T W E N T Y T H R E E ;

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He waved his hand and the demonic beings ran off in all different directions, attacking everything in sight, and doing a pretty good job of it. You fought off a few but they were extremely strong, nobody could fight them. "Peter can't keep up the fight much longer, his body can't handle my pure power. He is the weak part, once he's gone I will be invincible!" The demon screamed among the carnage, obviously enjoying himself.

He coughed, spitting up blood, "that's Peter, not me," he spoke, happiness and hilarity twined into his voice. Another vision hit you, Peter losing his internal battle, being cast aside to die, leaving the demon as the soul inhabitant of the body, making all his resources available... including invincibility. You couldn't let that happen. Five horrible, scary and distressing words carved themselves into your brain, "you must kill the body."

The other Avengers fought for their lives, whereas it seemed that the shadowy monsters could not reach you, or maybe something was stopping them, or someone. You knew Peter was fighting, although his night was nothing compared to that of the demon, he tried. He knew what was to come. The crack in the earth widened, seemingly flooding the entirety of hell onto the hustling streets of New York.

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