his rose in exchange. The panda looking boy looked up at the older, 'shocked' clearly written all over his face. And with that, Kris delicately placed his hand under Tao's chin, and kissed his cheek softly. The second the taller pulled away, Tao touched his cheek softly and looked up at Kris, who was smiling down at him. Baekhyun and Yixing both awed at the little show being presented in front of their eyes, that they didn't notice a certain tall guy approaching them. But when Yixing noticed someone approaching, he quickly stumbled over to Junmyeon, who was alone, staring at Yixing's rose with a smile painted on his face.

The taller sat next to Baekhyun, staring down at him for a long minute. The shorter bowed lightly, while the new comer just stared down at him, face void of emotion. Baekhyun then examining the other's face closely, he was taken aback by the taller's deep voice as soon as he opened his mouth to speak.


"F-For me?" Baekhyun stuttered, looking around to check if he wasn't talking to anyone else, he wasn't.

"Who else?"

Baekhyun's jaw dropped a bit, he didn't notice he was looking up at him then down at his rose till the other spoke again.

"Are you gonna take it or just look at it?"

The shorter mouthed a 'sorry', and wordlessly took the rose out of the other's hand, whispering a short 'thank you' afterwards. The taller stared at Baekhyun for a while, inspecting his details closely, the shorter doing the same. Moments later, the taller man approached Baekhyun without saying a word, closing the gap between him and the latter's lips for a long and passionate kiss. Baekhyun was absolutely stunned, he slowly kissed him back after going through once again what had just happened in his head. It was almost like time had stopped at that moment, their lips pressed together like this, it was special. A few seconds later the stranger pulled away, with a smirk.

"You're a good kisser"

"Y-You think so? This.. was actually my first kiss.. H-How can that be?"

He simply shrugged. Baekhyun looked down at his rose and quietly handed it to the tall stranger, as he was about to take it, the shorter quickly rammed their lips together again for a slightly sloppy kiss. The taller smirked and kissed back, pulling the petite boy onto his lap, taking the rose from the boy's hand as he did so.

To Be Continued..

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