24 | Scavenge

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The day after, Baekhyun finally showed up to school. But every time Chanyeol tried to talk to him, he was either with someone or just ran away from him.

He remembered once when he almost caught the latter in the hallway, he studied his features closely and with sad eyes, Baekhyun got away from him again.

Chanyeol groaned, he couldn't run away from him forever and both of them knew that. So when Baekhyun would finally stop and catch his breath, he'd sneak up on him and catch him. The taller nodded, sounded like a solid plan to him.


It was much easier said than done.

There he was again, sitting with Kris at the rooftop, eating his lunch with a frown.

"Did you visit 402?"

"He wasn't there"

"Really? Huh, Byun must've found out I saw him there." Chanyeol frowned. He had enough of Baekhyun running away and for what? The reason was still unknown to him. The taller has left this untouched for far too long.

Chanyeol got up from the bench him and Baekhyun use to share together and decided he was going to look for that stubborn tiny, tiny man.

"Where are you going?"

"To find him."

Kris nodded, "Go get him. Knock some sense into him while you're at it." The older rose up a fist. Chanyeol gave Kris one last glance before leaving the roof top in his search. Once Kris was sure the younger was gone, he let out a long awaited sigh. "About time he got off his ass." He chuckled and continued eating his food.

Chanyeol bolted down the stairs, ignoring all the 'no running in the halls' signs he passed. The taller checked every room in the fourth floor in search for a tiny male named Baekhyun.

He stopped in front of a closet, he knew there was no way Baekhyun would be eating his lunch in there but he had to make sure, what if he was in there after all? What if he went by, checking all the rooms and it turned out he was actually in the closet. Chanyeol couldn't risk it in a school with 4 fucking floors.

Chanyeol pulled the closet door open and flipped the light-switch on.

"The fuck–" Was the taller's reaction to what he saw. A small male –not Baekhyun– was trapped butt naked on top of a desk with his back up against the wall while a taller male was standing in front of him, also butt naked. Jongin and Kyungsoo looked back at the tallest, embarrassment was clearly plastered on both of their faces.

Chanyeol immidiatly closed the door, knowing exactly what and who he had just walked into. He could hear them shouting from behind the door

"You said we'd be safe here, you prick!"

"I didn't think anyone checked this place!"

Definitely no Baekhyun there. Time to continue looking.

He searched all through the third and second floors, he sighed, Chanyeol was now walking down to the first floor. There was no other floor for Baekhyun to be at but this one. The first location that came up on Chanyeol's head was the cafeteria so it was where he was first going to, he knew better than to walk in without thinking, it was obvious that Baekhyun would just run away again if he saw Chanyeol again.

The taller looked through the window on the cafeteria's door, he quickly spotted the tiny male, it surprised him how his eyes landed exactly where he was even tho the cafeteria was literally full of people.

Baekhyun was sitting at a table (with Luhan, Minseok and Tao) near the far wall, he was awfully close to that dick Luhan, closer than what Chanyeol would've liked him to be. He couldn't be jealous tho, he wasn't his boyfriend after all.

He carefully looked over his few options and sighed, whatever he did would cause the smaller to run away and that was the opposite of what he wanted.

Just when he was about to kick the door open to run over to the latter and grab him, Sehun pulled the doors and almost walked past Chanyeol, the tallest quickly grabbed his arm before the younger could get away.

Ting! He had come up with an idea.

Sehun looked up from his phone and blinked. "Can.. I help you?"

"Yes, you can, tell Baekhyun to go up to the third floor to room 301. Tell him Jongin wants to borrow his math notes. When he goes in, lock the door."

The younger smirked and crossed is arms. "Fine, you owe me for this tho." Sehun walked back in the cafeteria, Chanyeol watched him as he approached Baekhyun. The taller shook his head and sprinted up the stairs to room 301.

Baekhyun noticed Sehun walking over to his table with a blank look on his face, he smiled and pat the seat next to him. Sehun's face didn't stay blank for long tho, he soon noticed Luhan's presence and blushed lightly, then he noticed how close he and Baekhyun were and his face suddenly fell.

"Sehun! Come eat with us!"

"Uh.. Thanks, but I'm already sitting with Jongdae. Listen, Jongin wanted to borrow your math notes real quick, he told you met him in room 301." Baekhyun tilted his head a little and furrowed his brows. "Why couldn't he have asked me himself? Why did he have to get you to do it?"


Sehun glanced back at the doors but Chanyeol was already gone. Think fast–

"You see, he's... Stuck in detention again. Ms. Jung made him skip lunch to study so he can't get really get out of the room–" The younger gulped and studied the look on Baekhyun's face.

Please buy it. Please buy it. Please–

"Goddammit Jongin! What did he do this time?" Baekhyun sighed as he opened his bag to retrieve said notes. "He um... I heard someone caught him sucking his boyfriend off at the library." The older shook his head and for up from his seat. "What room did you say he was in again?"

"Room 301." Baekhyun nodded and swung his backpack on. "I'll be right back!"

Sehun walked back to his table and smiled. He was sure Baekhyun was going to ask more questions or ask him to deliver the notes himself, he was thankful his dumbass didn't see through his plan.

"What was that about?" Jongdae asked, waving his spoon around.

"Chanyeol's finally getting off his ass."

Baekhyun climbed up the flight of stairs, it was the middle of lunch and his next period was free. He noticed how quiet the hallways were compared to the lunch room.

However, he couldn't go back to eating at 402 since Kris had found his hiding spot, the small male sighed and climbed up the last set of stairs to the destined location. Baekhyun looked at the plates next to the doors to indicate which room was which. Room 301 was the last room in the hallway, he didn't often visit the room, it was always unoccupied and only used for extra classes for the first years.

Baekhyun slid the door open to reveal a dark and seemingly empty room. Did he go into the wrong room? He looked outside again, checking the plate number. This was the right room, room 301. "Did Sehun prank me or something?" Baekhyun groaned and massaged his temples, he looked around –well, felt– the room for a light-switch. The latter heard the door slide shut behind him, it was quiet enough in the room for him to heard the lock slide shut too, locking him in. "For fucks sake– That twat is gonna get his ass whooped when I'm out of here!"

He banged on the door but it was no use, it was locked and whoever locked it had left the area. The halls were empty, everyone was down stairs at the cafeteria eating.

Baekhyun cursed to himself, softly kicking the door, as if that would make it magically open itself.

That was when he felt two strong arms trap him.

To Be Continued...

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