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You barely slept at all that night, and when you did it was only for a short while. Peter had left the next morning to shower, leaving you alone with your thoughts, what can you even do to stop this inevitable fate? A sudden thud and crash broke your thought. You yelled for Tony and he, Bucky and Wanda had come running, they all ran into Peter's room and you went to follow But was swiftly stopped by Wanda who was walking back out, "woah... very naked," she said, guiding you away.

Bucky and Tony had found Peter unconscious in the shower, he hadn't hit his head or slipped from what they should see, he'd just lost consciousness. They'd dressed him to some extent and put him into his bed. You knew there was no use in taking him to the hospital, they wouldn't be able to do anything there that somebody couldn't do here. You went into his room, he laid still. He wore only a pair of pajama bottoms and was covered in blankets, his hand sat on top of the covers so you took it. As you did you could see exactly what Peter could, you saw him fighting something, an invisible force inside his own head, he was losing. You saw his demeanour change completely, that boy was no longer Peter Parker. Peter regained control, tears stained his face as he cried out, you couldn't tell if it was in pain or fear.

You were woken from your trance suddenly and Peter woke and sat up, panicked and breathing shallowly. He yelled in fear as he did, still crying. Tony and Steve ran into the room, Tony grabbed Peter by the shoulders and looked into his eyes, he knew all too well what was happening to Peter, "look at me, kid, take a breath," he said sternly, trying to calm Peter. It was no use, Peter was hyperventilating, his tears continued to flow as he gasped for air. To him it felt as if there were a ton of bricks on his chest. "For gods sake, Tony! Just hold the kid!" Steve yelled from the corner. Tony cradled Peter against his chest, "Peter, it's alright. I've got you kid, I've got you," he whispered. Peter's breathing slowed again.

"What the hell just happened," he gasped as he regained the to speak. "You had a panic attack, Peter," Tony said softly.

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