20 | The Perfect Fit

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The latter regretted his decision the moment he faced Chanyeol. He felt the blush creep on his cheeks as Chanyeol dropped his gaze from the book he grabbed to Baekhyun's wide eyes.

Both of them had a stare off for a while, but each had different reasons to do so. Chanyeol, waited for the smaller to make the first move while Baekhyun waited for Chanyeol to step back and hand him the book he wished to inspect. In conclusion, they weren't going to get anywhere with this.

Baekhyun opened his mouth to politely excuse himself out of the room. Bad idea.

The moment he opened his mouth was the moment the giant in front of him was suddenly pushed forward, closing the tiny distance between them. Both of them were too shocked to move.

Chanyeol felt someone give him a light push, causing him to close in on the petite latter that was trapped between his arms.

The taller was first to snap out of the shock. He had grown a liking to the smaller he was unintentionally forced onto. All the small moments they've been through in such a short amount of time flashed in his mind along with an old memory from the past that Chanyeol thought he had buried a long time ago. He figured if Baekhyun wasn't going initiate things, he'd have to do it himself and so he did.

The taller closed his eyes as he began to actually kiss Baekhyun softly, like he was the most delicate thing in the world.

Baekhyun's brain was screaming at him telling him to snap out of it, that there were too idiots watching them and that this wasn't right, that he should pull away but another part of him told him to stay there and give in to the spell. The smaller weakly lifted his arms to push the taller away but they ended up clutching onto the giant's shirt and he found himself kissing Chanyeol back.

Chanyeol froze for a second, he didn't expect the other to respond. His hands dropped from the book and the shelf he was holding and carefully wrapped themselves around Baekhyun's waste. The taller soon deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue inside Baekhyun's mouth. The smaller let a small moan slip out of his lips, he could feel Chanyeol's leg in between his clothed crotch area.

Sehun and Jongdae were sitting on the couch in the middle of the room watching the action unfold in front of them as quietly as they could. Chanyeol thought they had left them to it so he didn't bother to look who put them in this situation, all he knew was that he was grateful for it.

Baekhyun's mind was out of control. Half of his thoughts told him to roll with it, that Chanyeol probably knew what he was doing and that this was okay. The other half was the total opposite, telling him to snap out of the spell Chanyeol put him in, to pull away, to get away, to run away from the situation in hand. He could barely hear both sides all he knew was how Chanyeol's lips were so soft and how they fit oh so perfectly on his own.

The room was silent aside from the small moans that escaped Baekhyun's lips here and there. Sehun tried his hardest to stay silent and pretend he wasn't there but Jongdae's predictions of what they'd do next was too much. The youngest of them giggled at the other's words and that's all it took to get Baekhyun to realize what was going on, that they weren't alone here and how this shouldn't be happening in any way shape or form.

The smaller pushed Chanyeol away some what harshly. He didn't look up at Chanyeol who was giving him a confused look, the latter kept his head down and made his way out of the room.

The taller watched him with his eyes as the smaller left them room. He placed a hand on his lips then smirked.

"He's a good kisser."

Chanyeol gave Sehun and Jongdae a nasty glare before leaving the room in search for Baekhyun.

Baekhyun pushed the doors to the main room, where guests were drinking away and playing some stupid game in the corner. They all looked over to Baekhyun and called him over to play with them. He didn't reply, his mind was still foggy and he was replaying that same scene that just happened over and over again in his mind, switching from that and his dream countless times.

Chanyeol spotted Baekhyun heading towards the entrance of his house and cursed under his breath, he quickly caught up to him and grabbed him by the wrist, stopping him on his track.

"And just where do you think you're going?"

Baekhyun was quick to pull his wrist away from the giant's hold, he held onto his wrist and gave Chanyeol one last glance before opening his front door and running towards the bus stop not far from Chanyeol's house.

The taller stepped out and watched Baekhyun get on some random bus without looking back.

"Aren't you going after him?" Sehun leaned against the door frame and watched Chanyeol mutter incoherent sentences while watching the bus take off. After the bus was far from his line of sight he turned his heel and walked back inside, Jongdae and Sehun trailing behind him.

"What the hell asswipe! Grab your fancy ass car and follow that damn bus!" Sehun tugged at Chanyeol's shirt while he continued walking like he didn't hear anything.

"Yeah! What the fuck was that! You kiss him and let him run away?" Jongdae added in a whiny tone.

Chanyeol suddenly stopped abruptly causing Sehun to knock into him and Jongdae to knock onto Sehun, finally, causing them to fall backwards. "Yah!" Sehun hissed and Jongdae whined some more.

Chanyeol inhaled deeply and opened the door he was standing in front of, the two idiots were about to crawl inside as well when the door was slammed on their face. The taller groaned and locked the door to the bathroom.

"That fucking Byun goes all out moaning whenever I touch him then he dares leave me with this fucking hard on... Next time he better be the one to fix this.." He gritted out as he undid his pants.

Baekhyun stared out the window, rethinking everything he ever did.

What was he thinking? How did he manage to convince himself to actually kiss Chanyeol back? It was a good thing that Sehun and Jongdae were around to get Baekhyun to pull himself together.

The bus was about to continue it's journey when another passenger hopped on.

"Baekhyun!" Someone enthusiastically called.

Said male managed to hear someone calling him from beneath his thoughts and looked up to meet Luhan approaching his seat. Baekhyun moved over so Luhan could sit down, placing his jacket over his crotch area hoping Luhan wouldn't notice.

"Funny to see you here." Luhan smiled and sat down on the offered seat.

"Small world, huh?" The latter smiled back.

"Yeah, what were you doing here anyways? As far as I know, your house is kinda far from here–"

"Just... Dropping something off." Baekhyun trailed off, the smile some what slipping from his lips.

"Oh I see..." The ride was quiet after that.

Baekhyun's stop was coming soon and he slowly got up from his seat, bidding his goodbye to Luhan only to be grabbed by the wrist by said male.


Luhan giggled before losing his grip and moved to the window seat, waving at Baekhyun. The latter shook it off and waved back before exiting the bus.

Baekhyun's boner didn't go unnoticed by Luhan and suddenly he remembered what day it was.

To Be Continued...

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