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Chapter 2 : who that s guy?

"Are you ok?did he hurt you?"
Ask one of student girl in her class.

"Im ok.But who that boy?why he like that?"
Ask ShenYue back to that girl.

"Oh that good.Thats boy name Dylan Wang.He is leader of F4 in this school.By the way,my name is XiaoYou.Nice to meet you" XiaoYou stretch her hand to shake ShenYue hands.

"Nice to meet you to XiaoYou.XiaoYou, you can speak chinese.I can understand"
Reply ShenYue with smile.

"Ok" XiaoYou short reply.

"By the way, what is F4?"
Ask ShenYue with confuse face.

"Do you not know F4?.Really??"

"No, thats why i ask you and for you information i just transfer in this state this week. So normal to me not know it"

"F4 made from 4 student that really clever, handsome and rich family. But without their rich background family, they already made million dolar with their brain only in the young age. Not so many people in the world can challenge them. And the loser will pay the embarassed punishment like eat the raw egg, naked in the middle school or dance pool without using anything. They also very tall. Average height maybe about 185cm or 186cm."

"Ok...But who are F4?"

"Oh sorry, im forget to introduce you to F4. Leader F4 name Dylan Wang. I think you know who it is. Yes, he sit beside you in that desk. Be careful YueYue. His right hand name CaesarWu. He look little need like you when he put his spec , but dont melt with his appearance. Because what i know he is playboy.
Third, his enemy in friend is DarrenChen. Why i say enemy in friend. Because they always argue for something that not important like who better in wink or who the fastest walk.Lastly, ConnorLeong. Chearish person but when he mad, its not joke. Even Dylan and Darren afraid of him when he mad. Like to sweet talking with girls and many of them just agree to what he say"

 Like to sweet talking with girls and many of them just agree to what he say"-XiaoYou

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"But XiaoYou. Why this school not throw out student like he?"
-Ask Shen Yue

"You mean throw out Dylan and the gang from this school? Its impossible"

Question reply by question

ShenYue nodded his head. Weird with the rule that not throw out student with bad behaviour and like to bully like Dylan.

"But why impossible? Sorry, many question.I just curious why you are so afraid with this F4"

"Because their family has the biggerst share in this school. Without their share, this school will face so many problem like financial trouble"
-XiaoYou sigh

"Thats why, no one brave to challenge them?"

"Not just like that. No one brave to challenge them because they will make the student throw out from this school or die"

"What?????? Die? Really?"
-ShenYue so shocked with that news

"Yes, that what i hear before i enter this school. Some student make them angry and after that he missing. No one doesnt know where are that student. Missing like he never in this world. No detection where he is. And finally, they found his dead body in the old factory"

"No evidence?"

"All evidence has been abolished. Theit family is very powerful here.They will cover the mistakes made by their children." Call XiaoYou again.

Shen Yue shuggle in fear when reminded the warning raised by Kai for a while. XiaoYou look Shenyue like something wrong somewhere.

"Im ok, but....."
Answer ShenYue not done


Shenyue tell what happen to XiaoYou, What Dylan told her. XiaoYou just nodded her head, sympathy with her fate. She want to help but she  cant do anything to help ShenYue confront Dylan.

"I hope you be extra careful with him.Now you know who him and his gang. Avoid him if you can"
-XiaoYou say before she left Shenyue with hanging emotional.

"Omg... what happen to me next??
im done"
-ShenYue sigh alone in her class

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