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Another vision came to you that night as you slept, although it seemed to be set very soon, all you saw was Peter screaming as he fought off a drone-type thing trying to give him an injection. That one seemed weird and outrageous, you woke up and just as you were about to go back to sleep, a scream echoed in your ears.

It was exactly like the one from the vision, you got up and sprinted into Peter's room, along with Tony and Captain America. Sure enough there it was. The drone thing, trying to inject Peter. Tony raised his hand, an Ironman glove attached. He shot a beam at the drone, making it hiss and crack and eventually explode and fall to the floor in pieces, if anything that seemed like overkill.

Peter looked shaken, he sat on his bed and pulled his legs up to his chest, Tony went over to him and comforted him, "we won't let them get you kid, whoever they are." Tony seemed confident, although you didn't even know if you could stop this.

You went back into your room and thought about a loophole or anyway that this 'future' didn't have to happen, but nothing stuck. Your door creaked open and you spun round, expecting to see Tony but instead, there stood Peter, "I can't sleep... can I... just sit in here with you?" He asked shyly. You patted the bed next to you, beckoning him to sit down, which he did.

His brown eyes glistened in the feint light of your lamp, for a moment trapping you in them. You snapped yourself out of it. You weren't here to fall for him, you were here to save him. He was clearly still shaken, he looked jittery and scared. Wind howled outside, startling him, without hesitation you grabbed his hand, "it's ok," You said softly, gently rubbing your thumb over his hand. This was ok, you could hold his hand. This wouldn't lead to anything, well you thought anyway.

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