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chapter 16

"What his condition now? He ok right?" her heart pounding with the answer that will be told by the doctor infront of her now.

"I hope you are patient. He in a coma now. He loses many blood and our hospital lack of blood for now. We will try our best to save him" said the Doctor named Jimin.

YueYue immedietly fall from Yitian hug. She doesn't strong to hear anything after hear Dylan condition. That cry never stop in her eyes and more heavy when she hear that news. His ge try to persuade her, but failed. She want Dylan in good condition not like this.

After her ge put her in one of the hills/chair in the hospital, she saw her gege walking to the doctor's room. She wanted to accompany Dylan, but her feet were very weak to walk even though it was only take one step she will fall in the floor back.

After 15 minutes...

"Where are you going just now, ge?"
Ask YueYue to Yitian.

"Ge went to doctor room to donated blood for Dylan.  He A and our blood group AB.(i dont know what actually their blood group. So i just write it). I already ask doctor about this and doctor say ge can donate blood to Dylan. And I have good news to you. Want hear or not?"
Said Yitian while holding her hand

"Good news? About what?"
Ask YueYue back to Yitian

"Hmm, Dylan wake up already"
Answer Yitian briefly with his 100000 watt smile.

"Ha ?Really?"tanyaku dengan terkejut dan campur gembira.

"Ha? Really?"
Ask YueYue with mixed feeling.
Excited plus surprise.

"Yes, honey want to meet him or not? If you want, join me. I want to meet him too"
Ask Yitian with smile

"Yeah, i will follow you. Love you Ge"
Reply YueYue with happy face

"Love you too,honey"
Yitian hug his younger sister

She only giggle in the hug. Her body automatic feel warm went her ge hug her with full of love.

"Honey look like kid now"
Yitian said still hug YueYue in his arm while smile.

"Well just for you"
YueYue laugh again but slow laugh because she realised that they in hospital now.

Many people see our behavior. They just ignore them and continue what they do. For them, it's not wrong. Because they are siblings not couple or so whatever. Not wrong when meimei hug her gege. In YueYue mind now, she want see Dylan smile back. Only that no more.

In the ward

YueYue cry and run to hug Dylan

Dylan smile and hug YueYue back. He swaps her tears in the cheek with his thumbs.

"Baby, stop crying please. I don't want see you cry like this. My heart hurt when see you cry. Please..."
Dylan pleading

"But.... hubby like this because of me.. I'm sorry "
YueYue cry again

"It's ok baby. I'm fine now. Please don't cry"
Dylan pat YueYue slowly and give smile to her.

ShenYue finally stop cry and started to smile back. His hand and YueYue hand never off from each other. They enterwined their hand together with happy face and smile in their face.

He doesn't realised that not only him and her at the room now. Yitian just take a seat near the table, because of his(Dylan) focus only in YueYue, he doesn't realised that Yitian also in this room, watch what they doing right now. He just realised when YueYue move her body and sit beside Yitian in the sofa.

"Baby, what he doing at here?"
Ask Dylan while his finger show direct to Yitian.

"Hmmm.....actually, Yitian ge is baby gege"
Answer YueYue with guilty face.

Yitian just look Dylan face with stone face, no reaction at all. Like YueYue face when he first meet with her. He just look like doomed person, still in the daze.

"But why he confess he is your boyfriend?"
Ask Dylan again

"Ermmm because...."
YueYue want to reply his question but her word doesn't finish when her brother cut it in the middle of sentences.

"This because i want give you some lesson. Why? because you hurt my younger sister heart. In my family, no one can hurt our YueYue. Hurt once ,that person will confront one of us. You lucky because you only meet me not my others siblings. If you meet my brother, i don't know what will happen to you now, maybe not in ward but in the sand(die). Who know what will our brother do to you. No one can stop him. Remember that!"
Yitian said while he go near to Dylan with smirk in his face

No word come out from Dylan mouth. He just listen what Yitian said. He still shock with the news he get and that threaten make his body stiff.

YueYue look Yitian with pleading eyes. He know what YueYue want now. She want little space with Dylan alone. He understand it and just nod his head.

But before he out from that room, he says "Remember, if you play or hurt YueYue heart again. I will search you untill worm hole. And i'm not alone. Be ready for you funeral"
After that he walk left YueYue and Dylan in that room.

The situation in ward become awkawrd after Yitian left. No one speak, they just keep quiet until finally Dylan speak again.

"Baby, i'm sorry.. Hubby can't live without you anymore. I'm so regret.
Please baby,accept me back.I really love you"
Said Dylan while holding YueYue hands. She realised that in Dylan's eyes have tears that already want to drop to his cheek. Dylan cry again infront of YueYue.

"Love you too hubby"
YueYue hug Dylan and she cry too. After 2-5minute they cry in their hug, finally YueYue distant a bit her body from Dylan body. She swap his tears with her thumbs and smile.

"Baby gege so scary"
Thats first word Dylan said after he stop cry.

"Well, he love me. What can baby do"
Reply YueYue with small laugh

"How many sibling baby have?"
Ask Dylan again

"Secret. And you must know, baby only daughter in baby family. So they love me more than anything. You see one of my siblings right. Who know in the future, when you hurt me, another baby siblings will confront you hard than this"
Reply YueYue with smile

"I'm done"
Dylan shake his head

Thats only one just confront him and make him shivered(gigil), imagine another sibling will gang up together to confront him?? Just imagine it make Dylan scared, what will happen to him when the accident really happen to him in the future?

She was only able to laugh only seeing his behavior. Yeah, she admit that her siblings is scary sometimes. Their patient were thin and they always release the anger by hitting or punched wall's home untill  it was cracked and sometimes until breaking. This behaviour very badly and often scolded by her parents because damage their home.

This is not the end...
What happen next only god and waiter know it...
See you again in next chapter...
Goodnite to all readers....

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