T H I R T E E N ;

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It was a warm morning when you sat in the kitchen with Wanda and Thor who was asleep on the couch, you sipped a coffee at the counter and chatted with Wanda. You didn't usually drink it but it's apparently good for lack of sleep and if that's true, you'd drink it no matter what it tasted like. It had been three days since anything had happened to Peter, but those days were bliss. He walked into the kitchen and started making himself breakfast, chatting to you and Wanda as he did.

You smiled softly at Peter, he was happy, and because of that everyone else had been too. "Want anything to eat Y/N?" He asked you, opening the cupboard, "nah... I'm all good, Pete, thanks though," you smiled, you were quite content to just watch him happily joke with people. He wasn't sad or upset, just Peter. Until whatever was inside him saw him open the draw full of utensils, like knives.

A sullen and stiff demeanour overcame Peter, he reached into the draw, pulling out the largest knife in there. He fought it, coming back to the surface of his consciousness, "what the hell..." he gasped, shaking. He lost control again, the sadistic and purely evil look returned to his eyes, he took a step towards Wanda. "Peter, what are you doing?" She asked, not even expecting what was to come.

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