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'Peter Parker? Who the hell is Peter Parker?' You thought. You sat there pondering your re-uccuring nightmare, bodies, victims of a killer no older than seventeen. He was guilty for their deaths. He looked like a superhero, why did he kill them? You thought about it until your brain hurt, then decided to turn on the TV.

You switched it on, the news popping up. You were about to change the channel when something caught your eye, a guy in a red and blue suit foiling a robbery. Your heart stopped as you recognised him, the killer. 'No, I couldn't have predicted a hero, I-I must've seen him somewhere' you thought. The news reporter spoke, startling back from your mini freak out, "he calls himself Spider-Man,"
'PETER PARKER' burned itself back into your head.

In fact every time an image of him popped up on the news report, the name came back into focus, this didn't make any sense. You were confused about what this all meant until the news reporter spoke again, "the identity of the hero is still unknown..." suddenly, you realised what the name meant, the realisation startled you, making you burst out with, "Peter Parker is Spider-Man!" You were pleased with yourself until you realised that if you predicted that, your dreams weren't dreams at all, they were visions.

If you had visions of the future, this, 'Spider-Man' is a killer, you'd seen him along bodies. Another vision hit you suddenly, this boy, this Spider-Man, Peter Parker wasn't a killer, but someone made him one. He wasn't going to be in control. He needed help, you had to help.

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