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As you approached the tall cement building that Peter was in your heart raced faster. Which Peter would you find? You, Bucky and Steve walked up the stairs quietly, Clint and Nat outside, Thor, Tony and everyone else followed loosely, spreading out. Bucky was first in the room, he pointed his gun at the boy in the centre of it, sitting still on chair. "Peter?" He asked, unsure if this was a friend or a foe. "Peter's busy, but I have a message for you, he thinks he's a murderer, he wants to die and he's sorry. That's cute isn't it?" The blow hit home, obviously the plan all along.

Just the thought of Peter doing those things was enough to distract all three of you. He jumped up from the chair, swinging it around, planting it across Bucky's face, knocking him over. Everyone was painfully easy to defeat as they didn't want to hurt this kid.

He walked out practically unscathed, being confronted by Tony as he was leaving the building. "Bad move, Stark, you're not in the suit," he said, sounding merciless and cruel. "I don't need it, Peter won't kill me," Tony replied, not even sounding that confident. "Maybe not, but I will," Peter pulled a gun from his pocket, how did he even get it, you didn't know. But he aimed it quickly at Tony's chest and fired.

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