F O U R T E E N ;

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The thing controlling Peter stabbed and killed Wanda right in front of you. It was fast, it didn't even give her enough time to scream. Whatever this thing was gave Peter a moment of freedom, to see what he'd done. He screamed, waking Thor, tears rolled from his cheeks, "you- you should have let me die!" He yelled amid his distressed cries, "you should have killed me!"

Your hand was wrapped around your mouth, tears poured from your eyes, you couldn't believe that this happy teenager just turned to a demonic puppet and killed one of his best friends. "Wanda? Wanda I'm sorry, god I'm sorry!" Peter yelled, falling to the floor beside her, the grief in his voice was enough to convince anyone that he just wanted to die.

Guilt plagued him, he clutched Wanda's lifeless hand, still apologising to her corpse, sobbing uncontrollably. The thing took back control, standing Peter up and wiping away tears, "really? He was that upset?" It asked in it's low, scraping and all round terrifying voice, not even needing an answer.
Thor approached him, "Peter, this isn't you, fight i-.." he was interrupted by Peter's body ripping the knife from Wanda's neck and hurtling it towards him, hitting him swiftly in the chest, sending him flying backwards.

You'd almost forgotten that Peter had superhuman strength. Thor hit his head on the coffee table, hard. He didn't get back up, even after you yelled to him, he laid there, his nose bleeding a little.

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